B. ALBERS, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethoden in
der Geophysik, Teil II, BTU Workshop ,,Geophysikalische
Strömungen/Konvektion``, Brandenburgische Technische Universität
(BTU) Cottbus, Internationales Begegnungszentrum, March 18.
, Linear stability of a 1d flow through a porous membrane,
International Conference on Multifield Problems,
April 8-10, Universität Stuttgart,
April 8.
, Relaxation properties of a 1d flow through a porous material
without and with adsorption. Part I, XXVIIth General Assembly of the
European Geophysical Society, April 21-26, Nice,
France, April 24.
, Mehrkomponentige Modellierung geophysikalischer Prozesse,
Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften,
May 24.
, Relaxations- und Stabilitätseigenschaften von Strömungen in
porösen Körpern, Colloquium Mechanics of Materials and Structures,
Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Allgemeine Mechanik, Austria,
June 20.
, Relaxation analysis and linear stability vs. adsorption in porous
materials, Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics in Mechanics,
September 29 - October 4, Maiori, Italy,
October 3.
U. BANDELOW, Quantum-classical coupling in multi
quantum well lasers, WIAS Workshop on Multiscale Problems in Quantum and
Classical Mechanics, Averaging Techniques and Young Measures,
September 19-21, Berlin, September 19.
, Towards a quasi-3d simulation of modulation properties of
edge-emitting strained MQW lasers, International Conference on Numerical
Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD'02),
September 25-27, Eidgenössische Technische
Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Integrierte Systeme, Switzerland,
September 25.
E. BÄNSCH, Theory and numerics for parabolic
problems, 10 talks, Université de la Réunion, Faculté des
Sciences et Technologies, Saint-Denis, France,
April 2-29.
, Finite element discretization for ``nonstandard'' boundary
conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations, Seminar Analyse Numérique,
Université de la Réunion, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies,
Saint-Denis, France, April 18.
, Finite element methods for surface diffusion, International
Conference ``Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications'' (FBP2002),
June 5-8, Università di Trento, Italy,
June 6.
, Numerical methods for free surface flow, Czech Technical
University in Prague, Department of Mathematics, June 27.
, Finite element methods for surface diffusion, Conference on
Scientific Computing (ALGORITMY 2002),
September 8-13, Slovak University of Technology,
Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Podbanské,
September 9.
, Finite-Elemente-Verfahren für Phasengrenzphänomene,
Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Mathematik und Statistik,
October 24.
, Finite-Elemente-Verfahren für Phasengrenzphänomene,
Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Mathematik,
November 26.
, Finite element methods for some ``interphase'' problems,
University of Lisbon, Center of Mathematics and Fundamental Applications
(CMAF), Portugal, December 5.
, Finite-Elemente-Verfahren für Surface Diffusion, Oberseminar
Analysis, Geometrie und Physik, Freie Universität Berlin,
December 10.
M. BARO, Dissipative Schrödinger-Poisson
systems, Conference on Operator Theory and its Applications in Mathematical
Physics, May 11-18, Stefan Banach International
Mathematical Center, Bedlewo, Poland, May 13.
, Kirkner-Lent-Poisson system, WIAS Workshop on Multiscale Problems
in Quantum and Classical Mechanics, Averaging Techniques and Young Measures,
September 19-21, Berlin, September 19.
, Current coupling of drift-diffusion and Schrödinger-Poisson
systems, Université Paul Sabatier, Laboratoire de Mathématique pour
l'Industrie et la Physique, Toulouse, France, October 17.
J. BORCHARDT, Prozess-Simulation auf
Parallelrechnern mit dem Simulator BOP, 23. Norddeutsches Kolloquium über
Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Mathematik,
May 31 - June 1, Universität Bremen,
June 1.
A. BOVIER, From statics to dynamics in simple spin
glass models, ``Journées de Physique Statistique'',
January 21-23, University de Cergy-Pontoise,
Neuville-sur-Oise, France, January 22.
, Metastability, diffusion processes, and Eyring's formula,
University of Groningen, Institute of Mathematics and Computing Science, The
Netherlands, February 5.
, Aging in the random energy model, Tagung der Deutschen
Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Leipzig, March 19.
, Aging in the random energy model, Magdeburger Stochastik-Tage,
German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, March 20.
, Metastability, diffusion processes, and Eyring's formula,
CNRS-Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille, France,
May 15.
, Metastability and diffusion processes I-III, 3 talks,
Université Paris VI ``Pierre et Marie Curie'', Laboratoire de
Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires, France,
May 21-27.
, Rigorous results on a disordered system: Some efforts to understand
the replica method, Workshop ``Phase Transitions and Algorithmic
Complexity'', June 3-5, University of
California at Los Angeles, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, USA,
June 4.
