Matheon - F10: Image and signal processing in the biomedical sciences: diffusion weighted imaging - modeling and beyond
- K. Tabelow and B. Whitcher (eds.) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in R Special Volume 44 of Journal of Statistical Software (2011).
Selection of Recent Publications
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, Structural Adaptive Smoothing: Principles and Applications in "Mathematical Methods for Signal and Image Analysis and Representation" Florack, L. and Duits, R. and Jongbloed, G. and van Lieshout, M.-C. and Davies, L. (eds.), Springer (2012).
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl, Modeling the orientation distribution function by mixtures of angular central Gaussian distributions, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 203(1) 200-211 (2012).
- K. Tabelow, J.D. Clayden, P. Lafaye DE Micheaux, J. Polzehl, V.J. Schmid, B. Whitcher, Image analysis and statistical inference in neuroimaging with R, NeuroImage, 55 1686-1693 (2011).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, Statistical parametric maps for functional MRI experiments in R: The package fmri, J. Statist. Software, 44 1-21 (2011).
- J. Bardin, J. Fins, D. Katz, J. Hersh, L. Heier, K. Tabelow, J. Dyke, D. Ballon, N. Schiff, and H.U. Voss, Dissociations between behavioral and fMRI-based evaluations of cognitive function after brain injury, Brain, 134 769-782 (2011).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow, Beyond the Gaussian model in diffussion-weighted imaging: The package dti, J. Statist. Software, 44, 1-26 (2011).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive segmentation of statistical parametric mapping., NeuroImage 52(2), 515-523 (2010).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in diffusion tensor imaging: The R package dti., Journal of Statistical Software 31, 1-23 (2009).
- K. Tabelow, V. Piech, J. Polzehl, and H.U. Voss. High-resolution fMRI: Overcoming the signal-to-noise problem., Journal of Neuroscience Methods 178(2), 357-365 (2009)
- V. Katkovnik and V. Spokoiny. Spatially adaptive estimation via fitted local likelihood techniques. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56(3) 873-886 (2008)
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss, and V. Spokoiny. Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Structural adaptive smoothing., NeuroImage 39(4), 1763-1773 (2008).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, A. M. Ulug, J. P. Dyke, R. Watts, L. A. Heier, and H. U. Voss. Accurate Localization of Brain Activity in Presurgical fMRI by Structure Adaptive Smoohting, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(4), 531-537 (2008).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. fmri: A package for analyzing fmri data, RNews 7(2) 13-17 (2007).
- H.U. Voss, K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, O. Tchernichovski, K. Maul, D. Salgado-Commissariat, D. Ballon, and S.A. Helekar, Functional MRI of the zebra finch brain during song stimulation suggests a lateralized response topography, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 104(25), 10667-10672 (2007).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Adaptive smoothing of digital images: The R package adimpro., Journal of Statistical Software 19(1), (2007).
- D. Belomestny and V. Spokoiny. Spatial aggregation of local likelihood estimates with applications to classification. Annals of Statistics 25, 2287-2311 (2007).
- G. Blanchard, M. Kawanabe, M. Sugiyama, V. Spokoiny, and K.-R. Müller. In search of non-gaussian components of a high-dimensional distribution Journal of Machine Learning Research 7, 247-282 (2006)
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss, and V. Spokoiny. Analyzing fMRI experiments with structural adaptive smoothing procedures., NeuroImage 33(1), 55-62 (2006).
- J. Polzehl, and V. Spokoiny. Propagation-Separation Approach for Local Likelihood Estimation. Probab. Theory Related Fields 135:335-362 (2006)
- Goldenshluger, A. and Spokoiny, V. Recovering edges of an image from noisy tomographic data, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 52: 1322-1334 (2006).
- A. Goldenshluger and V. Spokoiny. On the shape-from-moments problem and recovering edges from noisy Radon data. Probab. Theory Related Fields, 128:123-140 (2004).
- J. Polzehl and V. Spokoiny. Functional and dynamic magnetic resonance using vector adaptive weights smoothing. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. C, 50:485-501 (2001).
- J. Polzehl and V. Spokoiny. Adaptive Weights Smoothing with applications to image restoration. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 62:335-354 (2000).
Selection of Recent Preprints
- A. Goldenshluger and V. Spokoiny. Recovering edges of an image from noisy tomographic data. WIAS-Preprint No. 909 (2004).
- J. Polzehl and V. Spokoiny. Varying coefficient regression modeling by adaptive weights smoothing. Matheon-Preprint No. 83 (2004).
