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Advanced Topics from Scientific Computing
TU Berlin Winter 2022/23
Notebook 08
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag Jürgen Fuhrmann

<b> Advanced Topics from Scientific Computing<br>
TU Berlin Winter 2022/23<br>
Notebook 08<br>
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a>
Jürgen Fuhrmann
</b> <br>
3.5 ms
using Graphs
using ExtendableSparse
using GraphPlot
using Colors
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using IterativeSolvers
4.8 s

Iterative methods for linear systems

# Iterative methods for linear systems

115 ms

Let $V=\mathbb R^n$ be equipped with the inner product $(\cdot,\cdot)$. Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ nonsingular matrix.

Solve $Au=b$ iteratively. For this purpose, two components are needed:

  • Preconditioner: a matrix $M\approx A$ "approximating" the matrix $A$ but with the property that the system $Mv=f$ is easy to solve

  • Iteration scheme: algorithmic sequence using $M$ and $A$ which updates the solution step by step

Let $V=\mathbb R^n$ be equipped with the inner product $(\cdot,\cdot)$.
Let $A$ be an $n\times n$ nonsingular matrix.
Solve $Au=b$ iteratively. For this purpose, two components are
- __Preconditioner__: a matrix $M\approx A$ "approximating" the matrix
$A$ but with the property that the system $Mv=f$ is easy to solve
- __Iteration scheme__: algorithmic sequence using $M$ and $A$ which
updates the solution step by step


517 ms

Simple iteration scheme

## Simple iteration scheme

6.6 ms

Assume we know the exact solution $\hat u$: $A\hat u=b$.

Then it must fulfill the identity

$$ \begin{aligned} \hat u= \hat u - M^{-1}(A \hat u -b) \end{aligned}$$

$\Rightarrow$ iterative scheme: put the "old" value on the right hand side and the ""new" value on the left hand side:

$$ \begin{aligned} u_{k+1}= u_k - M^{-1}(A u_k -b) \quad (k=0,1\dots) \end{aligned}$$

Obviously, if $u_k=\hat u$, the process would be stationary.

Otherwise it leads to a sequence of approximations

$$u_0, u_1,\dots, u_k, u_{k+1},\dots$$

Assume we know the exact solution $\hat u$: $A\hat u=b$.

Then it must fulfill the identity
\hat u= \hat u - M^{-1}(A \hat u -b)
$\Rightarrow$ iterative scheme: put the "old" value on the right hand
side and the ""new" value on the left hand side:
u_{k+1}= u_k - M^{-1}(A u_k -b) \quad (k=0,1\dots)
Obviously, if $u_k=\hat u$, the process would be stationary.

Otherwise it leads to a sequence of approximations

u_0, u_1,\dots, u_k, u_{k+1},\dots

370 μs

Implementation: solve $Au=b$ with tolerance $\varepsilon$:

  1. Choose initial value $u_0$, set $k=0$

  2. Calculate residuum $r_k=Au_k -b$

  3. Test convergence: if $||r_k||<\varepsilon$ set $u=u_k$, finish

  4. Calculate update: solve $M v_k = r_k$

  5. Update solution: $u_{k+1}=u_k - v_k$, set $k=k+1$, repeat with step 2.

Implementation: solve $Au=b$ with tolerance $\varepsilon$:
1. Choose initial value $u_0$, set $k=0$
2. Calculate _residuum_ $r_k=Au_k -b$
3. Test convergence: if $||r_k||<\varepsilon$ set $u=u_k$, finish
4. Calculate _update_: solve $M v_k = r_k$
5. Update solution: $u_{k+1}=u_k - v_k$, set $k=k+1$, repeat with step 2.


173 ms

General convergence theorem

### General convergence theorem

5.6 ms

Let $\hat u$ be the solution of $Au=b$.

Let $e_k= u_k - \hat u$ be the error of the $k$-th iteration step. Then:

$$ \begin{aligned} u_{k+1}&= u_k - M^{-1}(A u_k -b) \\ & = (I-M^{-1}A) u_k + M^{-1}b\\ u_{k+1}-\hat u &= u_k -\hat u - M^{-1}(A u_k - A \hat u)\\ &=(I-M^{-1}A)( u_k - \hat u)\\ &=(I-M^{-1}A)^k( u_0 - \hat u) \end{aligned}$$

resulting in

$$ \begin{aligned} e_{k+1}= (I-M^{-1}A)^k e_0 \end{aligned}$$

  • So when does $(I-M^{-1}A)^k$ converge to zero for $k\to\infty$ ?

  • Denote $B=I-M^{-1}A$

Let $\hat u$ be the solution of $Au=b$.

Let $e_k= u_k - \hat u$ be the error of the $k$-th iteration step. Then:
u_{k+1}&= u_k - M^{-1}(A u_k -b) \\
& = (I-M^{-1}A) u_k + M^{-1}b\\
u_{k+1}-\hat u &= u_k -\hat u - M^{-1}(A u_k - A \hat u)\\
&=(I-M^{-1}A)( u_k - \hat u)\\
&=(I-M^{-1}A)^k( u_0 - \hat u)
resulting in
e_{k+1}= (I-M^{-1}A)^k e_0
- So when does $(I-M^{-1}A)^k$ converge to zero for $k\to\infty$ ?
- Denote $B=I-M^{-1}A$

3.1 ms

Definition The spectral radius $\rho(B)$ is the largest absolute value of any eigenvalue of $B$: $\rho(B)= \max_{\lambda\in\sigma(B)} |\lambda|$.

