Professor at Technische Universität Braunschweig for
Head of the Leibniz junior research group on
Probabilistic Methods for Dynamic Communication Networks
TU Braunschweig: | |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | +49 (0)531 391 7569 |
Room: | 620 |
Address: | TU Braunschweig, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, Universitätsplatz 2, 38106 Braunschweig |
Weierstrass Institut Berlin: | |
E-mail: | |
Phone: | +49 (0)30 20372 445 |
Room: | 502 |
Address: | WIAS, Mohrenstraße 39, 10117 Berlin |
Research interests
My research interests lie in the modelling and analysis of systems of many interacting random components that are spatially embedded. Those systems describe phenomena from physics, like liquid-vapour phase transitions, spatial epidemiology of communicable diseases, or peer-to-peer telecommunication in an urban environment. The goal is to derive and describe macroscopic states from highly complex microscopic system configurations. For this I use mathematical tools from statistical mechanics such as large-deviation theory and stochastic geometry to establish rigorous results. My work is sometimes supported by the comparison with real-world data and by computer simulations. It is presented to an international mathematical audience and researchers from related fields like engineering, life science and materials science.
Scientific team
- Postdocs:
- Predocs:
- Previous members of the team:
- Dr. Julia Hörrmann
- Dr. Sanjoy Jhawar
- Dr. Alexander Hinsen
- June 2025: Public talk at Mathematische Forschung verstehen within the lecture series at FU Berlin on June 19th.
- June 2025: Public talk at Hochschulinformationstag at TU Braunwschweig on June 13th.
- May 2025: Public talk at 28. Tag der Mathematik on May 10th at Berliner Hochschule für Technik.
- March 2025: Now elected member of the board of the Probability and Statistics Group of the German Mathematical Society responsible for promoting young talent.
- March 2025: Cohosting the session "Spatial stochastics, disordered media, and complex networks" at the 17th German Probability and Statistics Days at TU Dresden together with Prof. Dr. Chinmoy Bhattacharjee.
- February 2025: Workshop announcement on Stochastic Processes on Random Geometries at TU Braunschweig February 17th - 21th; coorganization with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Andres.
- January 2025: We very much congratulate our former team member Alexander Hinsen to his successful PhD defense at TU Berlin on "Data Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks: Vulnerability and Security". Prof. Wolfgang König and Prof. Hanna Döring served as further promoters.
- November 2024: We very much congratulate our team member Jonas Köppl to his successfull DAAD application that will bring him to UCLA for four month in spring 2025.
- September 2024: We very much congratulate our team member Anh Duc Vu to his successful PhD defense at TU Berlin on "Percolation in Random Environments and Stochastic Homogenisation". Prof. Wolfgang König and Prof. Martin Slowik served as further promoters.
- August 2024: Very happy to welcome Daniel Kamecke as part of the applied stochastics team at TU Braunschweig.
- August 2024: Together with Jonas Köppl we are organizing a contributed session on Gibbs Measures - Continuum and Discrete at the Bernoulli-ims 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics in Bochum.
- November 2023: Call open for one predoc position to be filled as soon as possible in the group at TU Braunschweig.
- October 2023: Call open for one postdoc position to be filled as soon as possible in the group at WIAS.
- September 2023: Workshop announcement on Interacting Particles in the Continuum at Eurandom (TU Eindhoven) September 9th - 13th; coorganization with Prof. Dr. Wioletta Ruszel and Prof. Dr. Frank Redig within the Eurandom Ambassador Program.
- January 2024: Three-day DYCOMNET workshop at WIAS Dynamic Spatial Random Systems featuring two minicourses plus eight international expert presentation.
- September 2023: Success in the final call for proposals in the cluster of excellence Math+. Our project on data transmission in dynamical random networks receives funding for one postdoc position for two years starting as soon as possible. Applications welcome!
- September 2023: Inaugural lecture at TU Braunschweig on September 19th 2023 4-7pm as a joint event with my colleagues Prof. Dr. Nicole Mücke and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Merkert, for details see Antrittsvorlesung.
- September 2023: Very happy to see our team member Jonas Köppl as a selected participant in this years 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
- July 2023: Minicourse on "Continuum Percolation in Random Environments" at the SPP summerschool: Probability and Geometry on Configuration Spaces. The presentation can be found here Slides.
- May 2023: Our highlight article for the scientific report of the Weierstrass Institute is now available online: Probabilistic Methods for Communication Systems.
- November 2022: Our group member Jonas Köppl has won the Dies Mathematicus Award for Best Talk from the Mathematical Institute of the Technische Universität Berlin.
- November 2022: Very happy to welcome Dr. Partha Ghosh as part of the applied stochastics team at TU Braunschweig.
