Winter Semester 2017/2018

Scientific Computing (Wissenschaftliches Rechnen), TU Berlin

Course page at


Times and location:

Content Summary


Lecture script + slides

The script is developed by combining the slides (without the recapitulations at the beginning). It will be more economical to print the script than the slides.

Script (Lectures 1-29)2018-02-13
Script (Lectures 1-12)2017-11-28
02C++: first steps2017-10-19
03C++: next steps2017-10-24
04C++: using vectors2017-10-26
05Linear system solution (corrected)2017-11-02
06Sparse matrices+iterations (corrected)2017-11-07
07Numcxx + iteration complexity2017-11-09
08Diagonal dominance, M-Property2017-11-14
09ILU, steepest descend2017-11-16
10ILU, conjugate gradients2017-11-21
11Visualization tools2017-11-23
12Mesh generation2017-11-28
13The mesh generator Triangle2017-11-30
14Sobolev Spaces & weak formulations2017-12-05
15The Galerkin method2017-12-12
16Finite elements I2017-12-15
17Finite elements II2017-12-19
18Finite elements III2017-12-21
19Finite volumes I2018-01-09
20Finite volumes II2018-01-11
21Time dependent problems2018-01-16
22Time dependent, convergence demo2018-01-18
23Convection-diffusion, nonlinearity2018-01-23
24Convection-diffusion, nonlinearity demo2018-01-25
25OpenMP parallelization2018-01-30
26MPI parallelization2018-02-01
27GPU parallelization2018-02-06
28Iterative solver complexity2018-02-08
29Multigrid + wrap up2018-02-13

Homework assignment

Due date
Due Nov. 82017-10-26
Due Dec 152017-11-20


We use the numcxx library. Most examples of the course are provided as part of this library.

Page updates

(besides slide uploads)

2017-11-28Script for lectures 1-12
2017-11-06numcxx doxygen documentation
2017-10-27Script, links to C++ tutorials and Linux intro
2017-10-11New for WS 2017/2018