J. Fuhrmann,
“Introduction to Julia and VoronoiFVM.jl,” Workshop on Finite Volumes
and Optimal Transport, Institut de Mathématiques d’Orsay, 19-Nov-2024. URL:
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume simulations of drift-diffusion problems in semiconductors and electrolytes,” CentraleSupelec, Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés et Matériaux, Reims, 19-Sep-2024.
J. Fuhrmann and J. P. Thiele, “Erfahrungen mit Softwarelizenzierung & Transfer am WIAS,” Leibniz Open Transfer Workshop, 05-Jun-2024.
J. Fuhrmann, “The nonlinear finite volume solver VoronoiFVM.jl: Capabilities, applications and plans,” Numerical mathematics seminar, WIAS Berlin, 04-Jun-2024.
J. Fuhrmann, “Thermodynamically consistent finite volume schemes for electrolyte simulations,” International Conference on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (ANEDP 2023), Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, 16-Oct-2023.
J. Fuhrmann, “Thermodynamically consistent finite volume schemes for electrolyte simulations,” 10th International Congress on Industrial; Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Waseda University, Tokyo, 22-Aug-2023.
J. Fuhrmann, “VoronoiFVM.jl - a multiphysics finite volume solver for elliptic and parabolic systems,” SIAM conference on Computational Science; Engineering, Amsterdam, 27-Feb-2023.
J. Fuhrmann, “Reproducibility infrastructure of the Julia language,” 1st MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing, Münster, 27-Oct-2022.
J. Fuhrmann, “Excess chemical potential based finite volume schemes for charge transport problems,” 31st Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Aachen, 17-May-2022.
J. Fuhrmann, “Thermodynamically consistent finite volume schemes for charge transport problems,” Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, Praha, 17-Jun-2021.
J. Fuhrmann, “Quality preserving numerical methods for electrolyte modeling,” 748. Heraeus Seminar, Bad Godesberg (online), 11-May-2021.
J. Fuhrmann, “Quality preserving numerical methods for electroosmotic flow,” ALGORITMY 2020, Podbanske (online), 14-Sep-2020.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for degenerate drift-diffusion systems,” Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Düsseldorf, 14-Oct-2019.
J. Fuhrmann, “Modified exponential fitting schemes for degenerate semiconductors and electrolytes,” European Conference on Numerical Mathematics; Advanced Applications (ENUMATH), Egmond aan Zee, 02-Oct-2019.
J. Fuhrmann, “Entwicklung von policies und richtlinien für forschungssoftware,” deRSE19 - Konferenz für ForschungssoftwareentwicklerInnen in Deutschland, June 4 - 6, 2019, Potsdam, Jun-2019.
J. Fuhrmann, “Towards finite volume based PDE simulations with julia,” MIT Julialab, Boston, 11-Jun-2019.
P. F. J. Fuhrmann, “Modeling and simulation of charge carrier transport in semiconductors and electrolytes,” Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, Institut für Silizium-Photovoltaik, 27-Jun-2019.
J. Fuhrmann,
“The julia programming language in applications for electrochemical systems simulation,” Leibniz MMS Days 2019, Kühlungsborn, 21-Mar-2019. URL:
J. Fuhrmann and A. Linke, “Towards finite volume based PDE simulations with Julia,” Charles Univ. Prague, 19-Sep-2018.
J. Fuhrmann, C. Guhlke, A. Linke, Ch. Merdon, and R. Müller, “Voronoi finite volumes and pressure robust finite elements for electrolyte models with finite ion sizes,” NUMGRID 2018: 9th International Conference Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation; Scientific Computing, Moscow, 03-Dec-2018.
J. Fuhrmann, C. Guhlke, A. Linke, Ch. Merdon, R. Müller, and M. Landstorfer, “Numerical methods for electroosmotic flow including finite ion size effects,” 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Bologna, 06-Sep-2018.
J. Fuhrmann, C. Guhlke, A. Linke, Ch. Merdon, R. Müller, and M. Landstorfer, “Models and numerical methods for electroosmotic flow with finite ion size effect,” International Workshop on Physics of Membrane Processes 2018, Bologna, 02-Sep-2018.
J. Fuhrmann, C. Guhlke, A. Linke, Ch. Merdon, and R. Müller, “Coupled finite volumes/finite elements for electroosmotic flow with solvation effects,” Univ. Lille, 17-May-2018.