- November 2022: Very happy to welcome Dr. Lukas Lüchtrath as part of the DYCOMNET team at WIAS.
- October 2022: Visit by Prof. Dr. Ni from University College London and Prof. Dr. Wu from University of Strathclyde funded via a successful joint application within the Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme by the European Centre for Advanced Studies.
- October 2022: Very happy to welcome Yannic Steenbeck as part of the applied stochastics team at TU Braunschweig.
- October 2022: Contribution at Studium Generale TU Braunschweig on "Zufällige Geometrie und das Internet der Dinge".
- October 2022: Lecture at Schnupperstudium TU Braunschweig on "Die Poesie der Logik".
- September 2022: Very happy to welcome Jonas Köppl as part of the DYCOMNET team at WIAS.
- September 2022: Successful application for funding from the NETWORKS Center for the workshop Recent Trends in Spatial Stochastic Processes together with Prof. Dr. Julia Komjathy and Dr. Pim van der Hoorn at Eurandom (TU Eindhoven).
- September 2022: Our group member Jonas Köppl has won a Best DMV Student Talks Award from the Berlin Mathematical School and subsequently gave a presentation at the DMV Annual Meeting 2022 in Berlin.
- September 2022: Very happy to welcome Jonas Köppl as part of the DYCOMNET team at WIAS.
- July 2022: Popular science talk at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Berlin on Die Poesie der Logik: Video.
- July 2022: Successful application for funding from the STAR Cluster for the workshop Recent Trends in Spatial Stochastic Processes together with Prof. Dr. Julia Komjathy and Dr. Pim van der Hoorn at Eurandom (TU Eindhoven).
- May 2022: Call open for one PreDoc position and one PostDoc position to be filled in the group at TU Braunschweig.
- May 2022: Call open for one PreDoc position and one PostDoc position to be filled in the group at WIAS.
- April 2022: Website for the workshop on Recent Trends in Spatial Stochastic Processes at Eurandom (TU Eindhoven) is now online; coorganization with Prof. Dr. Julia Komjathy and Dr. Pim van der Hoorn within the Eurandom Ambassador Program.
- April 2022: Start of professorship for Stochastics for Applications at Technische Universität Braunschweig, including a welcome interview.
- March 2022: Article on percolation theory based on an interview with me and others in "Spektrum der Wissenschaften": Perkolationstheorie: Folgenschwer verknüpft: Fügt man Knoten zu einem Netz hinzu, findet irgendwann ein Übergang statt: Plötzlich hängt alles eng miteinander zusammen.
- January 2022: Highlight article in the WIAS Annual Research Report 2021 on Probabilistic Methods for Communication Systems together with Alexander Hinsen.
- January 2022: Website for the workshop on Random Point Processes in Statistical Physics at WIAS is now online; coorganization with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König and Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen within the SPP2265.
- November 2021: Offer for a W2 professorship at the Philipps-Universität Marburg for Stochastics - declined.
- September 2021: Very honored to become a EURANDOM Ambassador at Eindhoven University of Technology for the next four years.
- September 2021: Happy to welcome our new team member Sanjoy Jhawar as a postdoc working in our group.
- August 2021: Offer for a W2 professorship at the Technische Universität Braunschweig for Stochastics and Applications - accepted.
- July 2021: Short presentation of the group in the recent Verbundjournal of the Forschungsverbund Berlin: Verbundjournal (07/2021 page 34/35).
- June 2021: Elected Ombudsperson at WIAS for three years: Good Scientific Practice.
- May 2021: Successful defense of habilitation at Technische Universität Berlin on "Stochastic Geometry and Communication Networks & Statistical Mechanics for Point Processes and Stochastic Dynamics" with promoters Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Sabine Jansen (LMU München), Prof. Dr. Aernout van Enter (Rijksuniv. Groningen) and Prof. Dr. François Baccelli (Universtity of Texas).
- May 2021: Tenured position at the Weierstrass Institute.
- April 2021: Kelsey Houston-Edwards interviewed me together with other experts for the cover story of the April edition of the "Scientific American": The Mathematics of How Connections Become Global: Percolation theory illuminates the behavior of many kinds of networks, from cell-phone connections to disease transmission.
- March 2021: Happy to welcome our new team member Anh Duc Vu as a doctoral student working on dynamical percolation.
- January 2021: Official start of the Leibniz Group Probabilistic Methods for Dynamic Communication Networks.
- June 2020: Official release of our book Probabilistic Methods in Telecommunications as part of the "Compact Textbooks in Mathematics" book series at Birkhäuser, together with Wolfgang König.
- September 2019: Now part of the postdoctoral faculty of the Berlin Mathematical School.
Publications and preprints

Available here