, Metastability, diffusion processes, and Eyring's formula, Seminar
``Mathematische Physik'', Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für
Mathematik, June 24.
, Metastability and spectral theory for diffusion processes. Sharp
asymptotics, Workshop ``Dynamics: Classical, Quantum and Stochastic'',
September 14-19, Cofin 2000, Theoretical and
Mathematical Physics, Otranto, Italy, September 19.
, Asymptotik hochdimensionaler Zufallsprozesse: Gleichgewicht und
Dynamik, Kolloquium des Instituts für Mathematik, Technische
Universität Berlin, October 22.
, Metastability, diffusion processes, and Eyring's formula, Meeting
``Stochastic Analysis'', October 27 - November 2,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, October 30.
, Metastability and ageing in stochastic dynamics, IInd Workshop on
Dynamics and Randomness, December 9-13, 3 talks,
University of Chile, Center of Mathematical Modeling, Santiago,
December 11-13.
G. BRUCKNER, Regularization by projection of
severely ill-posed problems with a posteriori parameter choice, Fudan
University, Department of Mathematics, Shanghai, China,
November 7.
, Inverse problem of diffractive optics: Reconstruction by a two-step
algorithm, University of Tokyo, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Japan,
November 12.
D. DAVIS, Über die VCZ-Züchtung von
GaAs-Kristallen, 23. Norddeutsches Kolloquium über Angewandte Analysis
und Numerische Mathematik, May 31 - June 1,
Universität Bremen, May 31.
, Two- and three-dimensional melt-flow simulation in
vapour-pressure-controlled Czochralski crystal growth, Numerik-Seminar,
Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Arbeitsgruppe Numerik-Modellierung,
Berlin, December 2.
W. DREYER, Auf dem Wege zu rigorosen
Mikro-Makro-Übergängen. Teil I, Forschungsseminar, Universität
Stuttgart, Mathematisches Institut A, February 7.
, Über die Kopplung von Diffusion in mechanischen Spannungsfeldern
und der Bildung von Tropfen in GaAs, Kolloquium, Freiberger Compound
Materials GmbH, March 4.
, On nucleation and growth of liquid droplets in single crystal
GaAs, International Workshop ``Computational Physics of Transport and
Interface Dynamics'', Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme,
Dresden, March 5.
, On nucleation and growth of droplets in single crystals,
International Conference ``Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications''
(FBP2002), June 5-8, Università di Trento,
Italy, June 5.
, Über die Bildung flüssiger Tropfen in einkristallinem
Galliumarsenid, Workshop ``Angewandte Simulation in der
Kristallzüchtung'', October 10-11,
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Kristallographisches Institut,
Memmelsdorf, October 10.
, Thermodynamic and atomistic modeling of evolving interfaces,
Kristall-Kolloquium, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle, Fachbereich Physik,
November 11.
, Über die Bildung flüssiger Tröpfchen in einer kristallinen
Matrix, 15. Workshop ``Composite Forschung in der Mechanik'',
November 18-20, WIAS, Berlin,
November 19.
, Über die Bildung flüssiger Tropfen in GaAs, Fachausschuss
Computersimulation, November 20-22, VOEST-Alpine
Industrieanlagen, Linz, Austria, November 22.
, On the formation and growth of liquid precipitates in crystalline
gallium arsenide, Workshop ``Interfaces and Singularly Perturbed Interface
Evolutions'', Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den
Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, November 30.
, On the Becker-Doering theory of nucleation, Workshop
``Thermodynamische Materialtheorien'',
December 17-20, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, December 18.
F. DUDERSTADT, Anwendungen der von
Kármán'schen Plattentheorie auf Waferplatten aus einkristallinem
GaAs, Mechanik-Seminar, Technische Universität Berlin,
May 6.
, Beschreibung einkristalliner Waferplatten durch die von
Kármán'sche Plattentheorie, Forschungsseminar Festigkeitslehre,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, May 30.
, Anwendung der von Kármán'schen Plattentheorie auf
einkristalline Wafer, Werkstoffseminar, GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht,
June 18.
, Spannungsanalyse dünner GaAs-Platten unter lokal begrenzten
Lasten, 15. Workshop ``Composite Forschung in der Mechanik'',
November 18-20, WIAS, Berlin,
November 19.
J. ELSCHNER, Inverse scattering for periodic
structures: Reconstruction of grating profiles, European Symposium on
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics,
March 6-8, Toulouse, France,
March 7.
, Inverse problems for the periodic Helmholtz equation,
International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential
Equations, Satellite Conference of the International Congress of
Mathematicians (ICM) 2002 in Beijing,
August 12-17, Moscow, Russia,
August 14.
, Inverse problems for diffraction gratings, BMBF Workshop
``Boundary Element Methods -- Modern Algorithms and Industrial
Applications'', September 30 - October 2, Saarbrücken,
September 30.