J. Fuhrmann, A. Linke, and Ch. Merdon, “Robust quality preserving numerical methods for electroosmotic flows,” MODVAL 15, Aarau, 12-Apr-2018.
J. Fuhrmann, “Computational assessment of the derivation of the Butler–Volmer kinetics as a limit case of the Nernst–Planck equations with surface reactions,” ZSW Ulm, 20-Mar-2018.
J. Fuhrmann, “Thermodynamically consistent models and numerical methods for electroosmotic flow,” VSCHT Prague, 19-Feb-2018.
J. Fuhrmann and C. Guhlke, “A finite volume scheme for nernst-planck-poisson systems with ion size and solvation effects,” Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII, Lille, France, 14-Jun-2017.
J. Fuhrmann, Ch. Merdon, and A. Linke, “Ionic mixtures with volume constraints: Models and numerical approaches,” International workshop on liquid metal battery fluid dynamics, Dresden, 17-May-2017.
J. Fuhrmann, “Strategien für die verwertung wissenschaftlicher software: Praktische erfahrungen und aktuelle entwicklungen,” Frühjahrstreffen des Arbeitskreises Wissenstransfer der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung, Bremen, 10-May-2017.
J. Fuhrmann, “Models and numerics for Nernst-Planck-Poisson systems with volume constraints,” Helmholtz Institute Ulm, 01-Sep-2016.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical methods for generalized drift-diffusion models in electrochemical devices and semiconductors,” 7th European Congress of Mathematics, Berlin, 22-Jul-2016.
J. Fuhrmann, “Models and numerics for nernst-planck-poisson systems with volume constraints,” TU Berlin, 12-Jul-2016.
J. Fuhrmann, C. Guhlke, and R. Müller, “Computational assessment of the derivation of the Butler-Volmer kinetics as a limit case of the Nernst-Planck equations with surface reactions.” MODVAL13, Lausanne, 13-Mar-2016.
J. Fuhrmann, “Nernst-Planck-Poisson-systems with volume constraints: Modeling and numerics,” ALGORITMY 2016, Podbanské, Slovakia, 17-Mar-2016.
J. Fuhrmann, “Generalized Nernst-Planck-Poisson systems: Modeling aspects and numerical approaches,” Seminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, WIAS Berlin, 14-Jan-2016.
J. Fuhrmann and C. Guhlke, “Accurate mathematical and numerical modeling of electrochemical systems,” 7th KoMSO Challenge Workshop “Mathematical MSO for Energy Conservation”, October 8-9, 2015, Heidelberg, Germany, 08-Oct-2015.
J. Fuhrmann, “Boundary heat and mass transfer: Analytical and numerical approaches,” International Max Planck Research School in Process; Systems Engineering – Summer School 2015, August 31 - September 2, 2015, Magdeburg, Germany, 01-Sep-2015.
J. Fuhrmann, “WIAS survey & voronoi finite volume methods,” 8th TOTAL Meshing Round Table, Pau, June 25, 2015, 25-Jun-2015.
J. Fuhrmann, “A numerical method for Nernst – Planck – Poisson systems with volume constraints,” 17th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Multiscale Analysis of Electrochemical Systems May 31-June 3, 2015, St Malo, France, 03-Jun-2015.
J. Fuhrmann and H. Si, “Tetrahedralizations and finite volume models in numerical modeling,” CAE-Forum, Hannover Messe 2015, April 13-17, 2015, 16-Apr-2015.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical methods in the simulation of electrochemical systems,” WIAS Day 2015, February 16-17, 2015, Miniworkshop “Modeling and Numerics of Electrochemical Systems”, 16-Feb-2015.
J. Fuhrmann, “A numerical approach to Nernst – Planck – Poisson systems with volume constraints,” 12th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling; Experimental Validation (MODVAL 12), March 26-27, 2015, Freiburg, Germany, 27-Mar-2015.
