
I am currently a post-doc in Benedikt Jahnel's group Probabilistic Methods for Dynamic Communication Networks at Wias Berlin. My main area of interest is probability theory; especially spatial stochastic, complex networks and percolation. I did my PhD under the supervision of Peter Mörters at the University of Cologne.
I did my Master's in mathematics in 2018 and my Bachelor's in business mathematics in 2014 at University of Cologne.

Published Papers and Preprints

Conference Proceedings

Past talks


Current semester:

No teaching duties this semester

Former semesters:

  • Statistische Mechanik
  • Seminar "Punktprozesse"
  • Mathematik für Lehramtsstudierende I & II
  • Stochastische Finanzmathematik
  • Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie I & II
  • Einführung in die Stochastik
  • Markovprozesse
  • Lineare Algebra I & II