, An inverse problem in periodic diffractive optics: Global
uniqueness with a single wave number, University of Tokyo, Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Japan, November 25.
, On the numerical solution of periodic inverse diffraction
problems, Conference ``New Trends in Boundary Elements'',
December 2-6, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, December 2.
V. ESSAOULOVA, Large deviations asymptotics for
L1 error of kernel density estimators and kernel regression function
estimators, Conference on Current Advances and Trends in Nonparametric
Statistics, July 15-19, Crete, Greece,
July 15.
, Large deviations of Li-error of kernel and histogram density
estimators, University of the Free State, Department of Mathematical
Statistics, Bloemfontein, South Africa, September 18.
, Large deviations of Li-error of kernel and histogram density
estimators, Stellenbosch University, Department of Statistics and Actuarial
Science, South Africa, September 27.
K. FLEISCHMANN, Mutually catalytic branching in the
plane, DFG-Schwerpunktkolloquium ,,Interagierende Stochastische Systeme
von hoher Komplexität``, January 6-9, WIAS,
January 7.
, Gegenseitig katalysierende Verzweigungsprozesse in der Ebene,
Institutskolloquium, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Mathematisches Institut, January 15.
, Mutually catalytic branching in the plane, University of Oxford,
Mathematical Institute, UK, February 18.
, Mutually catalytic branching in the plane, University of Bath,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, UK, March 15.
, Recent progress in catalytic branching (I), Workshop on Spatially
Distributed and Hierarchically Structured Stochastic Systems,
April 4-10, Université de Montréal,
Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Canada, April 4.
, Recent progress in catalytic branching (II), Workshop on Spatially
Distributed and Hierarchically Structured Stochastic Systems, Université
de Montréal, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Canada,
April 5.
, Pathwise convergence of a rescaled super-Brownian motion catalyst
reactant pair, Carleton University, School of Mathematics and Statistics,
Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, Ottawa, Canada,
April 25.
, Mutually catalytic branching in the plane, International Congress
of Mathematicians 2002 (ICM), The First Sino-German Conference on Stochastic
Analysis, August 29 - September 2, Beijing, China,
August 29.
, Mutually catalytic and symbiotic branching, Meeting ``Stochastic
Analysis'', October 27 - November 2, Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, October 27.
J. FUHRMANN, Multiphysics systems solution by
time-implicit Voronoi box finite volumes, 3rd Symposium on Finite Volume for
Complex Applications, June 24-28, Université
de Provence, Aix-Marseille 1, Porquerolles, France, June 28.
, Implicit finite volume methods in complex applications, Conference
on Scientific Computing (ALGORITMY 2002),
September 8-13, Slovak University of Technology,
Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Podbanské,
September 10.
, Numerical simulation of thermal convection in the North-East-German
basin, WIAS Workshop ``Challenges In Scientific Computing (CISC)'',
October 2-5, Berlin, October 4.
H. GAJEWSKI, On a nonlocal model of image
segmentation, Conference on Nonlinear Analysis,
January 6-10, Universität Stuttgart, Institut
für Mathematik, Kloster Irsee, January 10.
, On a nonlocal model of image segmentation, WIAS Workshop
``Challenges In Scientific Computing (CISC)'',
October 2-5, Berlin, October 5.
, On a nonlocal phase-separation model, Oberseminar Analysis,
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig,
December 10.
K. GÄRTNER, Introduction of Direct Methanol Fuel
Cell models: Equations, numerical results, problems, 9th Workshop on
Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems (Interphase 2001),
January 9-12, College Park, Maryland, USA,
January 10.
, Numerical simulation of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC), GKSS
Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, Institut für Chemie, Teltow,
May 27.
, Charge transport in semiconductors, properties of the
Scharfetter-Gummel discretization on simplex grids, Colloquium in honor of
the 60th birthday of Prof. G. Stoyan, Szechenyi Istvan University, Department
of Mathematics, Gyor, Hungary, June 14.
, Transport processes and electrochemistry in Direct Methanol Fuel
Cells, WIAS Workshop ``Challenges In Scientific Computing (CISC)'',
October 2-5, Berlin, October 4.
, Application of recursive Schur complement approximations to the
solution of the Newton linearized semiconductor device equations, 2nd
International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications,
November 7-10, Faculté des Sciences, Neuchâtel,
Switzerland, November 9.
B. GENTZ, Concentration of sample paths in
stochastic slow-fast systems, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule,
Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik, Zürich, Switzerland,
January 9.
, Stochastic slow-fast systems, Workshop on Stochastic Systems with
Interaction, February 18-20, DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm
``Interagierende stochastische Systeme von hoher Komplexität'',
Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik,
February 18.
, Stochastische Resonanz und Hysterese,
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Institut für Mathematik und
Informatik, March 5.
