- R. Henrion, G. Stadler u. F.
Wechsung, Optimal control under uncertainty with
joint chance state constraints: almost-everywhere bounds,
variance reduction, and application to (bi-)linear elliptic
PDEs, arXiv:2412.05125.
- R. Henrion, D. Hömberg u. Nina
Kliche, Modeling
and simulation of an isolated mini-grid including battery
operation strategies under uncertainty using chance
constraints, WIAS Preprint No. 3125, (2024).
- C. Geiersbach, R. Henrion u. P. Pérez-Aros, Numerical
solution of an optimal control problem with
probabilistic and almost sure state constraints, appeared
online in Journal
of Optimization
Theory and
- H. Heitsch, R. Henrion u.
C. Tischendorf, Probabilistic
maximization of time-dependent capacities in a gas
network, appeared
online in Optimization and
- C. Geiersbach u. R. Henrion, Optimality
conditions in control problems with random
state constraints in probabilistic or
almost-sure form,
online in Mathematics
of Operations Research.
- N. Ouanes, T. González Grandón, H.
Heitsch u. R. Henrion, Optimizing
the economic dispatch of weakly-connected mini-grids under
uncertainty using joint chance constraints, Annals of Operations
Research, 344 (2025)
- W. Van Ackooij,
R. Henrion u. H. Zidani, Pontryagin's
principle for some probabilistic control problems, Applied
and Optimization, 90 (2024)
article:5 (36 pages).
- M. Branda, R. Henrion u. M. Pistek, Value at Risk approach to
producer’s best response in electricity market with
uncertain demand, Optimization, 72 (2023) 2745--2767.
- M. Gugat, H. Heitsch u. R. Henrion, A
turnpike property for optimal control problems with
probabilistic constraints, Journal of Convex
Analysis, 30 (2023)
- R. Henrion, A. Jourani u. B.S. Mordukhovich, Controlled
polyhedral sweeping processes: Existence, stability, and
optimality conditions, Journal
of Differential Equations, 366 (2023) 408–443.
- K. El Karfi, R. Henrion u. D. Mentagui, An
agricultural investment problem subject to probabilistic
constraints, Computational
Management Science, 19
(2022) 683–701.
- H. Heitsch, R. Henrion, Th. Kleinert
u. M.Schmidt, On convex lower-level black-box
constraints in bilevel optimization with an application to gas
market models with chance constraints,
Journal of Global Optimization, 84 (2022)
- T. Gonzalez Grandon, R. Henrion u. P.
Pérez-Aros, Dynamic probabilistic constraints
under continuous random distributions,
Programming, 196 (2022)
- H.
Berthold, H. Heitsch, R. Henrion u. J.
On the algorithmic
solution of optimization problems subject to
probabilistic/robust (probust) constraints,
Mathematical Methods
of Operations Research, 96 (2022) 1-37.
- R. Henrion u. W. Römisch, Problem-based optimal scenario
generation and reduction in stochastic programming, Mathematical
Programming, 191 (2022) 183–205.
- H. Heitsch u. R. Henrion, An
enumerative formula for the spherical cap discrepancy, Journal
of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 390 (2021) 113409.
- D. Adelhütte, D. Aßmann, T. González
Grandón, M. Gugat, H. Heitsch, R. Henrion, F. Liers, S.
Nitsche, R. Schultz, M. Stingl, u. D. Wintergerst,
Joint model of probabilistic-robust
(probust) constraints with application to gas network
optimization, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 49 (2021)
- M.
Cánovas, M.J. Gisbert, R.
Henrion u. J. Parra, Lipschitz
lower semicontinuity
moduli for linear
inequality systems,
of Mathematical
Analysis and
Applications, 490
(2020) 124313.
- M.H. Farshbaf-Shaker, M. Gugat, H.
Heitsch u. R. Henrion, Optimal
Neumann boundary control of a vibrating string with
uncertain initial data and probabilistic terminal
constraints, SIAM Journal on
Control and Optimization, 58
(2020) 2288-2311.
