Internal topics

For FG-members only:

If you would like to have paid a travel or a guest by FOR718-money, then you first ask me if the FG will pay this, and I shall reply (with cc to Mrs. Teuchert) Yes or No. If the reply is Yes (this will be the case with very high probability), then you fill in the regular Dienstreiseantrag of your university. In the box "Finanzierung" you write "DFG-FOR 718" and attach a print of the approval mail that I sent to you. Then your university will pay your expenses according to its rules (Bundesreisekostengesetz), and it will reclaim them from Mrs Teuchert (WIAS Berlin, Mohrenstr. 39 in 10117 Berlin) afterwards. The procedure is the same for workshops. Technische Fragen zur Abwicklung der Abrechnungen beantwortet Frau Margitta Teuchert, Tel.: (030) 20372 594 , teuchert at

Rückforderungen von Auslagen werden (durch die Verwaltung der jeweiligen Universität) angefordert bei:
Margitta Teuchert
WIAS Berlin
Mohrenstr. 39
10117 Berlin