I. Bremer
The VR tool of Rücker for production planning in automotive industry uses a large number of externally created 3D models in different formats. The models which are usually generated from CAD are not optimized with respect to memory and/or speed performance. Hence, real-time animations of complete shop floors with a lot of moving materials, robots, and humans become very difficult.
On the basis of OpenGL Performer [], which offers
several possibilities to improve performance, i.e. the frame rate,
we provided a tool for automatic model conversion such that the
visual impression for the user is not affected but the cost of
rendering is reduced as much as possible.
In particular, we have considered the problem of removing holes and the development and implementation of active surface definitions (ASD). There ASDs are hierarchical multigrid structures. Based on the distance between viewer and object each object is visualized on a certain grid level. For distance changes, the corresponding change in visualization is realized by a smooth morphing between the respective grid levels.
See also the descriptions in annual report 2002 , .