- J. Polzehl, and V. Spokoiny. Spatially adaptive regression estimation: Propagation-separation approach. Matheon-Preprint No. 218 (2005).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss, and V. Spokoiny. Analyzing fMRI experiments with structural adaptive smoothing procedures. WIAS-Preprint No. 1079 (2005).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, A.M. Ulug, J.P. Dyke, R. Watts, L.A. Heier, H.U. Voss. Accurate localization of brain activity in presurgical fMRI by structure adaptive smoothing. WIAS-Preprint No. 1119 (2006).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Analyzing fMRI experiments with the fmri package in R. Version 1.0 - A users guide. WIAS-Technical Report No. 10 (2006)
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl. Adaptive smoothing of digital images: The R package adimpro. WIAS-Preprint No. 1177 (2006).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny, and H.U. Voss. Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Structural adaptive smoothing. WIAS-Preprint No. 1232 (2007).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny, and H.U. Voss. High-resolution fMRI: Overcoming the Signal-To-Noise Problem. WIAS-Preprint No. 1353 (2008).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in diffusion tensor imaging: The R package dti. WIAS-Preprint No. 1382 (2008).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing: Principles and applications in imaging. WIAS-Preprint No. 1412 (2009).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive segmentation of statistical parametric mapping. WIAS-Preprint No. 1484 (2010).
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl. Modeling the orientation distribution function by mixtures of angular central Gaussian distributions. WIAS-Preprint No. 1559 (2010).
- S. Becker, K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, A. Anwander, R.M. Heidemann, J. Polzehl, Position-orientation adaptive smoothing of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance data (POAS), WIAS-Preprint No. 1668, (2011).
Selection of recent Talks
- K. Tabelow. Spatially adaptive smoothing in fMRI analysis. NeuroImaging Center, Charite, Berlin, Nov 10, 2005
- K. Tabelow. Detecting shape and borders of activation areas in fMRI data, WIAS Berlin, Nov 23, 2005
- K. Tabelow. Adaptive weights smoothing in the analysis of fMRI data, LMU Munich, SfB 386, Dec 8, 2005
- K. Tabelow. Den Gedanken auf der Spur, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, WIAS Berlin, May 13, 2006
- K. Tabelow. Analyzing fMRI experiments with structural adaptive smoothing methods, BCCN PhD/PostDoc Symposium, Liebenwalde, June 8, 2006
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in medical imaging, Seminar "Visualisierung und Datenanalyse" ZIB , Berlin, January 30, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in medical imaging, WIAS-Day 2007, WIAS , Berlin, February 22, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive signal detection in fMRI and structure enhancement in DTI, International Workshop on Image Analysis in the Life Sciences , Linz Austria, March 2, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in medical imaging, Sitzung des wissenschaftlichen Beirates, WIAS , Berlin, March 16, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Den Gedanken auf der Spur - Bildgebende Verfahren in der Hirnforschung, Tag der Mathematik 2007, Berlin, May 5, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Structural Adaptive Smoothing Magnetic Resonance Data - Part II: Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Seminar "Modern Methods in Applied Stochastics and Nonparametric Statistics", WIAS , Berlin, May 15, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Improving data quality in fMRI and DTI by structural adaptive smoothing, Research Seminar, Biomedical Imaging Center, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, June 18, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Den Gedanken auf der Spur - Bildgebende Verfahren in der Hirnforschung, MATHEredaktiON, WIAS Berlin, September 18, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Den Gedanken auf der Spur - Bildgebende Verfahren in der Hirnforschung, Schüler-Technik-Tage, WIAS Berlin, October 10, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Statistische Verfahren in der Hirnforschung, Schülertag, WIAS Berlin, April 18, 2008
- K. Tabelow. Strukturadaptive Bild- und Signalverarbeitung, Joint Workshop Siemens Healthcare / MATHEON, TU Berlin, July 8, 2008
- K. Tabelow. Den Gedanken auf der Spur - Bildgebende Verfahren in der Hirnforschung, Schülerseminar, HU Berlin, November 11, 2008
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in fMRI and DTI, Workshop BCCN on recent developments in fMRI analysis methods, Berlin, Jamuary 23, 2009
- K. Tabelow. A3 - Image and signal processing in medicine and biosciences, A-Day, ZIB, Berlin, December 5, 2007
- K. Tabelow. Magnetresonanztomographie: EinBlick in Funktionalität und Anatomie des Gehirns, Tag der Mathematik HU Berlin, April 25, 2009
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive methods in fMRI and DTI, BIG APPLE lecture series, Weill Cornell Medical College (New York), June 25, 2009
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive methods in fMRI and DTI, FMRI-Lab sponsored lecture series, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York), June 25, 2009
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive methods in fMRI and DTI, FMRI-Lab sponsored lecture series, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterWorkshop on Novel Reconstruction Methods in NMR and MRI (Göttingen), September 11, 2010
- K. Tabelow. Geschärfte Blicke in das Gehirn, MathInside , Urania Berlin, January 18 2011
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing fMRI and DTI data, SFB Research Center ``Mathematical Optimization and Applications in Biomedical Sciences'', Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, June 8, 2011
- K. Tabelow. Modeling the orientation distribution function by mixtures of angular central Gaussian distributions , Cornell University New York, Weill Medical College, USA, June 23, 2011
- K. Tabelow. Functional MRI using fmri , The R User Conference 2011, Coventry, UK, August 15, 2011
- K. Tabelow. Diffusion weighted imaging (DTI and beyond) using dti , The R User Conference 2011, Coventry, UK, August 15, 2011
- K. Tabelow. Statistical parametric maps for functional MRI experiments in R: The package fmri , The R User Conference 2011, Coventry, UK, August 18, 2011
- K. Tabelow. Geschärfte Blicke in das Gehirn, Festveranstaltung zum 50jährigen Jubiläum , Heinrich-Hertz Gymnasium Berlin , September 23 2011
- K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing fMRI and DTI data University Maastricht September 28, 2011.