, Concentration of sample paths in stochastic slow-fast systems,
Magdeburger Stochastik-Tage, German Open Conference on Probability and
Statistics, March 19-20,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, March 19.
, Concentration of sample paths in stochastic slow-fast systems,
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät und Institut für Mathematik,
June 7.
, A sample-path approach to random dynamical systems, Workshop
``Stochastic Models from Statistical Physics III'',
October 7-11, EURANDOM, Eindhoven, The
Netherlands, October 9.
, The effect of noise on slow-fast systems, Universität Leipzig,
Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, December 5.
F. GRUND, Lösung von linearen Systemen mit
schwachbesetzten Matrizen, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck,
Institut für Technische Mathematik, Austria, October 25.
G. HEBERMEHL, On the computation of propagating
modes for microwave and optoelectronic devices, GAMM Annual Conference 2002,
March 25-28, Universität Augsburg, Institut
für Mathematik, March 28.
, Eigen mode computation of microwave and laser structures including
PML, Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE-2002),
June 23-28, University of Technology, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, June 24.
, Numerical simulation of microwave and semiconductor laser
structures including absorbing boundary conditions, WIAS Workshop
``Challenges In Scientific Computing (CISC)'',
October 2-5, Berlin, October 2.
R. HENRION, Optimierungsprobleme mit
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrestriktionen, Technische Universität Berlin, Institut
für Mathematik, January 25.
, Polyhedral chance constraints: Computational and stability
aspects, IFIP/IIASA/GAMM Workshop ``Dynamic Stochastic Optimization'',
March 11-14, International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, March 12.
, Structure and stability in programs with probabilistic
constraints, 7th SIAM Conference on Optimization,
May 19-22, Toronto, Canada,
May 21.
, Point conditions for local error bounds, calmness and linear
conditioning, 11th French-German-Polish Conference on Optimization,
September 9-13, Brandenburgische Technische
Universität Cottbus, September 10.
, Einführung in Methoden der Stochastischen Optimierung, DECHEMA
continuation course ``Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse'',
September 23-25, 3 talks, Technische Universität
Berlin, September 25.
M. HERRMANN, Kinetic solutions of the
Boltzmann-Peierls equation and its moment systems, Colloquium of the DFG
Priority Program ``Analysis and Numerics for Conservation Laws'' (ANumE),
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Angewandte
Mathematik, February 4.
, Auf dem Wege zu rigorosen Mikro-Makro-Übergängen. Teil II,
Forschungsseminar, Universität Stuttgart, Mathematisches Institut A,
February 7.
, Micro-macro transitions in the atomic chain, WIAS Workshop on
Multiscale Problems in Quantum and Classical Mechanics, Averaging Techniques
and Young Measures, September 19-21, Berlin,
September 20.
D. HÖMBERG, Optimierungsaufgaben bei der
Oberflächenhärtung von Stahl, Technische Universität Berlin,
Fakultät II Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, January 28.
, Ein elektro-thermoviskoelastisches Modell für das
Widerstandsimpulsschweißen, Oberseminar ``Partielle
Differentialgleichungen'', Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Mathematik
und Statistik, January 29.
, The surface hardening of steel -- Modeling, analysis and optimal
control, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
October 23.
, Über ein elektro-thermoviskoelastisches Modell für das
Widerstandsimpulsschweißen, Technische Universität Darmstadt,
Fachbereich Mathematik, November 14.
, Modellierung, Analysis und optimale Steuerung der
Oberflächenhärtung von Stahl, Technische Universität München,
Zentrum Mathematik, November 19.
, Die Induktionshärtung von Stahl -- Mathematische Modellierung
und optimales Design von Induktoren, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz,
Institut für Numerische Mathematik, Austria, November 20.
, Modellierung, Simulation und optimale Steuerung von
Phasenübergängen in Stahl, Fachausschuss Computersimulation,
November 21-22, VOEST-Alpine Industrieanlagen, Linz,
Austria, November 21.
, On a thermoviscoelastic model related to resistance welding,
Université Henri Poincaré, Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Nancy,
France, December 11.
S. JASCHKE, Fourier inversion methods for
Delta-Gamma Approximations, Technische Universität München, Institut
für Mathematik, January 16.
, Fourier inversion methods for Delta-Gamma Approximations, Seminar
Quantitative Finance, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
January 21.
, An overview of value-at-risk approximations, GAMM Annual
Conference 2002, March 25-28, Universität
Augsburg, Institut für Mathematik, March 25.
, An overview of value-at-risk approximations, Compstat 2002,
August 24-28, Berlin, August 25.
, Algorithms and complexity for continuous problems, An overview of
value-at-risk approximations, Workshop on Algorithms and Complexity for
Continuous Problems, September 29 - October 4, Schloß
Dagstuhl, International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science,
October 3.