J. Fuhrmann, “Voronoi finite volume methods,” XVI. Mathematica-Tag, WIAS Berlin, 09-Dec-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, “A numerical approach to multicomponent transport and diffusion derived from semiconductor device simulation methods,” Workshop Nanostructures for Photovoltaics; Energy Storage, TU Berlin, 09-Dec-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, A. Linke, Ch. Merdon, M. Khodayari, and H. Baltruschat, “Modellbasierte ermittlung von transport-, reaktions- und löslichkeitsdaten aus dünnschichtzellexperimenten,” Symposium Elektrochemische Methoden in der Batterieforschung, Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden, 05-Dec-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, “Well-balanced voronoi finite volume schemes for generalized nernst–planck–poisson systems,” GdR MoMaS Workshop, CIRM Luminy, 19-Nov-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, “Stabilized well balanced voronoi finite volume schemes for generalized nernst-planck-poisson systems,” Workshop Electrochemical Interfaces: Recent Topics; Open Questions, WIAS Berlin, 02-Oct-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical approaches to nernst-planck poisson systems with volume constraints,” Frei, porös, reaktiv! - Mathematik reaktiver Transportprozesse in porösen Medien. Workshop on occasion of the 60th birthday of P. Knabner, Univ. Erlangen, 12-Jul-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, A. Linke, and Ch. Merdon, “Divergence free coupling of fluid flow and solute transport,” Univ. Erlangen, 10-Jul-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, “A finite volume approach to the numerical solution of generalised nernst-planck poisson systems,” 6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (ACOMEN), Ghent, 25-Jun-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, “Thermodynamically consistent numerical methods for electrolyte simulations,” Conference on Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Physics; Mechanics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, 04-Mar-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, A. Linke, and C. Merdon, “Mass conservative coupling of fluid flow and transport,” NTNU Trondheim, 28-Jan-2014.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical strategies for electrolyte simulations,” PEM2013 Workshop, NTNU Trondheim, 10-Oct-2013.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Langmach, A. Linke, and H. Zhao, “Stable numerical methods for macroscopic models of electrochemical devices,” University of West Bohemia, Plzen, 05-Mar-2013.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Langmach, A. Linke, and H. Zhao, “Mathematical and numerical modeling of coupled processes in electrochemical devices,” Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics, Charles University, Prague, 04-Mar-2013.
J. Fuhrmann, “Voronoi box based finite volume methods: Advantages and challenges,” Széchenyi István Egyetem, Györ, 21-Jan-2013.
J. Fuhrmann, A. Linke, and H. Langmach, “Numerical modeling of fluid flow and species transport by a coupled finite element/finite volume approach.” 26th Chemnitz FEM Symposium, 25-Sep-2012.
J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, H. Langmach, A. Linke, M. Khodayari, and H. Baltruschat, “Experimental and numerical characterization of a dual thin-layer flow through cell,” 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Prague, 22-Aug-2012.
J. Fuhrmann, “Rotierende Scheiben, Elektrolyte und Mathematik,” Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, WIAS Berlin, 02-Jun-2012.
J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, and H. Langmach, “Numerical modeling of CO electrooxidation on a ring electrode,” 9th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling; Experimental Validation (MODVAL 9), April 3 - 4, 2012, Campus Sursee, Switzerland, 03-Apr-2012.
J. Fuhrmann, “Mathematical and numerical modeling of coupled flow,transport and reactions in electrochemical devices,” Workshop on Evolution Equations, Related Topics; Applications, October 3 - 7, 2011, March 19 - 23, 2012, Waseda University, Faculty of Science; Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 19-Mar-2012.
J. Fuhrmann, “Electrochemical processes and porous media: Mathematical and numerical modeling.” Workshop on Simulation of Flow in Porous Media; Applications in Waste Management; CO2 Sequestration, October 3 - 7, 2011, Johann Radon Institute for Computational; Applied Mathematics, Linz, Austria, 05-Oct-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical modeling of electrochemical systems,” Meeting WIAS-Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, WIAS Berlin, 07-Jun-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, R. Eymard, and K. Gärtner, “Finite volume schemes for nonlinear convection-diffusion problems based on the solution of local Dirichlet problems,” Conference on Simulation; Optimization, June 29 - July 1, 2011, István Széchenyi University, Györ, Hungary, 30-Jun-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, A. Linke, and H. Langmach, “Mass conservative coupling between fluid flow and solute transport.” Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI, Prague, Czech Republic, 10-Jun-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, “Macroscopic models in microfluidic electrochemical devices.” Universität Ulm, Institut für Oberflächenchemie und Katalyse, 27-May-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, “Aspects of spatially resolved numerical modeling in electrochemical cells.” Max-Plank Institut für komplexe dynamische Systeme, 05-May-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, “Influence of convective transport on CO oxidation on pt,” 8th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modeling; Experimental Validation, Bonn, 09-Mar-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical modeling of coupled transport and reaction processes using finite volume methods,” Meeting WIAS-Nippon Steel, Berlin, 17-Jan-2011.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for coupled flow processes,” Summerschool ”Modelling of Mass; Energy Transport in Porous Media With Practical Applications”, Free Univ. Berlin, 13-Oct-2010.