- K. Tabelow. Mathematik in der Gehirnforschung - Von der Formel zur Erkenntnis , MATHEON Reihe "Mathematik und Gesundheit", Urania Berlin, September 26, 2011
- J. Polzehl. Adaptive smoothing by propagation-separation, Australian National University, Center of Mathematics and its Applications, March 31, 2005.
- J. Polzehl. Image reconstruction and edge enhancement by structural adaptive smoothing, 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), April 8, 2005.
- J. Polzehl. Propagation-separation at work: Main ideas and applications, National University of Singapore, Department of Probability Theory and Statistics, March 24, 2005.
- J. Polzehl. Spatially adaptive smoothing: A propagation-separation approach for imaging problems, Joint Statistical Meetings, August 11, 2005.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing by propagation-separation methods, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, SFB 386, December 07, 2005.
- J. Polzehl. Statistische Verfahren zur Bildrekonstruktion und Signalerkennung in Bildzeitreihen, Philips GmbH, Medizintechnik, December 15, 2006.
- J. Polzehl. Statistische Verfahren, Bildrekonstruktion und Signalerkennung in Bildzeitreihen, November 16, 2006.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing by propagation-separation, 69th Annual Meeting of the IMS and 5th International Symposium on Probability and its Applications, July, 30, 2006.
- J. Polzehl. Propagation-separation procedures for image processing, International Workshop on Image Analysis in the Life Sciences, Theory and Applications, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, March 2, 2007.
- J. Polzehl. Structural Adaptive Smoothing Magnetic Resonance Data - Part I/II; Part I: Funtional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Seminar ``Modern Methods in Applied Stochastics and Nonparametric Statistics'', WIAS Berlin, May, 8, 2007.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing in imaging problems, Spring Seminar Series, University of Minnesota, School of Statistics, College of Liberal Arts, May, 24, 2007.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing methods, Gemeinsames Kolloquium des Fachbereichs Statistik und des SFB 475, Universität Dortmund, January 30, 2007.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing methods and related topics, Kick-off Meeting eVITA project, February 15, 2007.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing procedures by propagation-separation methods, Final meeting of the DFG Priority Program 1114, November 7, 2007.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing: Images, fMRI and DWI, Workshop on Algorithms in Complex Systems, EURANDOM, September 24, 2007.
- J. Polzehl. New developments in structural adaptive smoothing: Images, fMRI and DWI, University of Tromsoe, May 27, 2008.
- J. Polzehl. Smoothing fMRI and DWI data using the propagation-separation approach, University of Utah, Computing and Scientific Imaging Institute, September 11, 2008.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing in diffusion tensor imaging, Workshop on ``Locally Adaptive Filters in Signal and Image Processing'', EURANDOM, November 25, 2008.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing using the propagation-separation approach, University of Chicago, Department of Statistics, September 3, 2008.
- J. Polzehl. Sequential multiscale procedures for adaptive estimation, 1st IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (2009/07/01), Seoul, ROC, July 1, 2009
- J. Polzehl. Statistical problems in functional and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance, Graduate School in Mathematics and Computing, Uppsala University, Dept. of Mathematics, May 27, 2010
- J. Polzehl. Medical image analysis for structural and functional MRI, The R User Conference 2010, (2010 July 20-23), NIST, Gaithersburg, USA, July 20, 2010.
- J. Polzehl. Statistical issues in accessing brain functionality and anatomy, The R User Conference 2010, (2010 July 20-23), NIST, Gaithersburg, USA, July 22, 2010.
- J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing in neuroscience applications, Statistische Woche Nürnberg 2010, September 14-17, 2010, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, September 16, 2010.