- L. Adam, M. Branda, H. Heitsch u. R.
Henrion, Solving
joint chance constrained problems using regularization and
Bender's decomposition, Annals of Operations Research,
292 (2020) 683-709.
- W. Van Ackooij, R. Henrion u. P. Pérez-Aros, Generalized
gradients for probabilistic/robust (probust) constraints, Optimization, 69
(2020) 1451-1479.
- A. Hantoute, R. Henrion u. P.
Pérez-Aros, Subdifferential
characterization of probability functions under Gaussian
distribution, Mathematical
Programming, 174
(2019) 167–194.
- M.H.
Farshbaf-Shaker, R. Henrion u. D. Hömberg, Properties
of chance constraints in infinite dimensions with an
application to PDE constrained optimization, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 26
(2018) 821-841.
- R. Henrion, Calmness
as a Constraint Qualification for M-Stationarity Conditions in
MPECs, Chapter 2 in:
Aussel and Lalitha (eds.), Generalized Nash Equilibrium
Problems, Bilevel Programming and MPEC, Springer 2018, pp.
- M. Cánovas, R. Henrion, M. López u. J. Parra, Indexation
Strategies and Calmness Constants for Uncertain Linear
Inequality Systems, in: E. Gil et al. (eds.), The
Mathematics of the Uncertain, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control Vol. 142, Springer,
2018, pp. 831-843.
- L. Adam, R. Henrion u. J. Outrata, On
M-stationarity conditions in MPECs and the associated
qualification conditions, Mathematical
Programming, 168 (2018), 229–259.
- V. Guigues u. R. Henrion, Joint
dynamic probabilistic constraints with projected linear
decision rules, Optimization
Methods and Software, 32 (2017), 1006-1032.
- T. Gonzalez Grandon, H. Heitsch u. R.
Henrion, A
joint model of probabilistic /robust constraints for gas
transport management in stationary networks, Computational Management Science, 14
(2017) 443-460.
- A.L. Diniz u. R. Henrion, On probabilistic constraints with
multivariate truncated Gaussian and lognormal distributions,
Energy Systems, 8 (2017) 149-167.
- W. Van Ackooij u. R. Henrion,
Gradient formulae for probability functions of random
inequality systems under Gaussian distribution. SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification, 5
(2017) 63-87.
- M. Cánovas, R. Henrion, J. Parra u. F.J. Toledo,
objective size and calmness modulus in linear programming,
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 24 (2016) 565-579.
- C. Gotzes, H. Heitsch, R. Henrion u.
R. Schultz, On
the quantification of nomination feasibility in stationary
gas networks with random load, Mathematical Methods of Operations
Research, 84
(2016) 427-457.
- M. Cánovas, R. Henrion, M. López u. J. Parra, Outer
limit of
subdifferentials and calmness moduli in linear and nonlinear
programming, Journal of
Optimization Theory and Applications, 169 (2016) 925-952.
- G. Colombo, R. Henrion, N.D. Hoang u. B.S.
Mordukhovich, Optimal
control of the sweeping process over polyhedral controlled
sets, Journal of Differential Equations,
260 (2016) 3397-3447.
- I.
Bremer, R. Henrion u. A. Möller, Probabilistic
constraints via SQP solver: Application to a renewable energy
management problem, Computational
Management Science, 12
(2015) 435-459.
- B.
Hiller, C. Hayn, H. Heitsch, R. Henrion, H. Leövey, A. Möller
u. W. Römisch, Methods for veryfying booked capacities,
Chapter 14 in T. Koch et al.(eds.): Evaluating Gas Network
Capacities, MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, Vol. 21,
Philadelphia, 2015, pp. 291-315.
- H.
Heitsch, R. Henrion, H. Leövey, R. Mirkov, A. Möller, W.
