General remarks

This analysis is based on the daily updated numbers of confirmed infections provided by the Robert Koch Institute in their situation reports.

data <- read.table(datafile,header=TRUE) 
pop <- unlist(data[1,-1])
poptotal <- sum(pop)
dates <- as.matrix(data[-1,1])
rd <- range(dates)
cases <- data[-1,-1]
casestotal <- apply(cases,1,sum)
state <- names(cases)
rate <- sweep(cases,2,pop,"/")
ratetotal <- casestotal/poptotal
rate[rate < 1e-3] <- 1e-3 
diffrate <- apply(rate,2,diff)
diffcases <- apply(cases,2,diff)

Note that in the few instances of negative new cases / deaths reported the cummulative numbers from the preceeding day were used.

For modeling we use local polynomial regression as implemented in function locpoly in R package KernSmooth. We employ a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth (kernel standard deviation) 1.5 days for estimating rates and 2.5 for estimating derivatives. Polynomial orders are 1 and 2, respectiviley, to minimize boundary bias. dates are in days after March 1.

Please note that the estimated curves for small number of reported cases carry a high variability. This is especially due for early dates and states with low population (BRE, SAR). Problems in the data like underreporting and reporting bias around weekends are not modeled.

Confirmed infections

The data reported by the RKI show a few irregularities in form of a negative difference in the number of cases / deaths in compared to the preceeding day. In such cases the numbers used here are adjusted to yield a difference of 0. The most extreme case I observed was on May 27, when the Ostalbkreis (BW) reported a difference of -410 cases.

bw <- 1.5
dbw <- 2.5
rlcurves <- dlcurves <- list(NULL)
rlylim <- dlylim <- NULL
for (i in 1:16) {
rlcurves[[i]] <- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,rate[,i])),bandwidth=bw,degree=1) 
rlylim <- range(rlylim,rlcurves[[i]]$y)
dlcurves[[i]] <- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,rate[,i])),bandwidth=dbw,drv=1,degree=2) 
dlylim <- range(dlylim,dlcurves[[i]]$y)
rltotcurve <- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,ratetotal)),bandwidth=bw,degree=1) 
dltotcurve <- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,ratetotal)),bandwidth=dbw,drv=1,degree=1) 
plot(dates,rate[,1],ylim = rlylim,type="n",xlab="day starting March 1")
for(i in 1:16)
title("log(Confirmed infections per 1000 inhabitants)")

plot(dates,c(0,diffrate[,1]),ylim = dlylim,type="n",xlab="day starting March 1")
for(i in 1:16) lines(dlcurves[[i]]$x,dlcurves[[i]]$y,type="l",col=i,lty=1+(i-1)%/%8)
title("Changes log(confirmed infections per 1000 inhabitants)")

for(lvl in c(0,.05,.1)) lines(rd,c(lvl,lvl),lty=3)

## Infections per day

fdiffcases <-
fdiffcases$dates <- dates[-1]  
fdcases <- melt(fdiffcases, id.vars="dates")
f1 <- ggplot(fdcases, aes(dates,value))
f2 <- f1 + geom_bar(aes(fill=variable),position=position_stack(reverse=TRUE),stat="identity") +
           labs(title="COVIT-19 infections reported", x="day starting March 1", y="cases") +
           coord_flip() +  theme(legend.position = "right") 

fstate <- c("Baden-Wuerttemberg","Bayern","Berlin","Brandenburg",
fdpm <-*1000
fdpm$dates <- dates[-1]
fd <- melt(fdpm, id.vars="dates")
fd$states <- rep(fstate,rep(length(dates)-1,16))
f1 <- ggplot(fd, aes(dates,value))

f1 + geom_bar(stat="identity") + facet_wrap(~states,nrow=9) + labs(title="COVIT-19 cases reported per 1 million inhabitants and day", x="day starting March 1", y="cases reported per million inhabitants and day") 

Active cases

Active cases are here defined as cases that were reported within the last 14 days. This is slightly larger than the numbers reported by RKI (corresponding to approximately the last 11 days) and was chosen to minimize effects due to a weekly cycly of reporting biases observed in the data.

bw <- 1.50
dbw <- 2.5
inc <- 14 # 11 corresponds to RKI estimate of 23000 Recoveries on April 3
rlcurves <- dlcurves <- list(NULL)
rlylim <- dlylim  <- NULL
for (i in 1:16) {
rlcurves[[i]]<- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,diff(c(rep(0,inc),rate[,i]),inc))),bandwidth=bw,degree=1) 
rlylim <- range(rlylim,rlcurves[[i]]$y)
dlcurves[[i]] <- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,diff(c(rep(0,inc),rate[,i]),inc))),bandwidth=dbw,drv=1,degree=1) 
dlylim <- range(dlylim,dlcurves[[i]]$y)
rltotcurve <- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,diff(c(rep(0,inc),ratetotal),inc))),bandwidth=bw,degree=1) 
dltotcurve <- locpoly(dates,log(pmax(1e-4,diff(c(rep(0,inc),ratetotal),inc))),bandwidth=dbw,drv=1,degree=1) 

