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SFB 787 "Halbleiter-Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelemente"Subproject B4: Multi-Dimensional Modeling and Simulation of Electrically Pumped Semiconductor-Based Emitters |
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Project Heads: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Uwe Bandelow, Dr. Thomas Koprucki, Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke , Priv.-Doz. Dr. Frank Schmidt (ZIB)Investigators: Dr. Nella Rotundo, M.Sc. Markus Kantner
Dr. Thomas Koprucki (4/2008 - 12/2015), Dipl.-Phys. Alexander Wilms (7/2009 - 12/2012), Dr. Paul Racec (4/2008 - 6/2009)
Research topics
Quantum dot based single-photon sources
Single-photon sources (SPSs) based on single semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are key components for many applications in secure data transmission (quantum communication networks) and for optical quantum computing. A mathematical model for the description of electrically driven SPSs constitutes a quantum-classical coupling problem: It requires the self-consistent embedding of an open quantum system (describing the microscopic QD physics using quantum master equations in Lindblad from) into a spatially resolved carrier transport model. Such a hybrid model has been developed in a joint effort of RG 2 and RG 1. Moreover, SPSs are typically operated under extreme conditions (ultra-low temperatures), which lead to strong degeneration effects in the electron-hole plasma and impose exceptional challenges to the implementation of robust numerical algorithms. In a collaboration within the SFB 787 the numerical simulations have already yielded significant contributions towards the enhancement of particular devices developed at TU Berlin.
Multi-dimensional modeling of VCSELsIn this project between WIAS and ZIB there will be developed, analyzed and implemented numerically semiclassical models for 3D VCSELs. The aim is an efficient simulation for VCSELs with complex 3D structure, in order to get a deeper insight in their functionality and to understand the interplay between different physical phenomena at this scale. The challenge will be to construct a hierarchy of models for a self consistent description of charge transport, temperature distribution and optical fields, and the implementation of these models in efficient simulation tools.
Gradient systemsThe classical energy-drift-diffusion models for temperature and carrier transport in optoelectronic devices need to be coupled via hybrid modeling in the active region to quantum mechanical based microscopic models for the embedded low-dimensional nanostructures. Such type of models have been developed, e.g. a multi-species model for QD lasers, replacing the classical 3D drift-diffusion on the whole device. A mathematical analysis of this approach is needed to support the implementation in the electronic solver. We are aiming on consistent mathematical modeling for these extended energy-drift-diffusion systems by thermodynamic principles, such as the GENERIC framework and generalized gradient flows.
Refereed Articles
M. Kantner, U. Bandelow, Th. Koprucki, J.-H. Schulze, A. Strittmatter, H.-J. Wünsche,
"Efficient Current Injection Into Single Quantum Dots Through Oxide-Confined p-n-Diodes",
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 63 (2016), pp. 2036-2042. -
D. Peschka, M. Thomas, A. Glitzky, R. Nürnberg, M. Virgilio, S. Guha, T. Schroeder, G. Capellini, Th. Koprucki,