H. Zhao, H. Langmach, J. Fuhrmann, Y. E. Seidel, Z. Jusys, and R. J. Behm, “Incomplete reactions in electrocatalytic processes: Asymptotic and numerical model problem study,” 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Nice, 27-Sep-2010.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical modeling in electrochemistry by voronoi finite volume methods,” Numerical Methods; Application VI, Borovets, 23-Aug-2010.
J. Fuhrmann and A. Fiebach, “Aspects of numerical simulation of semiconductor photoresists,” Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 10-Jun-2010.
J. Fuhrmann, “Mathematical and numerical modeling of fuel cells and electrochemical flow cells,” Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik, Kaiserslautern, 01-Dec-2009.
J. Fuhrmann, “Mathematical and numerical models of electrochemical processes related to porous media,” International Conference on Non-linearities; Upscaling in Porous Media (NUPUS), Univ. Stuttgart, 06-Nov-2009.
J. Fuhrmann and A. Fiebach, “Modeling and simulation of post exposure bake processes in double patterning,” 7th Fraunhofer IISB Lithography Simulation Workshop, September 25-27, 2009, Hersbruck, 26-Sep-2009.
J. Fuhrmann and A. Fiebach, “Reaction-diffusion processes in polymer resists,” Evolution Equations, Related Topics; Applications, September 7-11, 2009, Helmholz-Zentrum München, 08-Sep-2009.
J. Fuhrmann, “Modeling of reaction diffusion problems in semiconductor photoresists,” Seventh Negev Applied Mathematical Workshop, July 6-8, 2009, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Sede Boqer Campus, 08-Jul-2009.
J.Fuhrmann, “Model based numerical impedance calculation in electrochemical systems,” 6th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling; Experimental Validation (MODVAL 6), March 25-26, 2009, Evangelische Akademie Baden, Bad Herrenalb, 25-Mar-2009.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Zhao, A. Linke, H. Langmach, and E. Holzbecher, “Numerical models for flow cells and fuel cells,” Conference on Scientific Computing (ALGORITMY 2009), March 15-20, 2009, Podbanské, 17-Mar-2009.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Zhao, A. Linke, H. Langmach, and E. Holzbecher, “Electrochemistry, flow, and porous media. Aspects of numerical modeling,” Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau, 09-Dec-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, A. Fiebach, M. Uhle, A. Erdmann, C. R. Szmanda, and C. Truong, “A model of self-limiting residual acid diffusion for pattern doubling,” 34th International Conference on Micro; Nano Engineering (MNE), 17-Sep-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, A. Linke, H. Langmach, and E. Holzbecher, “Modeling and simulation of coupled species transport, porous electrode effects and catalytic reactions in flow cells,” 5th International Symposium on Finite Volume Methods for Complex Applications (FVCA5),Aussois, France., 09-Jun-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, A. Linke, H. Langmach, and E. Holzbecher, “Numerical calculation of limiting current and kinetic parameters in thin layer flow cells.” 5th Symposium on Fuel Cell Modelling; Experimental Validation, Winterthur, 12-Mar-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, T. Streckenbach, K. Gaertner, H. Langmach, and M. Uhle, “pdelib2 - a software environment for the numerical solution of partial differential equations.” Matheon-Workshop on Data Structures for Finite Element; Finite Volume Computations, FU Berlin, 29-Feb-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, A. Linke, H. Langmach, and E. Holzbecher, “Numerical modeling of thin layer flow cells,” Univ. Münster, 23-Jan-2008.
Th. Koprucki, R. Eymard, and J. Fuhrmann, “Convergence of a finite volume scheme to the eigenvalues of a schrödinger operator,” WIAS Berlin, Langenbach-Seminar, 13-Feb-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Zhao, A. Linke, H. Langmach, and E. Holzbecher, “Numerical modeling of heterogeneous electrocatalysis in porous media,” GDR MOMAS Workshop on Reactive Flows, Strasbourg, 20-Jan-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, A. Linke, H. Langmach, and E. Holzbecher, “Limiting current calculation in thin layer flow cells,” Univ. Erlangen, 15-Jan-2008.