The left plot provides estimates of the logarithmic rate of of active cases while the right hand site displays its first derivative.

plot(dates,rate[,1],ylim = pmin(rlylim,5),type="n",xlab="day starting March 1",ylab="")
for(i in 1:16)
title("log(Active cases per 1000 inhabitants)")

plot(dates,c(0,diffrate[,1]),ylim = pmin(dlylim,0.2),type="n",xlab="day starting March 1",ylab="")
for(i in 1:16) lines(dlcurves[[i]]$x,dlcurves[[i]]$y,col=i,lty=1+(i-1)%/%8)
title("Changes log(Active cases per 1000 inhabitants)")
for(lvl in seq(-.2,.1,.05)[-5]) lines(rd,c(lvl,lvl),lty=3)

Some derived quantities

The following figure shows quantities derived as functions of the logarithmic rate of active cases and its derivative. The latter value is closely related to R, i.e., \(R \approx exp(C*value)\) with \(C\approx 4\). Please note that what is shown is not the R reported by the RKI and that the value provided here is calculated from a different model.

plot(dates,rate[,1],ylim = pmin(exp(rlylim),50),type="n",xlab="day starting March 1",ylab="")
for(i in 1:16)
title("Active cases per 1000 inhabitants")

plot(dates,c(0,diffrate[,1]),ylim = c(0.6,1.5),type="n",xlab="day starting March 1",ylab="")
for(i in 1:16) lines(dlcurves[[i]]$x,exp(4*dlcurves[[i]]$y),col=i,lty=1+(i-1)%/%8)
title("Approximate reproduction rate R")
for(lvl in seq(.5,1.2,.1)[-6]) lines(rd,c(lvl,lvl),lty=3)

The following figure illustrates the current status. Countries that occur on the right side currently have a high infection load. Note that the estimated reproduction rate is highly variable for small (by population) states dispayed in the left. For vountries in the upper in the upper right we observe a very dynamic and deteriorating situation.

fstate <- c("Baden-Wuerttemberg","Bayern", "Berlin","Brandenburg",
arate <- arepr <- numeric(16)

for(i in 1:16) {
   arate[i] <- exp(rlcurves[[i]]$y[401])
   arepr[i] <- exp(4*dlcurves[[i]]$y[401])
plot(arate,arepr,col=2, xlab="Active cases per 1000 inhabitants", 
    ylab="Approximate reproduction rate", xlim = range(arate)*c(.85,1.05),log="")
for(i in 1:16) text(arate[i],arepr[i],fstate[i],pos=3)
title("Current Situation")


The RKI also releases data about deads caused by COVIT-19 in Germany.

data2 <- read.table(filefatal,header=TRUE) 
pop <- unlist(data2[1,-1])
poptotal <- sum(pop)
dates2 <- as.matrix(data2[-1,1])
fatal <- data2[-1,-1]
ftotal <- apply(fatal,1,sum)
state <- names(fatal)
frate <- sweep(fatal,2,pop,"/")*100
fratetotal <- ftotal/poptotal
fdifftot <- apply(fatal,2,diff)
fdifftot[fdifftot<0] <- 0 # there was a day with -12 reported deaths for SH
fdifftot <-
fdifftot$dates <- dates2[-1]  
fdtot <- melt(fdifftot, id.vars="dates")
f1 <- ggplot(fdtot, aes(dates,value))
f2 <- f1 + geom_bar(aes(fill=variable),position=position_stack(reverse=TRUE),stat="identity") +
           labs(title="COVIT-19 deaths reported", x="day starting March 1", y="counts") +
           coord_flip() +  theme(legend.position = "right") 

fstate <- c("Baden-Wuerttemberg","Bayern", "Berlin","Brandenburg",
pop1 <- pop[c(1:11,14,13,12,15,16)]
fdpm <- sweep(fdifftot[,1:16],2,pop1,"/")*1000
fdpm$dates <- dates2[-1]
fd <- melt(fdpm, id.vars="dates")
fd$states <- rep(fstate,rep(length(dates2)-1,16))
f1 <- ggplot(fd, aes(dates,value))

f1 + geom_bar(stat="identity") + facet_wrap(~states,nrow=9) + labs(title="COVIT-19 deaths reported per 1 million inhabitants and day", x="day starting March 1", y="deaths reported per 1 million inhabitants and day")