"Robustness analysis of a device concept for edge-emitting lasers based on strained germanium",
Opt. Quantum Electron., 48:156 (2016). -
Th. Koprucki, N. Rotundo, P. Farrell, D.H. Doan, J. Fuhrmann,
"On thermodynamic consistency of a Scharfetter-Gummel scheme based on a modified thermal voltage for drift-diffusion equations with diffusion enhancement",
Opt. Quantum Electron., 47 (2015) pp. 1327-1332. -
D. Peschka, M. Thomas, A. Glitzky, R. Nürnberg, K. Gärtner, M. Virgilio, S. Guha, T. Schroeder, G. Capellini, Th. Koprucki,
"Modeling of Edge-Emitting Lasers Based on Tensile Strained Germanium Microstrips",
IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (2015) Art.-Id 1502115. -
A. Fischer, Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner, M.L. Tietze, J. Brückner, B. Lüssem,
K. Leo, A. Glitzky, R. Scholz,
"Feel the heat: Nonlinear electrothermal feedback in Organic LEDs",
Adv. Funct. Mater., 24 (2014) pp. 3367-3374. -
A. Pimenov, V.Z. Tronciu, U. Bandelow, A.G. Vladimirov,
"Dynamical regimes of multi-stripe laser array with external off-axis feedback,
J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B Opt. Phys., 30 (2013) pp. 1606-1613. -
Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner,
"Discretization scheme for drift-diffusion equations with strong diffusion enhancement",
Opt. Quantum Electron., 45 (2013), pp. 791-796. - A. Fischer, P. Pahner, B. Lüssem, K. Leo, R. Scholz, Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner, A. Glitzky,
"Self-heating, bistability, and thermal switching in organic semiconductors",
Phys. Rev. Lett., 110 (2013) pp. 126601/1-126601/5. -
A. Wilms, P. Mathé, F. Schulze, Th. Koprucki, A. Knorr, U. Bandelow,
"Influence of the carrier reservoir dimensionality on electron-electron scattering in quantum dot materials",
Phys. Rev. B., 88 (2013) pp. 235421/1-235421/11. - A. Fischer, P. Pahner, B. Lüssem, K. Leo, R. Scholz, Th. Koprucki, J. Fuhrmann,
K. Gärtner, A. Glitzky,
"Self-heating effects in organic semiconductor crossbar structures with small active area",
Organic Electronics, 13 (2012) pp. 2461-2468.. -
A. Wilms, D. Breddermann, P. Mathé,
"Theory of direct capture from two- and three-dimensional reservoirs to quantum dot states",
Phys. Status Solidi C, 9 (2012) pp. 1278-1281. -
Th. Koprucki, A. Wilms, A. Knorr, U. Bandelow,
"Modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb effects",
Opt. Quantum Electron., 42 (2011) pp. 777-783. -
J.-E. Kim, M.-R. Dachner, A. Wilms, M. Richter, E. Malic,
"Microscopic study of relaxation oscillations in quantum-dot VCSELs",
Photon. Nanostruct. Fund. Appl., 9 (2011) pp. 337-344. - A. Mielke,
"A gradient structure for reaction-diffusion systems and for energy-drift-diffusion systems",
Nonlinearity, 24 (2011) pp. 1329-1346. - I. Babushkin, U. Bandelow, A. Vladimirov,
"Rotational symmetry breaking in small-area circular vertical cavity surface emitting lasers",
Opt. Commun., 284 (2011) pp. 1299-1302. - E. R. Racec, U. Wulf, P. N. Racec,
"Fano Regime of Transport Through Open Quantum Dots",
Phys. Rev. B 82, 085313 (2010) [16 pages].
Selected in Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech. 22, (23 aug. 2010). - J.-E. Kim, E. Malic, M. Richter, A. Wilms and A. Knorr
"Maxwell-Bloch Equation Approach for Describing the Microscopic Dynamics of Quantum-Dot Surface-Emitting Structures",
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 46, 1115-1126 (2010) -
M.-R. Dachner, E. Malic, M. Richter, A. Carmele, J. Kabuss, A. Wilms, J.-E.
Kim, G. Hartmann, J. Wolters, U. Bandelow, A. Knorr.