J. Fuhrmann, H. Zhao, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, and A. Linke, “Finite volume methods in numerical modeling of electrochemical flow cells,” ENUMATH 2007, Graz, 12-Sep-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, and H. Zhao, “Issues in numerical modelling of differential electrochemical mass spectroscopy in flow cells,” Sixth Negev Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Sede Boqer, 03-Jul-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, and H. Zhao, “Modelling and simulations for electrocatalytic processes,” MikroDMFC Project Meeting, WIAS Berlin, 25-Jun-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, H. Zhao, M. Chojak, R. Halseid, Z. Jusys, and R. J. Behm, “Model studies and simulations for electrocatalytic processes under well-defined mass transport conditions,” Workshop ”Neue Technologien für Zell und Stackdesign”, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 18-Jun-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, A. Linke, and H. Zhao, “Numerical modelling of electrochemical FLow cells,” Universität Bonn, 06-Jun-2007.
J. Fuhrmann and J. Sprekels, “Development of numerical models of direct methanol fuel cells,” Sustainable Neighbourhood From Lisbon to Leipzig through Research (L2L), 4th BMBF Forum for Sustainability, Leipzig, 10-May-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, A. Linke, and H. Zhao, “Numerical modelling of electrochemical FLow cells,” Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 05-May-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, A. Linke, and H. Zhao, “Finite volume methods in numerical modelling of electrochemical devices,” Université Paris Sud, Orsay, 25-Apr-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Langmach, and H. Si, “Voronoï box based finite volume methods in scientific computing,” Institut Francais du Pétrole, Ruel Malmaison, 24-Apr-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, A. Linke, and H. Zhao, “Aspects of finite volume methods in numerical modelling of electrochemical devices,” Universite de Marne la Vallée, 13-Apr-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Langmach, and H. Si, “Voronoï box based finite volume methods for systems of reaction-diffusion-convection equations,” LATP, Universite du Provence, Marseille, 10-Apr-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, “Modellierung, experimentelle Untersuchung und Simulation für Direkt-Methanol- Mikrobrennstoffzellen,” BMBF-Statusseminar, Netzwerke Grundlagenforschung Erneuerbare Energien und rationelle Energieanwendung, Berlin, 13-Mar-2007.
J. Fuhrmann and K. G. R. Eymard, “Finite volume schemes for nonlinear convection-diffusion problems based on the solution of local dirichlet problems.” Oberseminar Scientific Computing, FU Berlin, 19-Jan-2007.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, and H.Zhao, “Coupled processes in electrochemistry: Direct methanol fuel cells and thin layer flow cells,” International Conference on Multifield Problems, Stuttgart, October 4 - 6, 2006, 04-Oct-2006.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, and H.Zhao, “Numerical simulations for the investigation of direct methanol fuel cells,” Workshop ”Modelling; Simulation of PEM Fuel Cells”, WIAS Berlin, Sept 18-20, 2006, 18-Sep-2006.
J. Fuhrmann, G. Enchery, F. Magri, and U. Bayer, “Numerical modelling of thermohaline convection in the north-east german basin:results of finite volume simulations.” EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2006, 07-Apr-2006.
J. Fuhrmann, E. Holzbecher, H. Zhao, H. Langmach, and K. Gärtner, “Ansätze zur modellierung und simulation von MikroDMFC und flusszellen,” Workshop ”Apparative Ausstattung, Messung, Materialcharakterisierung und Parameterbestimmung”, TU Ilmenau, Insitut für Physik, 07-Mar-2006.
J. Fuhrmann, “Modellierung, experimentelle Untersuchung und Simulation für Direkt-Methanol- Mikrobrennstoffzellen,” BMBF-Statusseminar, Netzwerke Grundlagenforschung Erneuerbare Energien und rationelle Energieanwendung, Stuttgart, 02-Dec-2005.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, E. Holzbecher, H. Langmach, and H. Zhao, “Modelling of direct methanol micro fuel cells,” MikroDMFC Project Meeting, Fraunhofer IZM Berlin, 30-Sep-2005.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, A. Heubner, B. Tollkühn, M. Uhle, and A. Erdmann, “Numerical simulation of the post exposure bake process,” 3rd IISB Lithography Simulation Workshop, Pommersfelden, 17-Sep-2005.
