- ... bearbeitet
- In Klammern sind die Forschungsgruppen
(FG) angegeben, in denen das Thema jeweils behandelt wurde.
- ...
- The research groups (FG) involved in the respective
research are indicated in brackets.
- ... Life
- In the sequel the collaborators of
WIAS are underlined.
- ...http://www.wias-berlin.de/publications/preprints/index-2003.html
- Preprints that have been written by guests during their stay at WIAS have been
listed in front of those written by the collaborators of WIAS.
- ... Institutions
- Only stays of more than three days are listed.
- ... Teaching
- SWS = semester periods per week
- ... Scientists
- Only stays of more than three days are listed.
- ...
- research group