The spectral radius $\rho(B)$ is the largest absolute
value of any eigenvalue of $B$:
$\rho(B)= \max_{\lambda\in\sigma(B)} |\lambda|$.

10.9 ms

Sufficient condition for iterative method convergence:


__Sufficient condition for iterative method convergence:__

73.7 μs

Asymptotic convergence factor $\rho_{it}$ can be estimated via the spectral radius:

$$ \begin{aligned} \rho_{it}&= \lim_{k\to\infty}\left(\max_{u_0}\frac{|| (I-M^{-1}A)^k(u_0-\hat u)||}{||u_0-\hat u||}\right)^{\frac1k}\\ &= \lim_{k\to\infty}||(I-M^{-1}A)^k||^{\frac1k}\\ &=\rho(I-M^{-1}A) \end{aligned}$$

Depending on $u_0$, the rate may be faster, though

__Asymptotic convergence factor__ ``\rho_{it}`` can be estimated via the spectral
\rho_{it}&= \lim_{k\to\infty}\left(\max_{u_0}\frac{|| (I-M^{-1}A)^k(u_0-\hat u)||}{||u_0-\hat u||}\right)^{\frac1k}\\
&= \lim_{k\to\infty}||(I-M^{-1}A)^k||^{\frac1k}\\
Depending on ``u_0``, the rate may be faster, though

2.4 ms

Convergence estimate for symmetric positive definite A,M

### Convergence estimate for symmetric positive definite A,M
152 μs

Matrix preconditioned Richardson iteration: $M$, $A$ spd.

Scaled Richardson iteration with preconditioner $M$

$$ u_{k+1}= u_k- \alpha M^{-1}(Au_k -b)$$

Spectral equivalence estimate

$$ 0<\gamma_{min}(Mu,u) \leq (Au,u) \leq \gamma_{max}(Mu,u)$$

$\Rightarrow$ $\gamma_{min}\leq \lambda_i \leq \gamma_{max}$

$\Rightarrow$ optimal parameter $\alpha=\frac{2}{\gamma_{max}+\gamma_{min}}$

$\Rightarrow$ convergence rate with optimal parameter: $\rho_{opt}\leq\frac{\kappa(M^{-1}A)-1}{\kappa(M^{-1}A)+1}$ where $\kappa(M^{-1}A)\leq \frac{\gamma_{max}}{\gamma_{min}}$

__Matrix preconditioned Richardson iteration:__ ``M``, ``A`` spd.

Scaled Richardson iteration with preconditioner ``M``
u_{k+1}= u_k- \alpha M^{-1}(Au_k -b)

Spectral equivalence estimate
0<\gamma_{min}(Mu,u) \leq (Au,u) \leq \gamma_{max}(Mu,u)

``\Rightarrow`` ``\gamma_{min}\leq \lambda_i \leq \gamma_{max}``

``\Rightarrow`` optimal parameter ``\alpha=\frac{2}{\gamma_{max}+\gamma_{min}}``

``\Rightarrow`` convergence rate with optimal parameter: ``\rho_{opt}\leq\frac{\kappa(M^{-1}A)-1}{\kappa(M^{-1}A)+1}`` where ``\kappa(M^{-1}A)\leq \frac{\gamma_{max}}{\gamma_{min}}``


169 μs

Regular splittings

### Regular splittings
143 μs


  • $A=M-N$ is a regular splitting if

    • $M$ is nonsingular

    • $M^{-1}\geq 0$, $N\geq 0$ are element-wise nonnegative

``A=M-N`` is a regular splitting if

``M`` is nonsingular
``M^{-1}\geq 0``, ``N\geq 0`` are element-wise nonnegative

133 μs

Just remark that in this case $M^{-1}N=I-M^{-1}A$, and that we don't assume symmetry.

Just remark that in this case ``M^{-1}N=I-M^{-1}A``, and that we don't assume symmetry.
94.1 ms

Theorem: Assume $A$ is nonsingular, $A^{-1}\geq 0$, and $A=M-N$ is a regular splitting. Then $\rho(M^{-1}N)<1$.

__Theorem__: Assume ``A`` is nonsingular, ``A^{-1}\geq 0``, and
``A=M-N`` is a regular splitting. Then ``\rho(M^{-1}N)<1``.


85.0 μs

With this theory we cannot say much about the value of the convergence rate, but we have a comparison theorem:

With this theory we cannot say much about the value of the convergence rate, but we have a comparison theorem:
169 μs

Theorem: Let $A^{-1}\geq 0$, $A=M_1-N_1$ and $A=M_2-N_2$ be regular splittings.

If $N_2\geq N_1$, then $1 >\rho(M_2^{-1}N_2) \geq \rho(M_1^{-1}N_1)$.

__Theorem:__ Let ``A^{-1}\geq 0``, ``A=M_1-N_1`` and ``A=M_2-N_2`` be
regular splittings.

If ``N_2\geq N_1``, then
``1 >\rho(M_2^{-1}N_2) \geq \rho(M_1^{-1}N_1)``.

87.4 μs

What can we say about inverse nonnegative matrices ?

What can we say about inverse nonnegative matrices ?
144 μs