J. Fuhrmann, R. Eymard, and K. Gärtner, “Finite volume schemes for nonlinear convection-diffusion problems based on the solution of local Dirichlet problems,” EQUADIFF 11, Bratislava, 28-Jul-2005.
J. Fuhrmann, R. Eymard, and K. Gärtner, “Evaluation of numerical fluxes for a locally exact finite volume scheme using hypergeometric functions,” Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IV, Marrakech, 07-Jul-2005.
J. Fuhrmann and K. Gärtner, “Numerical simulation of direct methanol fuel cells,” Graduiertenkolleg 1128, Humboldt Univerisität zu Berlin, 16-May-2005.
J. Fuhrmann, “Brennstoffzellen im Computer,” Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, WIAS Berlin, 11-Jun-2005.
J. Fuhrmann and K. Gärtner, “A detailed numerical model for the simulation of direct methanol fuel cells,” BERTA Arbeitskreis Membranen für den Einsatz in Brennstoffzellen, Bad Kreuznach, 05-May-2005.
J. Fuhrmann and K. Gärtner, “Numerical simulation of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,” Workshop “Computational Fuel Cell Dynamics-III“, March 19–24, 2005, Banff Internationl Research Station, Canada, 24-Mar-2005.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, and M. Uhle, “Numerical methods for reaction diffusion systems with applications to photolithography,” Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie, Erlangen, 07-Feb-2005.
J. Fuhrmann and K. Gärtner, “A detailed numerical model for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,” Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme, Freiburg, 21-Jan-2005.
J. Fuhrmann and K. Gärtner, “A detailed numerical model for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,” Université Paris Sud, Orsay, 08-Sep-2004.
J. Fuhrmann and K. Gärtner, “A detailed numerical model for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,” ECMI 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 22-Jun-2004.
J. Fuhrmann, “Wie entsteht eine Computersimulation?” Leibniz Gymnasium Berlin, 06-Sep-2004.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Langmach, H. Si, and M. Uhle, “Pdelib — a toolbox for the numerical solution of partial differential equations,” Parallel Adaptive Computing, Hohenwart 2003, 11-Nov-2003.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, H. Langmach, H. Si, and M. Uhle, “Pdelib — eine Toolbox für die numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen,” DMV-Jahrestagung 2003, Rostock, 17-Sep-2003.
J. Fuhrmann and K. Gärtner, “A detailed numerical model for DMFC: Discretization and solution methods,” Workshop “Computational Fuel Cell Dynamics-II,” April 19–24, 2003, Banff Internationl Research Station, Canada, 24-Apr-2003.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical simulation of thermal convection in the North-East German Basin,” Workshop “Challenges In Scientific Computing (CISC),”October 2–5, WIAS Berlin, 04-Oct-2002.
J. Fuhrmann, “Implicit finite volume methods in complex applications,” Conference on Scientific Computing (ALGORITMY 2002), September 8–13, Podbanske, Slovakia, 10-Sep-2002.
J. Fuhrmann, “Multiphysics systems solution by time-implicit Voronoi box finite volumes,” 3rd Symposium on Finite Volume for Complex Applications 24–28, Porquerolles, France, 28-Jun-2002.
J. Fuhrmann, “Wie entsteht eine Computersimulation?” Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2002, WIAS Berlin, 15-Jun-2002.
J. Fuhrmann, “Wie entsteht eine Computersimulation?” OSZ Energietechnik Spandau, Mar-2002.
J. Fuhrmann, “Wie entsteht eine Computersimulation?” URANIA Berlin, Vortrag anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens des Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V., 23-Feb-2002.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, J. Divisek, and R. Jung, “The FZ-Jülich - WIAS DMFC -model: Species transport,” Workshop “Open Problems of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC),” WIAS Berlin, 23-Nov-2001.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, J. Divisek, and R. Jung, “Numerical modelling of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells,” MCEB 2001,Workshop on Modelling; Computation in Chemical Engineering; Biotechnology, Hohenwart, 02-Oct-2001.
J. Fuhrmann, K. Gärtner, J. Divisek, and R. Jung, “Numerische Modellierung von Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzellen,” Mathematisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 19-Jul-2001.
J. Fuhrmann and V. Clausnitzer, “Numerical simulation of coupled heat and mass transport in the North-East German Basin,” Sixth SIAM Conference on Mathematical; Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Boulder, CO, 11-Jun-2001.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for coupled transport phenomena in porous media,” ALGORITMY 2000, Conference on Scientific Computing Podbanske, Slovakia, 14-Sep-2000.