"Theory of carrier and photon dynamics in quantum dot light emitters",
Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 809-828 (2010) - P. N. Racec, E. R. Racec and Hagen Neidhardt
"Evanescent channels and scattering in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures",
Phys. Rev. B 79, 155305 (14 pages) (2009) - K. Gärtner
"Existence of bounded discrete steady-state solutions of the van Roosbroeck system on boundary conforming Delaunay grids"
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 31, 1347-1362 (2009) - M. Radziunas, V. Tronciu, U. Bandelow, M. Lichtner,
M. Spreemann, H. Wenzel,
"Mode transitions in distributed-feedback tapered master-oscillator power-amplifier: theory and experiments",
Opt. Quantum Electron. 40, 1103-1109 (2009) - M. Spreemann, M. Lichtner, M. Radziunas, U. Bandelow, H. Wenzel
"Measurement and Simulation of Distributed-Feedback Tapered Master-Oscillators Power-Amplifiers",
IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 45, 609-616 (2009)
Proceedings & Collected Editions
- A. Mielke,
"On thermodynamical couplings of quantum mechanics and macroscopic systems",
in: Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Procc. of the QMath12 Conference, P. Exner, W. König, H. Neidhardt, eds., World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2015, pp. 331-348. -
S. Amiranashvili, U. Bandelow, M. Blome, S. Burger, F. Schmidt, K. Schmidt, L. Zschiedrich,
"Nanophotonics and nonlinear fiber optics", in MATHEON-Mathematics for Key Technologies, Vol.1, P. Deuflhard, et al. (Eds.), European Mathematical Society, 2014, pp. 257-275. - M. Kantner, Th. Koprucki, H.-J. Wünsche,
Numerical simulation and optimization of electrical resistance in distributed Bragg reflectors,
in: Proc. of the International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop, iNOW'2014, Luga and St. Petersburg, Russia,
C. Chang-Hasnain, Z.I. Alferov, V.G. Dubrovskii, eds., August 11-22, 2014, pp. 89--90. - U. Bandelow, Th. Koprucki, H.-J. Wünsche,
Dynamics of classical optical fields in semiconductor lasers,
in: Proc. of the International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop, iNOW'2014, Luga and St. Petersburg, Russia,
C. Chang-Hasnain, Z.I. Alferov, V.G. Dubrovskii, eds., August 11-22, 2014, pp. 13--14. - Th. Koprucki, M. Kantner, J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner,
"On modifications of the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme for drift-diffusion equations with Fermi-like statistical distribution functions",
in: Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 14th International Conference on,
J. Piprek, J. Javaloyes, eds., IEEE Conference Publications, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2014, pp. 155-156. - U. Bandelow, Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner, A. Wilms, A. Mielke,
"Comprehensive mathematical modeling and simulation of semiconductor lasers",
in: Proceedings of the 2013 International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW2013), Cargèse, France,
August 18-30, 2013, pp. A7-A8. - Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner,
"Generalization of the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme",
in: Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 13th International Conference on,
J. Piprek, L. Chrostowski, eds., IEEE Conference Publications, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2013, pp. 85-86. - A. Glitzky, K. Gärtner, J. Fuhrmann, Th. Koprucki, A. Fischer, B. Lüssem, K. Leo, R. Scholz,
"Electro-thermal modeling of organic semiconductors describing negative differential resistance induced by self-heating",
in: Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 13th International Conference on,
J. Piprek, L. Chrostowski, eds., IEEE Conference Publications, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2013, pp. 77-78. - A. Mielke,
"Dissipative quantum mechanics using GENERIC",
Proc. of the conference on Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems, vol. 35 of Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Springer, 2013, pp. 555-585. - Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner,
"Discretization scheme for drift-diffusion equations with strong diffusion enhancement",
in: Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 12th International Conference on,
J. Piprek, W. Lu, eds., IEEE Conference Publications, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2012, pp. 103-104. - J. E. Kim, E. Malic, M. Richter, A. Wilms, A. Knorr,
"Microscopic Description Of Quantum-Dot Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) Using Maxwell-Bloch Equations"
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1399, 1021-1022 (2011). - U. Bandelow, Th. Koprucki, A. Wilms, A. Knorr,
"Multi-species modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb scattering",
in: Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 10th International Conference on,
J. Piprek, B. Klein, D. Yoder, eds., IEEE Conference Publications, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2010, pp. 59-60.