Römisch u. I. Wegner-Specht, Empirical observations and
statistical analysis of gas demand data, Chapter 13 in T. Koch
et al.(eds.): Evaluating Gas Network Capacities, MOS-SIAM Series
on Optimization, Vol. 21, Philadelphia, 2015, pp.
- G. Colombo, R. Henrion, N.D. Hoang u. B.S.
Mordukhovich, Discrete
approximations of a controlled sweeping process, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 23 (2015) 69–86.
- K. Emich u. R. Henrion, A
simple formula for the second-order subdifferential of maximum
functions, Vietnam Journal of
Mathematics, 42
(2014) 467-478.
- K. Emich, R. Henrion u. W. Römisch, Conditioning
of linear-quadratic two-stage stochastic optimization problems,
Mathematical Programming, 148
(2014) 201-221.
- W. Van
Ackooij u. R. Henrion, Gradient
formulae for nonlinear probabilistic constraints with Gaussian
and Gaussian-like distributions. SIAM
Journal on Optimization, 24 (2014) 1864-1889.
- A. Fügenschuh et al. (20
coauthors including R. Henrion),
Mathematical optimization for challenging network planning
problems in unbundled liberalized gas markets, Energy Systems, 5 (2014) 449-473.
- W. Van
Ackooij, R. Zorgati, R. Henrion u. A. Möller,
Chance Constrained Programming for Hydro Reservoir Management,
Optimization and Engineering,
15 (2014) 509-531.
- T. Arnold, T. Berthold, S. Heinz, S.
Vigerske, R. Henrion, M. Grötschel, T. Koch, C. Tischendorf
u. W. Römisch, A
Jack of all trades? Solving stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear
constraint programs, in: P. Deuflhard et al. (eds.): MATHEON -
Mathematics for Key Technologies, European Mathematical Society,
2014, pp. 135-146.
- T. Bosse, A. Griewank, R. Henrion, D.
Hömberg, C. Landry, H. Leövey u. W. Römisch, Nonlinear programming with
applications to production processes, in: P. Deuflhard et al.
(eds.): MATHEON - Mathematics for Key Technologies, European
Mathematical Society, 2014, pp. 171-187.
- T.
Arnold, R. Henrion, A. Möller u. S. Vigerske, A mixed-integer stochastic nonlinear
optimization problem with joint probabilistic constraints, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 10 (2014) 5-20.
- R. Henrion, A critical note on empirical
(sample average, Monte Carlo) approximation of solutions to
chance constrained programs, in: D. Hömberg and F. Tröltzsch
(eds.): CSMO 2011, IFIP AICT 391, Springer, Berlin, 2013,
pp. 25-37.
- C. Landry, M. Gerdts, R. Henrion u.
D. Hömberg, Path-Planning with Collision
Avoidance in Automotive Industry, in: D. Hömberg and F.
Tröltzsch (eds.): CSMO 2011, IFIP AICT 391, Springer,
Berlin, 2013, pp. 102-111.
- R. Henrion, A. Kruger u. J. Outrata, Some
remarks on stability of generalized equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications, 159
(2013) 681-697.
- R. Henrion, J. Outrata u. T. Surowiec, On
regular coderivatives in parametric equilibria with
non-unique multiplier, Mathematical Programming, 136 (2012) 111-131.
- R. Henrion, Gradient
estimates for Gaussian distribution functions: Application
to probabilistically constrained optimization problems,
Numerical Algebra,
Control and Optimization, 2
(2012) 655-668.
- R.
Henrion u. A. Möller, A
gradient formula for linear chance constraints under Gaussian
distribution, Mathematics of
Operations Research, 37 (2012) 475-488.
- M.
Gerdts, R. Henrion, D Hömberg u. C. Landry, Path
planning and collision avoidance for robots, Numerical Algebra, Control and
Optimization, 2 (2012) 437-463.