J. Fuhrmann, “Pdelib/sysconlaw: Ein Löser für Systeme viskoser Erhaltungsgleichungen,” WIAS-Institutskolloquium, Berlin, 19-Jun-2000.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for systems of viscous conservation laws: Numerical analysis and software,” Sixth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Copper Mountain CO, 03-Apr-2000.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for systems of viscous nonlinear conservation laws with applications to porous media flow,” Tagung ,,Porous Media”, Oberwolfach, 29-Jan-2000.
J. Fuhrmann, “Pdelib/sysconlaw: Ein Löser für Systeme viskoser Erhaltungsgleichungen. Theoretische Aspekte, Schnittstellen und Verifizierung anhand von Zweiphasenströmungsproblemen,” Technische Universität Braunschweig, 26-Oct-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for nonlinear viscous conservation laws: Existence, uniqueness, and stability results for the discrete problem,” Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 19-Oct-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Existence and stability results for finite volume discretizations of nonlinear viscous conservation laws,” EPSICODE’99, International Conference on Numerical Methods for Transport-Dominated; Related Problems, Schloß Wendgräben, 23-Sep-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for systems of viscous conservation lawswith applications to porous media flow,” Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, Jun-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for systems of viscous conservation laws with applications to porous media flow,” Université Paris Sud, Orsay, 17-Jun-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite-Volumen-Verfahren für Systeme viskoser Erhaltungsgleichungen mit Anwendungen auf dem Gebiet der porösen Medien,” Technische Univeristät Chemnitz, 28-May-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Pdelib — eine offene modulare Toolbox für die numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen,” Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, 18-May-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume discretizations of systems of viscous nonlinear conservation laws: Theoretical, experimental and implementation issues,” Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Mar-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Existence and stability results for finite volume discretizations of viscous nonlinear conservation laws with application to subsurface transport problems,” Fifth SIAM Conference on Mathematical; Computational Issues in the Geosciences, San Antonio, Texas, 25-Mar-1999.
J. Fuhrmann, “Variants of modular algebraic multigrid methods,” 10th GAMM Workshop on Multigrid Methods, Bonn, 07-Oct-1998.
J. Fuhrmann and H. Langmach, “Voronoi box based finite volume schemes for the numerical solution of subsurface transport problems,” International Symposium on Computer Methods for Engineering in Porous Media, Giens, France, 28-Sep-1998.
J. Fuhrmann and H. Langmach, “Mass conservative numerical solution of subsurface transport problems,” 3rd International Conference on Hydroscience; Engineering, Brandenburgisch Technische Universität Cottbus, 01-Sep-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerically stable finite volume discretizations for nonlinear parabolic problems,” ICM’98, Berlin, 20-Aug-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Existenz- und Stabilitätsaussagen für zeitlich implizite Finite-Volumen-Diskretisierungen von nichtlinearen Erhaltungsgleichungen,” Universität Gesamthochschule Essen, 07-Jul-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Existenz- und Stabilitätsaussagen für zeitlich implizite Finite-Volumen-Diskretisierungen von nichtlinearen Erhaltungsgleichungen,” Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 30-Jun-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Existenz- und Einzigkeitsaussagen für nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme aus Finite-Volumen-Diskretisierungen,” Langenbach-Seminar, WIAS Berlin, 10-Jun-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Finite volume methods for the discretization of flow and transport phenomena,” WASY GmbH, Fachtagung Grafik-gestützte Grundwassermodellierung, Berlin, 05-May-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical solution of nonlinear parabolic problems based on Newton’s method and finite volumes,” Cartan Institute, Nancy, 18-Feb-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical simulation of saturated/unsaturated flow based on Newton’s method and finite volumes,” Université Paris Sud, Orsay, 12-Feb-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, Th. Koprucki, and H. Langmach, “Pdelib: An open modular toolbox for the numerical solution of partial differential equations. Design patterns,” 14th GAMM Seminar on Concepts of Numerical Software, Kiel, 23-Jan-1998.
J. Fuhrmann, “Wie entsteht eine Computersimulation?” Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, 19-Dec-1997.
J. Fuhrmann, “Gltools: An OpenGL based visualization tool box for numerical and statistical applications,” Workshop VISMATH’97 Berlin, 19-Sep-1997.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical solution schemes for nonlinear diffusion problems based on Newton’s method,” ALGORITHMY’97, Zuberec, Slovakia, 05-Aug-1997.