TH. JURKE, On cosmological consequences of
the Einstein equation, Universität Potsdam, Bereich Astrophysik,
November 4.
, On future asymptotics in Gowdy spacetimes, Seminar ``Mathematical
Relativity'', November 10-16, Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, November 14.
H.-CHR. KAISER, On the embedding of
quantum mechanical models into the drift-diffusion model of semiconductor
devices, GAMM Annual Conference 2002,
March 25-28, Universität Augsburg, Institut
für Mathematik, March 25.
, Transversal modeling and simulation of edge-emitting semiconductor
lasers, International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor
Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD'02), September 25-27,
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für
Integrierte Systeme, Switzerland, September 27.
, On finite volume methods for reaction-diffusion systems with
discontinuous coefficients and mixed boundary conditions, Workshop on
Numerical Methods for Multiscale Problems,
November 13-15, Max-Planck-Institut für
Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, November 14.
O. KLEIN, Surface movements during the sublimation
growth of silicon carbide single crystals, Workshop ``Interfaces and
Singularly Perturbed Interface Evolutions'',
November 29-30, Max-Planck-Institut für
Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, November 29.
CHR. KÜLSKE, Phase transitions in the
Kac random field Ising model, DFG-Schwerpunktkolloquium ,,Interagierende
Stochastische Systeme von hoher Komplexität``,
January 6-9, WIAS, January 7.
, Can the usual Gibbs variational principle fail for WEAKLY Gibbsian
measures?, Workshop ``Stochastic Systems with Interactions'',
February 18-20, Universität Karlsruhe, Institut
für Mathematische Stochastik, February 19.
, Selbstmittelung bei der Diffraktion,
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Institut für Mathematik und
Informatik, March 5.
, Selfaveraging of random diffraction measures, Magdeburger
Stochastik-Tage, German Open Conference on Probability and Statistics,
March 19-22, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, March 20.
, Gitter-Spinmodelle mit zufälligen Potentialen: Gibbs-Maße und
Phasenübergänge, Universität Potsdam, Institut für Mathematik,
April 26.
, Concentration inequalities for functions of Gibbs fields with
application to diffraction, Catholic University Leuven, Institute for
Theoretical Physics, The Netherlands, June 6.
P. MATHÉ, Optimal discretization of inverse
problems, Workshop on Inverse Problems and Applications,
June 3-9, Istituto Nazionale di Alta
Matematica, Cortona, Italy, June 6.
, Quasi-Monte Carlo integration over Rd, Conference on
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Workshop ``Approximation Theory'',
August 5-14, Minneapolis, USA,
August 5.
, Moduli of continuity of operator-valued functions, Conference on
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Workshop ``Information based on
complexity'', August 5-14, Minneapolis, USA,
August 10.
, Geometry of ill posed problems in variable Hilbert scales,
Workshop on Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems,
September 29 - October 4, Schloß Dagstuhl, International
Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, Dagstuhl,
September 30.
I. MATHEIS, Stochastic weighted particle methods for
the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation, Herbstschule ``Numerik und
Stochastik'', October 30 - November 3,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Fakultät für Mathematik und
Informatik, Siegmundsburg, October 31.
G. MILSTEIN, Solving multi-dimensional linear
partial differential equations by probabilistic approach, Leicester
University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, UK,
September 19.
, Estimation of transition density for stochastic differential
equations by forward-reverse diffusion, University of Wales, Swansea, UK,
October 8.
H.-J. MUCHA, Intelligent clustering techniques,
International Conference on Modeling and Simulating Complex System,
June 11-14, Business School of Sichuan
University, Chengdu, China, June 11.
, Stabilised model-based clustering algorithms, 8th Conference of
the International Federation of Classification Societies,
July 16-19, Krakow, Poland,
July 18.
, Cluster analysis of bronzes from Luristan using their chemical
composition, 26th Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.
V., July 22-24, Universität Mannheim,
July 22.
, Core-based clustering techniques: Methods, software, and
applications, 26th Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.
V., Universität Mannheim, July 23.
H. NEIDHARDT, Recent results on the Trotter-Kato
product formula: A survey, Kanazawa University, Faculty of Science, Japan,
January 30.
, Trotter-Kato product formula and operator norm convergence,
University of Groningen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The
Netherlands, March 28.
, Current coupling of drift-diffusion and Schrödinger-Poisson
systems, WIAS Workshop on Multiscale Problems in Quantum and Classical
Mechanics, Averaging Techniques and Young Measures,
September 19-21, Berlin, September 19.
, Current coupling of drift-diffusion and Schrödinger-Poisson
systems, Université Paul Sabatier, Laboratoire de Mathématique pour
l'Industrie et la Physique, Toulouse, France, October 17.