- J. Polzehl. Statistical issues in modeling diffusion weighted magnetic resonance data , Conference on Statistics and Probability 2011 (IMS-China), Xian, China, July 7, 2011
- J. Polzehl. Modeling the orientation distribution function by mixtures of angular central Gaussian distributions , Workshop on Statistics and Neuroimaging 2011, Berlin, November 24, 2011
Extended abstracts
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny, L.A. Heier, and H.U. Voss. Accurate localization of brain activity in presurgical fMRI by structure adaptive smoothing. Proc. of the 14th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2006
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny. Analyzing fMRI experiments with structural adaptive smoothing methods. Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping 2006. NeuroImage 31/S1 (2006).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss. Increasing SNR in high resolution fMRI by spatially adaptive smoothing. Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping. NeuroImage 36/S1 (2007).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss. Reducing the number of necessary diffusion gradients by adaptive smoothing. Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping. NeuroImage 36/S1 (2007).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in diffusion tensor imaging: The R-package dti. Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping. NeuroImage 47/S1 (2009).
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing methods for high-resolution fRMI. Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping. NeuroImage 47/S1 (2009).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, S. Mohammadi, M. Deppe. Impact of smoothing on the interpretation of FA maps. Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping 2010. NeuroImage (2010).
- K. Tabelow, J. Clayden, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, J. Polzehl, V. Schmid, B. Whitcher. Image analysis and statistical inference in NeuroImaging with R. Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping 2010. NeuroImage (2010).
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl Structural Adaptive Smoothing Methods for fMRI and its Implementation in R Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping 2011
- K. Tabelow, B. Whitcher, J. Polzehl Performing Tasks in Medical Imaging with R Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping 2011
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl Package dti: A Framework for HARDI-Modeling in R Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping 2011
- K. Tabelow, S. Keller, S. Mohammadi, H. Kugel, J.-S. Gerdes, J. Polzehl, M. Deppe Structural Adaptive Smoothing Increases Sensitivity of DTI to Detect Microstructure Alterations Proc. of the Human Brain Mapping 2011
- J. Polzehl and K. Tabelow, Structure adaptive smoothing procedures in medical imaging Poster at the "19. Treffpunkt Medizintechnik", June 1, 2005, Berlin.
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, and V. Spokoiny. Image and signal processing in medicine and biosciences Poster at the MATHEON evaluation, Jan. 24, 2006, Berlin.
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss, and V. Spokoiny. Structure adaptive smoothing in statistical fMRI analysis Poster at the 214. PTB-Seminar "High-field MR imaging and spectroscopy - 3 T and beyond.", Feb 20./21., 2006, Berlin.
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, V. Spokoiny, L.A. Heier, and H.U. Voss. Accurate localization of brain activity in presurgical fMRI by structure adaptive smoothing. Poster at the 14th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, Seattle 2006, presented by H.U. Voss.
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss, V. Spokoiny. Analyzing fMRI experiments with structural adaptive smoothing methods. Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2006, 11.-15. June 2006, Firenze (Italy).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss. Increasing SNR in high resolution fMRI by spatially adaptive smoothing. Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2007, 10.-14. June 2007, Chicago (USA).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, H.U. Voss. Reducing the number of necessary diffusion gradients by adaptive smoothing. Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2007, 10.-14. June 2007, Chicago (USA).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Structural adaptive smoothing in diffusion tensor imaging: The R-package dti. Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2009, 18.-23. June 2009, San Francisco (USA).
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl. Structural adaptive smoothing methods for high-resolution fRMI. Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2009, 18.-23. June 2009, San Francisco (USA).
- J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow. Image and signal processing in the biomedical sciences: diffusion weighted imaging. Poster at the 1st Annual Scientific Symposium on Ultrahigh Field MR 2010, 16. April 2010, Berlin (Germany).
- K. Tabelow, J. Polzehl, S. Mohammadi, M. Deppe. Impact of smoothing on the interpretation of FA maps. Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2010, 6.-10. June 2010 (Barcelona, Spain).
- K. Tabelow, J. Clayden, P. Lafaye de Micheaux, J. Polzehl, V. Schmid, B. Whitcher. Image analysis and statistical inference in NeuroImaging with R. Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2010, 6.-10. June 2010 (Barcelona, Spain)..
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl Structural Adaptive Smoothing Methods for fMRI and its Implementation in R Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2011, 26.-30. June 2011 (Québec, Canada).
- K. Tabelow, B. Whitcher, J. Polzehl Performing Tasks in Medical Imaging with R Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2011, 26.-30. June 2011 (Québec, Canada).
- K. Tabelow, H.U. Voss, J. Polzehl Package dti: A Framework for HARDI-Modeling in R Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2011, 26.-30. June 2011 (Québec, Canada).
- K. Tabelow, S. Keller, S. Mohammadi, H. Kugel, J.-S. Gerdes, J. Polzehl, M. Deppe Structural Adaptive Smoothing Increases Sensitivity of DTI to Detect Microstructure Alterations Poster at the Human Brain Mapping 2011, 26.-30. June 2011 (Québec, Canada).
last reviewed: Jan 26, 2012, K. Tabelow