- R. Henrion, J. Outrata u. T. Surowiec, Analysis
of M-stationary points to an EPEC modeling oligopolistic
competition in an electricity spot market, ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of
Variations, 18
(2012) 295-317.
- R. Henrion,Stability of chance
constrained optimization, in: M. Cervinka (ed.) Variational
Analysis and its Applications (Lecture Notes of Spring School in
Variational Analysis, Paseky 2012), MatFyzPress, Prague, 2012,
pp. 1-26.
- G. Colombo, R. Henrion, N.D. Hoang u. B.S.
Mordukhovich, Optimal
control of the sweeping process, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and
Impulsive Systems (Ser. B), 19 (2012) 117-159.
- M. Fabian, R. Henrion, A. Kruger u. J.
Outrata, About
error bounds in metric spaces, in D. Klatte, H.-J.
Lüthi, K. Schmedders (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Springer, Berlin, 2012, pp. 33-38.
- R. Henrion u. A. Seeger, Condition
number and eccentricity of a closed convex cone, Mathematica
Scandinavica, 109
(2011) 285-308.
- R. Henrion u. C. Strugarek, Convexity
of Chance Constraints with Dependent Random Variables: the
Use of Copulae, in M. Bertocchi, G.
Consigli, and M. Dempster (eds.): Stochastic Optimization
Methods in Finance and Energy, International Series in Operations
Research and Management Science, Vol. 163, Springer,
2011, pp. 427-439.
- R. Henrion u. T. Surowiec, On
calmness conditions in convex bilevel programming, Applicable
Analysis, 90 (2011) 951-970.
- W. Van
Ackooij, R. Henrion, A. Möller u. R. Zorgati, On
joint probabilistic constraints with Gaussian coefficient
Operations Research Letters, 39 (2011)
- R. Henrion,
Optimization under Uncertainty (Models and Basic
Properties), in J. J. Cochran, L. A. Cox, P. Keskinocak, et
al. (eds.): Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and
Management Science (EORMS), Vol. 5, Wiley, New York, 2011, pp.
- W. Van
Ackooij, R. Zorgati, R. Henrion u. A. Möller,
Chance Constrained Programming and Its Applications to Energy
Management, in I. Dritsas (ed.): Stochastic Optimization - Seeing the Optimal for the
Uncertain, Intech, Rijeka, 2011, pp. 291-320.
- R. Henrion u. A. Seeger, Inradius
and circumradius of various convex cones arising in
applications, Set-Valued and
Variational Analysis, 18
(2010) 483-511.
- L. Andrieu, R. Henrion u. W. Römisch, A
model for dynamic chance constraints in hydro power
reservoir management, European
Journal of Operations Research, 207
(2010) 579-589.
- W. Van
Ackooij, R. Henrion, A. Möller u. R. Zorgati, On
constraints induced by rectangular sets and multivariate
normal distributions, Mathematical
of Operations Research, 71 (2010) 535-549.
- R. Henrion, J. Outrata u. T. Surowiec, A
note on the relation between strong and M-stationarity for
a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium
constraints, Kybernetika, 46 (2010)
- R. Henrion u. W. Römisch, Lipschitz
differentiability properties of quasi-concave and singular
normal distribution functions, Annals
of Operations Research, 177 (2010) 115-125.
- M. Fabian, R. Henrion, A. Kruger u. J.
Outrata, Error
necessary and sufficient conditions, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 18 (2010) 121-149.
- R. Henrion, B.S. Mordukhovich u. N.M. Nam, Second-order
analysis of polyhedral systems in finite and infinite
dimensions with applications to robust stability of
variational inequalities, SIAM
Journal on Optimization, 20 (2010) 2199-2227.
- R. Henrion u. A. Seeger, On
of different notions of centers for convex cones, Set-Valued and
Variational Analysis, 18 (2010) 205-231.
- H. Heitsch, R. Henrion, C. Küchler u.