, Kirkner-Lent-Poisson system, CNRS-Centre de Physique
Théorique, Marseille, France, October 23.
, Monotonicity for functions of operators, Workshop on Operator
Theory in Krein Spaces and Applications,
December 6-7, Technische Universität Berlin,
Fakultät II Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, December 6.
P. PHILIP, WIAS-HiTNIHS -- Transient simulation
with the high temperature numerical induction heating simulator, DGKK
Workshop ``Angewandte Simulation in der Kristallzüchtung'', Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung e.V.,
October 10-11, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Freiburg, Kristallographisches Institut, Memmelsdorf,
October 10.
J. POLZEHL, Structural-adaptive smoothing methods,
French-German Seminar, Universität Potsdam, April 6.
, Structural adaptation I: Pointwise adaptive smoothing and imaging,
University of Tromsø, Department of Mathematics, Norway,
April 11.
, Structural adaptation II: Time series and estimation of dimension
reduction spaces, University of Tromsø, Department of Mathematics,
Norway, April 17.
, Structural adaptation I: Varying coefficient regression modeling by
adaptive weights smoothing, Workshop on Nonparametric Smoothing in Complex
Statistical Models, April 27 - May 4, Ascona,
Switzerland, April 30.
, Structural adaptive smoothing and its applications in imaging and
time series, Uppsala University, Department of Mathematics, Sweden,
May 2.
, Varying coefficient modeling using structural adaptation,
Conference on Current Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics,
July 15-19, Crete, Greece,
July 18.
, Structural adaptation methods in imaging, Joint Statistical
Meetings 2002, August 11-15, New York, USA,
August 12.
, Statistische Grundlagen der Zertifizierung von Kurven,
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung,
Zertifizierungskomitee der Abteilung I, Berlin, December 12.
M. RADZIUNAS, Dynamics of multi-section DFB
semiconductor laser: Traveling wave and mode approximation models, Physics
and Simulation of Optoelectronics Devices X,
January 21-25, San Jose, California, USA,
January 21.
, Excitability of a DFB laser with short external cavity, Physics
and Simulation of Optoelectronics Devices X, San Jose, California, USA,
January 24.
, Numerical bifurcation analysis of PDE system describing dynamics in
multi-section semiconductor laser, Dynamical Methods for Differential
Equations, September 4-7, Medina del Campo, Spain,
September 6.
, LDSL: A tool for simulation and analysis of longitudinal dynamics
in multisection semiconductor lasers, International Conference on Numerical
Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD-02),
September 25-27, Eidgenössische Technische
Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland, September 25.
, Analysis and simulation of active feedback lasers, Minisymposium
``DFB Laser with Amplifying Feedback'', WIAS, Berlin,
November 28.
A. RATHSFELD, FEM and its generalization for the
diffraction by polygonal profile gratings, 9th International Conference on
Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET*02),
September 10-13, Kiev, Ukraine,
September 11.
, FEM and its generalization for the diffraction by polygonal profile
gratings, BMBF Workshop ``Boundary Element Methods -- Modern Algorithms and
Industrial Applications'', September 30 - October 2,
Saarbrücken, October 2.
, Polynomial collocation for second kind integral equations with
fixed singularities of Mellin type, Conference ``New Trends in Boundary
Elements'', December 2-6, Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, December 3.
, Modellierung und Optimierung mikrooptischer
Oberflächenstrukturen, Carl Zeiss Oberkochen, December 9.
, Modellierung und Optimierung mikrooptischer
Oberflächenstrukturen, Statusseminar zum BMBF-Förderprogramm ``Neue
mathematische Verfahren in Industrie und Dienstleistungen'',
December 16-17, Ludwigshafen,
December 17.
J. REHBERG, Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear
evolution equations, International Conference on Differential and Functional
Differential Equations, Satellite Conference of the International Congress of
Mathematicians (ICM) 2002 in Beijing,
August 11-17, Moscow, Russia,
August 15.
, Quasilinear parabolic systems including mixed boundary conditions
in Lp, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Fachbereich
Mathematik, Switzerland, October 31.
O. REISS, Effiziente Methoden zur Bestimmung von
Risikomaßen, BMBF Workshop ``Energie und Finanzwirtschaft'',
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Berlin,
March 4.
S. Rlly, Equilibrium states for infinite
dimensional diffusions, 6th International Conference on Mathematical
Problems of Statistical Physics, August 24-31,
National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Institute of Mathematics,
Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, August 28.
, Diffusions en tant que mesures d'équilibre au sens de la
mécanique statistique, Journées de Probabilités,
September 9-13, Université de la Rochelle,
France, September 12.
, Infinite dimensional diffusions as equilibrium states in the spirit
of Statistical Mechanics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt,
Mathematisches Seminar, October 16.