- P. Farrell, TH. Koprucki, J. Fuhrmann,
"Computational and analytical comparison of flux discretizations for the semiconductor device equations beyond Boltzmann statistics",
Preprint no. 2331, WIAS, Berlin, 2016. - L. Heltai, N. Rotundo,
"Error estimates in weighted Sobolev norms for finite element immersed interface methods",
Preprint no. 2323, WIAS, Berlin, 2016. - M. Mittnenzweig, A. Mielke,
"An entropic gradient structure for Lindblad equations and GENERIC for quantum systems coupled to macroscopic models",
Preprint no. 2320, WIAS, Berlin, 2016. - A. Mielke, D. Peschka, N. Rotundo, M. Thomas
"Gradient structure for optoelectronic models of semiconductors",
Preprint no. 2317, WIAS, Berlin, 2016. - M. Kantner, Th. Koprucki,
"Numerical simulation of carrier transport in semiconductor devices at cryogenic temperatures",
Preprint no. 2296, WIAS, Berlin, 2016. - Th. Koprucki, K. Tabelow,
"Mathematical models: A research data category?",
Preprint no. 2267, WIAS, Berlin, 2016. - P. Farrell, N. Rotundo, D.H. Doan, M. Kantner, J. Fuhrmann, Th. Koprucki,
"Numerical methods for drift-diffusion models",
Preprint no. 2263, WIAS, Berlin, 2016. - M. Kantner, U. Bandelow, Th. Koprucki, J.-H. Schulze, A. Strittmatter, H.-J. Wünsche,
"Efficient current injection into single quantum dots through oxide-confined pn-diodes",
Preprint no. 2169, WIAS, Berlin, 2015. - M. Liero, Th. Koprucki, A. Fischer, R. Scholz, A. Glitzky,
"p-Laplace thermistor modeling of electrothermal feedback in organic semiconductors",
Preprint no. 2082, WIAS, Berlin, 2015.
- A. Wilms
Coulomb induced interplay of localized and reservoir carriers in semiconductor quantum dots.
Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät II - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, 2012. - U. Bandelow
"Advanced Mathematical Modeling of Nonlinear Optoelectronic and Photonic Components",
Habilitation Thesis, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Mat.-Nat. Faculty I (2009) - T. Koprucki.
Zu kp-Schrödingeroperatoren.
Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, 2008.
Invited talks
N. Rotundo,
"Thermodynamic modeling of optoelectronic semiconductor devices",
SEMODAY2016, November 17th-18th 2016. Florence, Italy. -
N. Rotundo,
"Numerical Methods for Drift-Diffusion Models ",
University of Greifswald, Department of Mathematics. Greifswald, Germany.
June 28, 2016. -
N. Rotundo,
"On some extension of energy-drift-diffusion models",
European Conference on Mathematics for Industry ECMI 2016. June 13-17, 2016, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. -
A. Mielke,
"On entropic gradient structures for classical and quantum Markov processes with detailed balance",
Internal Analysis Seminar, Imperial College London, Department of Mathematics, London, GB, May 11, 2016 -
A. Mielke,
"Geometrical approaches at and for theoretical and applied mechanics",
Phil Holmes Retirement Celebration, Princeton University, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New York, USA October 8, 2015 - U. Bandelow,
"Dynamics of classical optical fields in semiconductor lasers",
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop, iNOW'2014, Luga and St. Petersburg, Russia, August 11-22, 2014. - U. Bandelow,
"Modeling and simulation of semiconductor lasers for high speed applications,
The Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Haifa, Israel, November 20, 2013. - Th. Koprucki,
"Generalization of the Scharfetter--Gummel scheme",
13th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2013), Vancouver, Canada, August 19 - 22, 2013. - U. Bandelow,
"Comprehensive mathematical modeling and simulation of semiconductor lasers",
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW2013), Cargèse, France, August 18-30, 2013. - U. Bandelow,
"Semiconductor lasers for high speed applications: Modeling and simulation,
Technische Universitä Wien, Institut für Photonik, Austria, June 7, 2013. - Th. Koprucki,
"Discretization scheme for drift-diffusion equations with a generalized Einstein relation",
Matheon Workshop ``6th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices", Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, Berlin, February 21-22, 2013. - A. Mielke,
"Gradient structures for reaction-diffusion systems and semiconductor models with interface dynamics",
International Conference on Evolution Equations, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathematik, Schmitten, Germany, October 11-14, 2010. - A. Mielke,
