TetGen example: Athene

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Athene (also spelled Athena), an ancient Greek God, is the patron of wisdom, military victory, and women's crafts. She is also known as Tritogeneia and Minerva (Roman) and is also called Pallas Athene. Her attributes in iconography include the aegis (a fringed cloak, sometimes decorated with a Gorgon's head), the helmet, and the spear.

The input surface mesh, 14925 nodes, 29708 triangles.

I got the source data freely from Inria (use "athene" as the search text). However, it is not in a state that can be meshed because the surface mesh was not closed. The one in the above model was patched by me with several additional triangles for the clossness.

The constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization, 25689 nodes, 84457 tetrahedra, and 51236 boundary faces.

The constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization, same as above, a closed view.

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