K.K. SABELFELD, Recent developments in Random Walk
Methods for 3D elasticity boundary value problems, Seminar of the Institute
of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Novosibirsk, January 17.
, An explosion of the branching random walk on spheres for the
Lamé equation, St. Petersburg University, Department of Statistical
Simulation, Russia, January 28.
, Stochastic Lagrangian models for simulation of particle transport
in porous media, International Conference on Numerical Mathematics,
June 24-28, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, June 24.
, Stochastic models in porous medium, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Novosibirsk,
August 27.
, Monte Carlo simulation of burning alumina particles, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical
Geophysics, Novosibirsk, September 5.
, Stochastic models of transport in porous media, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics,
Novosibirsk, September 6.
, Monte Carlo simulation of random fields, Keldysh Institute of
Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, September 18.
Random Walk on spheres for static elasticity problems, International
Conference on Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk, June 25.
G. SCHMIDT, Electromagnetic scattering by periodic
structures, International Conference on Differential and Functional
Differential Equations, Satellite Conference of the International Congress of
Mathematicians (ICM) 2002 in Beijing,
August 12-17, Moscow, Russia,
August 13.
, Diffraction by crossed anisotropic gratings, BMBF Workshop
``Boundary Element Methods -- Modern Algorithms and Industrial
Applications'', September 30 - October 2, Saarbrücken,
September 30.
, Electromagnetic scattering by biperiodic structures, University of
Tokyo, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Japan, November 25.
K.R. SCHNEIDER, Modellreduktion und
Verzweigungsverhalten, Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für
Lebensmitteltechnik und Bioverfahrenstechnik, January 7.
, Vibrational control of singularly perturbed systems, Conference
``Regelungstheorie'', February 24 - March 2, Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, February 26.
, Einparametrige Canard-Zyklen, GAMM Annual Conference 2002,
March 25-28, Universität Augsburg, Institut
für Mathematik, March 26.
, Forced canards, International Workshop on Relaxation Oscillations
& Hysteresis, April 1-6, Cork, Ireland,
April 4.
, Hochfrequente Selbstpulsationen in Halbleiterlasern, Meeting
``Nichtlineare Dynamik'', July 8-9, Verein
Deutscher Ingenieure, Düsseldorf, July 9.
, Modeling of semiconductor lasers, International Conference on
Differential and Functional Differential Equations, Satellite Conference of
the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2002 in Beijing,
August 11-17, Moscow, Russia,
August 12.
, Verzögerter Stabilitätsverlust in dynamischen Systemen,
Annual Conference of DMV, September 16-20,
Universität Halle, September 17.
, Dynamics of semiconductor lasers, Vth International Congress on
Mathematical Modeling, September 30 - October 6, Dubna,
Russia, September 30.
, Slow-fast systems in laser dynamics, Moscow State University,
Faculty of Physics, Russia, October 9.
J. SCHOENMAKERS, Kalibrierung im LIBOR Modell,
Reuters AG, Düsseldorf, March 11.
, Accuracy and stability of LIBOR model calibration via parametric
correlation structures and approximative swaption pricing, Risk Conference
2002, April 23-24, Paris, France,
April 23.
, Endogenous interest rates in asset markets, 2nd World Congress of
the Bachelier Finance Society, June 12-15,
Crete, Greece, June 14.
, Calibration of LIBOR models to caps and swaptions: A way around
intrinsic instabilities via parsimonious structures and a collateral market
criterion, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, MathFinance Institute,
Frankfurt am Main, November 7.
, Calibration of LIBOR models to caps and swaptions: A way around
intrinsic instabilities via parsimonious structures and a collateral market
criterion, Quantitative Finance 2002, Risk Waters Group, London, UK,
November 26.
E. SHCHETININA, Delay loss of stability in slow-fast
systems, International Workshop on Relaxation Oscillations & Hysteresis,
April 1-6, Cork, Ireland,
April 3.
, Integral manifolds of canard type in slow-fast systems, Samara
State University, Department of Mathematics, Russia, June 26.
H. SI, 3D quality Delaunay mesh generation methods
and practical results, WIAS Workshop ``Challenges In Scientific Computing
(CISC)'', October 2-5, Berlin,
October 2.
J. SIEBER, High frequency oscillations in lasers
subject to active optical feedback, Spring School of the DFG Collaborative
Research Centre ``Complex Non-linear Processes'',
April 3-5, Wittenberg, April 4.
, Numerical bifurcation analysis of optical feedback effects in
semiconductor lasers, University of Bristol, Department of Engineering
Mathematics, UK, May 3.
, Numerical bifurcation analysis of optical feedback effects in
semiconductor lasers, University College Cork, Department of Physics,
Ireland, June 7.