"Gradient structures for reaction-diffusion systems and semiconductor equations", GAMM 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany, March 24, 2010. - P. N. Racec,
"Scattering theory in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures",
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Theory Group "Nonequilibrium Many-Body Systems", Prof. Dr. J. Berakdar, Dec. 7, 2009 -
U. Bandelow,
"Semiconductor Laser Instabilities and Dynamics"-- short course,
9th Intl. Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices NUSOD'09, Gwangdju, Südkorea, September 15, 2009 -
U. Bandelow,
"3D Semiclassical Multi-Species Modeling of QD-Lasers"
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (INOW 2009), August 2-15, 2009, Grand Hotel, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm and Technische Universität Berlin. - P.N. Racec,
"Evanescent channels and scattering in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures",
Physikalisches Kolloquium, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, April 14, 2009. - P. N. Racec,
"Quantum transport in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures",
Workshop on "Mathematical Aspects of Transport in Mesoscopic Systems", December 4-7, 2008,
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland -
U. Bandelow,
"Modeling and Analysis of Master-Oscillator Power-Amplifier Semiconductor Lasers",
University of Washington, Seattle, October 16, 2008 - Klaus Gärtner,
"The van Roosbroeck system, its mathematical properties and use in device simulation tools",
Pixel 2008 Workshop, 23-26 September 2008, Fermilab, Batavia, IL -
U. Bandelow, M. Lichtner, M. Radziunas, M. Spreemann, H. Wenzel
"Dynamic simulation of high brightness semiconductor lasers",
8th Intl. Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices NUSOD'08, University of Nottingham, UK, September 2, 2008 - P. N. Racec,
"Electrical transport through quantum systems with non-separable scattering potential", June 20, 2008.
University of Iceland, Science Institute, Reykjavik, Visiting:June 15-22, 2008, -
Th. Koprucki,
"Band gap estimates for kp-Schrödinger operators",
Université de Rennes, Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes, France, May 19--23, 2008. - P. N. Racec,
"Modeling of nanowire transistor", May 8, 2008.
National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest, Romania, Visiting:May 7-14, 2008, -
U. Bandelow,
"Modellierung und Simulation von Halbleiterlaser",
Graduate College of SFB 787, Graal-Müritz, 2008
Th. Koprucki,
"On modifications of the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme for drift-diffusion e quations with Fermi-like statistical distribution functions",
14th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2014), September 1 - 5, 2014, Balearic Islands University (UIB), Palma de Mallorca, Spain. -
Th. Koprucki,
"Device-Simulation: Mathematische Fragestellungen und Numerik",
Block-Seminar des SFB 787 ``Nanophotonik'', May 21 - 23, 2014, , Graal-Müritz. -
U. Bandelow,
"Dynamics of optical fields in semiconductor lasers",
International Workshop ''Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Optical Modes in Photonic Devices'' MASOMO'13,
WIAS Berlin, April 10-12, 2013. -
Th. Koprucki,
"Generalization of the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme",
Organic Photovoltaics Workshop 2013, December 10 - 11, 2013, University of Oxford, Mathematical Insitute, UK. -
A. Mielke,
"Multidimensional modeling and simulation of optoelectronic devices",
Challenge Workshop "Modeling, Simulation and Optimisation Tools 2012" (MSO Tools 2012), September 24 - 26, 2012, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.. -
Th. Koprucki,
"Semi-classical modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb scattering",
International Workshop ``Mathematics for Semiconductor Heterostructures: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerics'', WIAS Berlin, September 24 - 28, 2012. -
Th. Koprucki,
"Discretization scheme for drift-diffusion equations with strong diffusion enhancement",
12th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices NUSOD'12, Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Institute for Technical Physics, August 28 - 31, 2012. -
A. Mielke,
"Mathematische und thermodynamische Modellierung von Halbleiterstrukturen",
Block-Seminar des SFB 787 ``Nanophotonik'', May 6 - 8, 2013, , Graal-Müritz. -
U. Bandelow,
"Mathematical modeling and simulation of semiconductor lasers",
Block Seminar of SFB 787 School of Nanophotonics, May 13 - 16, 2012, Graal-Müritz, 2012. -
Th. Koprucki,
"On coupling of optical models with electronic models for simulation of quantum-dot VCSELs",