W. Römisch, Generierung
von Szenariobäumen und Szenarioreduktion für stochastische
Optimierungsprobleme in der Energiewirtschaft, in:
Dezentrale regenerative Energieversorgung: Innovative
Modellierung und Optimierung (R. Schultz, H.-J. Wagner eds.),
LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2009, pp. 227-254.
- R. Henrion, J. Outrata u. T. Surowiec, On
Co-Derivative of Normal Cone Mappings to Inequality
Systems, Nonlinear
Theory, Methods & Applications, 71 (2009) 1213-1226.
- R. Henrion, C. Küchler u. W. Römisch, Scenario
in stochastic programming with respect to discrepancy
distances, Computational
and Applications, 43 (2009) 67-93.
- R. Henrion u. C. Strugarek, Convexity
of Chance Constraints with Independent Random Variables,
Computational Optimization and
Applications, 41
(2008) 263-276.
- R. Henrion u. A. Seeger, Uniform
of norms of convex and nonconvex processes, Numerical Functional Analysis and
Optimization, 29 (2008) 551-573.
- R. Henrion, C. Küchler u. W. Römisch, Discrepancy
distances and scenario reduction in two-stage stochastic
integer programming, Journal
of Industrial and Management Optimization, 4
(2008) 363-384.
- R. Henrion u. J. Outrata,
the normal cone to a finite union of convex polyhedra, Optimization, 57 (2008) 57-78.
- R. Henrion u. W. Römisch, On
M-stationary points for a stochastic equilibrium problem
under equilibrium constraints in electricity spot market
modeling, Applications
of Mathematics, 52 (2007)
- R. Henrion, Structural
Properties of Linear Probabilistic Constraints, Optimization, 56
(2007) 425-440.
- D. Dentcheva, R. Henrion u. A.
Ruszczynski, Stability
and Sensitivity of Optimization Problems with First Order
Stochastic Dominance Constraints, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 18 (2007) 322-337.
- R. Henrion, Some
on value-at-risk optimization, Management
Science and Engineering Management, 1 (2006)
- R. Henrion, A. Lewis u. A. Seeger,
to Uncontrollability for Convex Processes, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,
45 (2006) 26-50.
- R. Henrion u. J. Outrata,
Constraint Systems with Applications, Mathematical Programming, 104
(2005) 437-464.
- R. Henrion u. T. Szantai, Properties
and Calculation of Singular Normal Distributions, in S.
Albers et al. (eds.): Algorithms for Optimization
with Incomplete Information, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings,
05031, (2005) (electronic proceedings,
- A. Sachse, R. Henrion, J. Gelbrecht
u. C. Steinberg, Classification of dissolved
organic carbon (DOC) in river systems: Influence of catchment
characteristics and autochthonous processes, Organic Geochemistry, 36
(2005) 923-935.
- J. Bukszár, R. Henrion, M. Hujter u.
T. Szántai, Polyhedral
Inclusion-Exclusion, Preprint No. 913,
Weierstrass Institute Berlin, 2004.
- R. Henrion, Introduction
to Chance-Constrained Programming, Tutorial paper for
the Stochastic Programming
Community Home Page, 2004.
- P. Bosch, A. Jourani u. R. Henrion,
Conditions for Error Bounds and Applications, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 50
(2004) 161-181.
- R. Henrion u. W. Römisch,
and Lipschitz Stability of Solution Sets in Programs with
Probabilistic Constraints, Mathematical
Programming, 100 (2004) 589-611.
- R. Henrion, Perturbation
Analysis of Chance-Constrained Programs under variation of all
constraint data, in K. Marti et al. (eds.): Dynamic
Stochastic Optimization, (Lect. Notes in Economics and
Mathematical Systems, Vol. 532, Springer, Heidelberg, 2004), pp.
