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Collaborator: W. Dreyer, M. Herrmann, S. Qamar
Cooperation with: G. Warnecke, M. Kunik (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)
Supported by: DFG: Priority Program ``Analysis und Numerik von Erhaltungsgleichungen'' (ANumE -- Analysis and numerics for conservation laws)
Within the DFG Priority Program ``Analysis and numerics of conservation laws'' we have developed and exploited a kinetic approach to solve initial and boundary value problems for some selected class of hyperbolic conservation laws. In this class there are hyperbolic conservation laws that have an underlying kinetic equation. In particular we have studied (i) the nonrelativistic Euler equations for gases, (ii) the hyperbolic system for heat conduction at low temperatures, (iii) the relativistic Euler equations with a special focus on the ultra-relativistic case. The kinetic approach relies on the Maximum Entropy Principle (MEP) and its strategy is as follows: The variables of the hyperbolic system are represented by so-called moment integrals of a corresponding phase density, which solves the underlying kinetic equation. The temporal evolution of the variables is decomposed into periods of free flight and update times. During the periods of free flight, the particles of the kinetic regime evolve according to a collision-free kinetic equation. At the update times we restart a new free flight period by maximizing the entropy of the particles.
Within the final period of the DFG Priority Program we have mainly compared the MEP method with the conventional kinetic flux-splitting schemes. We considered first-order accurate schemes as well as second-order schemes. Kinetic flux-splitting schemes also rely on the moment representation of the variables of the hyperbolic system. Here the moment integrals are decomposed into two parts with particles moving in positive and negative direction, respectively. The whole space which the particles have at their disposal is decomposed into small cells and the objective is to calculate all fluxes across the cell boundaries. In 1D the scheme is as follows:
The conservation laws have the form
In the one-dimensional case we decompose the x-axis into cells
Ii = xi-
, xi+
and study the following semi-discrete
kinetic upwind scheme
This scheme is only first-order accurate in space. To get high-order accuracy,
the initial reconstruction strategy must be applied to interpolate the
cell-averaged variables Win.
For example,
[Contents] | [Index] |