5th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices, February 23-24, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin, 2012. -
U. Bandelow,
"Modeling the dynamics of three-dimensional optical fields in semiconductor laser",
Matheon Workshop ''4th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices'', Zuse Institute Berlin, February 18, 2011. -
Th. Koprucki,
"Semi-classical modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb scattering",
Workshop ''Mathematical Challenges of Quantum Transport in Nano-Optoelectronic Systems'', February 4 - 5, 2011, WIAS Berlin. -
A. Wilms,
"Theory of Coulomb scattering in semiconductor quantum dot lasers",
Workshop ''Mathematical Challenges of Quantum Transport in Nano-Optoelectronic Systems'', February 4 - 5, 2011, WIAS Berlin. - Th. Koprucki,
"Multi-species modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb scattering",
10th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD) 2010, September 6-9, 2010, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 2010. - Th. Koprucki,
"Semi-classical modeling of quantum dot lasers with microscopic treatment of Coulomb scattering",
Universität Bremen, Institut für Theoretische Physik, February 23, 2011. - P.N. Racec,
"Scattering in cylindrical heterostructures",
Joint IFIN-HH, ICTP, IAEA Workshop ``Trends in Nanoscience: Theory, Experiments, Technology'', August 23-30, 2009, Sibiu, Romania. - P.N. Racec,
"Quantum transport in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures: The scattering problem",
Forschungsgruppenseminar, Paul--Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Abteilung Epitaxie, Berlin, May 13, 2009. - P. N. Racec,
"Evanescent channels and scattering in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures",
DPG - Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Dresden, March 22-27, 2009. -
Th. Koprucki,
"Spektraleigenschaften von kp-Schrödingeroperatoren",
Technische Universität Berlin, February 6, 2009. -
Th. Koprucki,
"Modeling of electronic states in semiconductor nanostructures --- kp-method and envelope function approximation",
Technische Universität Berlin, June 10, 2008. -
U. Bandelow,
"Modelling and optimization of externally driven and hybrid mode-locked lasers",
Matheon Center Days, TU Berlin, Germany, April 9, 2008 -
U. Bandelow,
"Quantum-Classical Coupling in Multi-Quantum Well Lasers",
Workshop ''Mathematical Models for Transport in Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Systems'' (MESOTRANS), WIAS Berlin, February 8, 2008 -
V. Tronciu, M. Lichtner, M. Radziunas, U. Bandelow, H. Wenzel
"Improving the stability of distributed-feedback tapered master-oscillator power-amplifiers",
9th Intl. Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices NUSOD'09, Gwangdju, Süudkorea, September 15, 2009 - M. Lichtner, M. Radziunas, U. Bandelow, M. Spreemann, H. Wenzel
"Dynamic simulation of high brightness semiconductor lasers",
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD '08, Ed. J. Piprek AND E. Larkins, p. 65-66, (2008)
- M. Kantner, Th. Koprucki, H.-J. Wünsche,
"Numerical simulation and optimization of electrical resistance in distributed Bragg reflectors",
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop, iNOW'2014, Luga and St. Petersburg, Russia, August 11-22, 2014. -
Th. Koprucki, K. Gärtner, A. Wilms, U. Bandelow, A. Mielke,
"Multidimensional modeling and simulation of quantum-dot lasers",
Fachtagung Leibniz-Nano (1. Nanotechnologie-Workshop der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft), Berlin, January 30 - 31, 2012. -
A. Wilms, A. Schliwa, Th. Koprucki, D. Breddermann, P. Mathé, A. Knorr, U. Bandelow,
"Theory of Coulomb scattering from two- and three-dimensional reservoirs to quantum dot states",
11th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures (PLMCN11), Berlin, April 6, 2011. -
P. N. Racec,
"Scattering states in cylindrical nanowire heterostructures"
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (INOW 2009), August 2-15, 2009, Grand Hotel, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm and Technische Universität Berlin. -
Th. Koprucki,
International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (INOW 2009), August 2-15, 2009, Grand Hotel, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm and Technische Universität Berlin.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Knorr, Technical University Berlin
Prof. Dr. Stefan Reitzenstein, Technical University Berlin
Last modified: Monday 16th Jan 2017 CET Nella Rotundo