J. Fuhrmann, “A comparison of modular algebraic multigrid methods,” IMACS Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computation, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 09-Jul-1997.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerische Verfahren und Softwarekomponenten für die Lösung nichtlinearer Transportprobleme in porösen Medien,” Berliner Kolloquium ,,Modellierung und experimentelle Untersuchungen zu Strömungs- und Stofftransport in Hydro- und Geosphäre”, Institut für Wasserbau, Technische Universität Berlin, 20-May-1997.
J. Fuhrmann, “Numerical solution of degenerate parabolic equations,” 9th Conference of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI), Lyngby/Kopenhagen, Jun-1996.
J. Fuhrmann, “Outlines of a modular algebraic multigrid method,” Conference on Algebraic Multilevel Iteration Methods, Nijmegen, Jun-1996.
H. L. J. Fuhrmann, “Pdelib – eine modulare Toolbox für Simulationsprogramme mit KASKADE-Schnittstelle,” Workshop ,,Datenstrukturen für Adaptive Multilevel-FEM-Verfahren”, Berlin, May-1996.
J. Fuhrmann, “Algebraic multilevel methods for porous media flow problems,” 9th International GAMM-Workshop on Parallel Multigrid Methods, Strobl, May-1996.
J. Fuhrmann, “Berechnung und Wirklichkeit,” Tag der Mathematik der Berliner Schulen, May-1996.
J. Fuhrmann, “On numerical solution methods for nonlinear parabolic problems,” Seminar on Modelling; Computation in Environmental Sciences, Stuttgart, Oct-1995.
J. Fuhrmann, “Algebraic multigrid methods for porous media flow,” German-Polish Workshop on Multilevel Methods, Berlin, Nov-1995.
J. Fuhrmann,
“On algebraic multilevel methods for partial differential equations,” Tagung
“Multilevel Methods and Applications,” Oberwolfach, May-1995. URL:
J. Fuhrmann, “Two phase flow computation using algebraic multilevel methods,” Third SIAM Conference on Mathematical; Computational Issues in the Geosciences, San Antonio, Texas, Feb-1995.
J. Fuhrmann, “Zur Verwendung von Newton-Mehrgitterverfahren bei der lösung von Mehrphasenströmungsproblemen,” Klausurtagung des SFB 359, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 22-Oct-1994.
J. Fuhrmann, “On the numerical solution of the equation of saturated/unsaturated flow in porous media,” X. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Heidelberg, Jul-1994.
J. Fuhrmann, “Ein algebraischer Multilevelvorkonditionierer auf Quadernetzen,” Workshop über parallele Lösung großer Gleichungssysteme, Technische Universität Chemnitz, 27-May-1994.
J. Fuhrmann, “Softwarekomponenten für die numerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen,” Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 16-May-1994.
J. Fuhrmann, “Ein algebraisch definiertes Mehrgitterverfahren auf Quadernetzen,” Institut für Analysis und numerische Mathematik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 21-Apr-1994.
J. Fuhrmann, “Ein Mehrgittervorkonditionierer für partielle Differentialgleichungen mit variierenden Koeffizienten, die in Transport- und Diffusionsproblemen auftreten,” Workshop “Scientific Computing in der Theoretischen Physik,” FU Berlin, Mar-1994.
J. Fuhrmann, “Zur numerischen Simulation des gesättigt/ungesättigten Fluidtransports in porösen Medien,” Insitut für Wasserwirtschaft, TU Berlin, Dec-1993.
J. Fuhrmann, “On the numerical treatment of saturated/unsaturated porous media flow,” TMP 10, Chemnitz, Sep-1993.
J. Fuhrmann, “On matrix data structures and the stability of multigrid algorithms,” European Multigrid Conference, Amsterdam, Jul-1993.
J. Fuhrmann,
“Multigrid methods for problems with strongly varying coefficients,” Tagung Porous Media, Oberwolfach, Jun-1992. URL:
J. Fuhrmann, “On the convergence of an algebraically defined multigrid method,” DMV-Jahrestagung, Berlin, Sep-1992.
J. Fuhrmann, “Calculation of saturated-unsaturated flow in porous media with a Newton-multigrid method,” GAMM-Seminar on Multigrid Methods, Gosen, Sep-1992.