[Contents] | [Index] |
Cooperation with: B. Straughan (University of Durham, UK)
The aim of the project is the linear stability
analysis of flow processes without and with mass exchange
in porous media, especially in soils. Last year we reported already
about the relaxation properties of a 1D flow disturbed by longitudinal
(1D) disturbances. We have shown that the 1D steady state flow through
a porous material is stable with respect to a linear longitudinal
disturbance without and with mass exchange in the whole range of
control permeability parameters and
. These parameters
are two important model parameters: the bulk permeability coefficient
, and the surface permeability
. While the first one
enters the field equations and describes the effective resistance of
the skeleton to the flow of the fluid, the latter enters the model
through the boundary conditions of the third type, and accounts for
properties of the surface. It is one of the material parameters which
determine the fluid velocity. Consequently the two important
parameters control two competing mechanisms responsible for the
stability of the flow.
This year we investigated another disturbance, namely a transversal (2D) disturbance of the 1D base flow following from the set of equations
For the stability analysis a regular perturbation method is employed, but restricted to zeroth and first-order contributions. This means that the fields are viewed as a superposition of the base solution (indicated by 0) and a small perturbation (indicated by 1):
The following boundary conditions are assumed
Not only the distinction in 1D and 2D disturbances plays an important
role, but also the comparison of results for disturbances without and
with mass exchange is an important result of this work. While
already for 1D disturbances adsorption decreases the maximum values of
the real parts of by orders of magnitude, for the 2D
disturbances it even decides whether the base flow is stable or
unstable. For small values of
the border of the instability
region strongly varies with the surface
permeability parameter
On the
side of large
the unstable region is bounded from below by a
single value of
For sufficiently small
, the base flow is unconditionally stable.
[Contents] | [Index] |