Upcoming Events
- October 09-13, 2023: CIRM Conference Variational and Geometric Structures for Evolution jointly with D. Knees (Kassel), R. Rossi (Brescia), G. Savare (Milano).
Events in the Past
- March 14-18, 2022: Minisymposium on Energy-based mathematical methods and thermodynamics, jointly with M. Liero and D. Peschka (both WIAS) at the SIAM PDE 2022 (online).
WS 2020/21 Thematic Einstein Semester (TES) Energy-based mathematical methods for reactive multiphase flows,
TU and WIAS Berlin,
jointly with V. Mehrmann (TU Berlin), M. Liero, A. Mielke, D. Peschka, B. Wagner (all WIAS), with the following events:
- Weekly TES-Seminar on Energy-based Mathematical Methods and Thermodynamics (Thursday, 3-4:30 pm)
- Workshop Structures in Evolution: Theory and Applications (February 23-25, 2021)
- Workshop MA4M: Mathematical Analysis for Mechanics (November 23-25, 2020)
- TES Kick-Off Conference (October 26–30, 2020)
- TES Student Compact Course: Variational Methods for Fluids and Solids (October 12-23, 2020)
March 15-19, 2021: Section S14 Applied Analysis, jointly with Dorothee Knees (Kassel),
at the 91st Annual Meeting of the GAMM 2020@21, Kassel (online), Germany. -
March 16-20, 2020 -- Cancelled due to the Corona-pandemic: Section S14 Applied Analysis, jointly with Dorothee Knees (Kassel),
at the 91st Annual Meeting of the GAMM, Kassel, Germany. -
Sept. 09-13, 2019: PDE 2019: Partial Differential Equations in Fluids and Solids, jointly with H. Abels (Regensburg), K. Disser (Darmstadt), H.C. Kaiser, and A. Mielke (both WIAS),
at WIAS Berlin, Germany. -
Sept. 24-28, 2018: ALEX 2018: Analyis of evolutionary and complex systems, jointly with M. Liero, S. Reichelt (both WIAS), G. Schneider (Stuttgart), F. Theil (Warwick),
at WIAS and HU Berlin, Germany. -
July 05-09, 2018: Special Session 144 Analytic properties and numerical approximation of differential models arising in
jointly with E. Bonetti, C. Cavaterra (both U Milano), and E. Rocca (U Pavia),
at the 12th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan. -
March 06-10, 2017: Section S14 Applied Analysis, jointly with Maria Neuss-Radu (Erlangen-Nuremberg),
at the 88th Annual Meeting of the GAMM Ilmenau@Weimar, Weimar, Germany. -
July 18-22, 2016: Minisymposium Nonsmooth PDEs in the modeling damage, delamination, and fracture
at the 7ECM: 7th European Congress of Mathematics (Berlin, Germany), jointly with E. Rocca (University of Pavia). -
July 1-5, 2016: Special Session Rate-dependent and rate-independent evolution problems in continuum mechanics:
Analytical and numerical aspects at the 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (Orlando, USA),
jointly with G. Lazzaroni (SISSA Trieste). -
November 30-December 4, 2015: PDE2015 - Theory and Applications of Partial Differential Equations,
WIAS Berlin,
jointly with H.-C. Kaiser, A. Mielke, J. Rehberg, E. Rocca, E. Valdinoci (all WIAS), D. Knees (U Kassel). -
September 7-11, 2015:
2nd Summer School of the GAMM-Juniors, SAMM 2015 -- Materials with disconinuities,
U Stuttgart,
jointly with J. Giesselmann (U Stuttgart). -
August 10-14, 2015, ICIAM 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Beijing (China);
Organisation of the Minisymposium MS-We-D-06, MS-We-E-06:
Analysis of nonsmooth PDE systems with applications to material failure, jointly with D. Knees (Kassel).
March 18-22, 2013, 84th annual meeting of the GAMM, Novi Sad (Serbia);
Organisation of the Young Researchers' Minisymposium
YRMa2 Analytical and engineering aspects in the material modeling of solids, jointly with R. Rossi (Brescia).
Last modified: 2022-11-28 by Marita Thomas