Giulio Schimperna (Università di Pavia)
We will present some mathematical results for a new model coupling the Cahn-Hilllard system with an evolutionary equation describing the active (chemotactic) transport of a chemical species influencing the phase separation process. Specifically, the model may arise in connection with tumor growth processes; mathematically speaking, it may be interesting in itself as it provides a new coupling between a Keller-Segel-like relation (the equation describing the evolution of the concentration of the chemical substance) and a fourth order (rather than a second order as in most models for chemotaxis) evolutionary system. Our main result will be devoted to proving existence of weak solutions in the case when the chemotaxis sensitivity function has a controlled growth at infinity; a particular emphasis will be given to discussing the occurrence of critical exponents and to presenting a regularization scheme compatible with the a-priori estimates. Moreover, we will discuss an extension of the model where the effects of a macroscopic velocity flow of Brinkman type are taken into account and analyze the Darcy limit regime. Finally, referring to the (more difficult) case of linear chemotactic sensitivity we will shortly present some work in progress, in collaboration with Elisabetta Rocca (Pavia) and Robert Lasarzik (WIAS), related to the existence of very weak solutions as well as weak-strong uniqueness.