- R. Henrion u. A. Möller,
Optimization of a Continuous Distillation Process under Random
Inflow Rate. Computers &
Mathematics with Applications, 45 (2003)
- R. Henrion, A. Jourani u. J. Outrata,
calmness of a class of multifunctions, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 13 (2002)
- R. Henrion u. A. Jourani,
Conditions for Calmness of Convex Constraints, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 13 (2002)
- R. Henrion, Structure
Stability of Probabilistic Storage Level Constraints, in
K. Marti (ed.): Stochastic Optimization Techniques,
(Lect. Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 513,
Springer, Heidelberg, 2002), pp. 3-20.
- R. Henrion, On
the Connectedness of Probabilistic Constraint Sets, Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications, 112 (2002) 657-663.
- R. Henrion, P. Li, A. Möller, M.C.
Steinbach, M. Wendt u. G. Wozny, Stochastic
for Operating Chemical Processes under Uncertainty. In: M.
Grötschel, S. Krumke, J. Rambau (eds.): Online Optimization
of Large Scale Systems, Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp.
- R. Henrion, P. Li, A. Möller, M.
Wendt u. G. Wozny, Optimal
of a continuous distillation process under probabilistic
constraints. In: M. Grötschel, S. Krumke, J. Rambau
(eds.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems,
Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp. 499-517.
- R. Henrion u. J. Outrata,
Subdifferential Criterion for Calmness of Multifunctions ,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis
and Applications, 258 (2001) 110-130.
- R. Henrion, Einführung in
Methoden der stochastischen Optimierung, Kurshandbuch zum
DECHEMA-Weiterbildungskurs Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer
Prozesse, TU Berlin, 4.-6.9. 2000 (G. Wozny Hrsg.), pp.
8-1 to 8-49.
- R. Henrion, On global,
local and stationary solutions in three-way data analysis. Journal of Chemometrics, 14 (2000)
- R. Henrion, Qualitative
stability of convex programs with probabilistic constraints
, in V.H. Nguyen, J.-J. Strodiot and P. Tossings (eds.): Optimization
(Lect. Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 481,
Springer, Berlin, 2000), pp. 164-180.
- R. Henrion u. W. Römisch,
of solutions to chance constrained stochastic programs ,
in J. Guddat, R. Hirabayashi, H.Th. Jongen and F. Twilt (eds.):
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics V, Peter Lang,
Frankfurt a.M. 2000, pp. 95-114.
- C. Andersson u. R. Henrion,
general algorithm for obtaining simple structure of core
arrays in N-way PCA with application to fluorimetric data
, Computational Statistics&Data
Analysis, 31 (1999) 255-278.
- R. Henrion u. W. Römisch,
and quantitative stability in stochastic programs with
probabilistic constraints , Mathematical
Programming, 84 (1999) 55-88.
- R. Henrion u. C. Andersson,
A new criterion for simple-structure transformations of core
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- D. Klatte u. R. Henrion, Regularity
stability in nonlinear semi-infinite optimization , in: R.
Reemtsen u. J. Rückmann (eds.): Semi-Infinite Programming,
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- R. Henrion, Simultaneous
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- H. Arellano Garcia, R. Henrion, P.
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model for the online optimization of integrated distillation
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des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 'Echtzeit-Optimierung großer
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- R. Henrion, Characterization
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- C. Andersson, L. Munck, R. Henrion u.
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- R. Henrion, The
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- R. Henrion, Topological
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- R. Henrion, Topological
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- K. Doerffel, G. Henrion u. R. Henrion,
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- R. Henrion, N-way
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- R. Henrion u. D. Klatte, Metric
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- R. Henrion u. G. Henrion,
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- R. Henrion, On
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- R. Henrion, On
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- A. Henrion, G. Henrion, R. Henrion u.
F. Scholz, Application of Partial Least Squares
Regression for Signal Resolution in Differential Pulse Anodic
Stripping Voltammetry of Thallium and Lead, Electroanalysis, 2 (1990),
- R. Henrion,
Strukturanalyse zum parametrischen Teilproblem in semi-infiniten
Optimierungsaufgaben, PhD thesis, Humboldt-University, Berlin,