, Semiconductor lasers subject to delayed optical feedback, Summer
School ``Applied Analysis, KAM-Theory & Mathematical Optics'',
June 10-14, Twente, The Netherlands,
June 10.
, Dynamics of semiconductor lasers, Annual Conference of DMV,
September 16-20, Universität Halle,
September 17.
V. SPOKOINY, Testing of the single-index hypothesis
by structural adaption, Conference on Current Advances and Trends in
Nonparametric Statistics, Crete, Greece, February 17.
, Varying coefficient modelling by adaptive weights smoothing,
Université Paris VI ``Pierre et Marie Curie'', Laboratoire de
Probabilité, France, March 7.
, Structural adaptation II: Identification and estimation of
dimension reduction spaces, Workshop on Nonparametric Smoothing in Complex
Statistical Models, April 27 - May 4, Ascona,
Switzerland, April 2.
, Robust coefficient modelling with applications to financial time
series, Annual workshop of Sfb 373, Motzen, May 2.
, Modeling of nonstationary time series by adaptive weights
smoothing, Conference on Current Advances and Trends in Nonparametric
Statistics, July 15-19, Crete, Greece,
July 17.
, An adaptive test of linearity for median regression model, 24th
European Meeting of Statisticians, August 19-23,
Prague, Czech Republic, August 22.
J. SPREKELS, On nonlocal models for non-isothermal
phase transitions, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of
Mathematics, Prague, February 19.
, Schlüsseltechnologie Angewandte Mathematik: Beiträge des
Weierstraß-Instituts zu den Materialwissenschaften,
Adolf-Martens-Kolloquium, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und
-prüfung, Berlin, February 27.
, On nonlocal models for nonisothermal phase transitions,
International Workshop and Seminar on Computational Physics of Transport
Phenomena and Interface Dynamics, March 4-5,
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden,
March 4.
, Modelling curved mechanical structures, International Conference
``Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems'',
September 10-14, Ovidius University, Department of
Mathematics and Informatics, Constanta, Romania, September 11.
, On nonlocal phase transition models for non-conserved order
parameters, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di
Matematica ``U. Dini'', Italy, October 14.
, Phase-field models with hysteresis nonlinearities, Memorial
Seminar on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Mathematical
Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of
Mathematics, Prague, December 12.
H. STEPHAN, Some properties of Fokker-Planck
equations, Seminar Stochastische Prozesse, Humboldt-Universität zu
Berlin, Institut für Physik, July 9.
, Time asymptotics and inverse problems for Fokker-Planck equations,
International Conference ``Inverse Problems and Nonlinear Equations'' on the
occasion of Prof. V.A. Marchenko's 80th anniversary,
August 12-16, National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering,
Kharkov, August 15.
, Back front solitons of the KdV equation, seminar of the
Mathematical Department, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, B. Verkin
Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkov,
August 19.
, Modellierung und Simulation von Bauelementen für Schaltkreise
der Leistungselektronik, Colloquium of the DFG Priority Program
``Semiconductor devices for high power applications'',
September 17-18, Ilmenau, September 18.
A. STURM, On connections of spatially structured
population processes to SPDEs in higher dimensions, Probability Seminar
Montréal, Université de Montréal, Centre de Recherches
Mathématiques, Canada, February 8.
, On convergence of particle systems to SPDEs,
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Institut für Mathematik und
Informatik, March 5.
, A branching process in a random environment relating to SPDEs in
higher dimensions, Magdeburger Stochastik-Tage, German Open Conference on
Probability and Statistics, March 19-22,
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, March 21.
, On limits of branching systems in a spatially correlated random
media, Workshop on Spatially Distributed and Hierarchically Structured
Stochastic Systems, April 4-10, Université
de Montréal, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Canada,
April 8.
, The stochastic heat equation with coloured noise as limit of
branching particle systems, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt,
Fachbereich Mathematik, April 17.
, The genealogy of a given sample in the Moran model with mutation,
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Fachbereich Mathematik,
April 24.
, On branching particle systems in random environments -- Diffusion
limits and long-time behaviour, Miniworkshop ``Stochastische Prozesse in
zufälligen Medien'', May 19-25,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, May 22.
, A coalescent in a random background, Workshop ``Stochastic Models
from Statistical Physics III'', October 7-11,
EURANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October 9.
, Branching processes and SPDE, Universität Kaiserslautern,
Fachbereich Mathematik, November 25.
, On SPDEs and branching processes, DFG-Schwerpunktkolloquium
,,Interagierende Stochastische Systeme von hoher Komplexität``,
December 2-4, WIAS, December 3.
D. TIBA, Analysis and optimization of nonsmooth
mechanical structures, Conference on Inverse Problems, Control and Shape
Optimization, April 10-12, Université de
Tunis El Manar, Laboratoire de Modélisation Mathématique et
Numérique dans les Sciences de l'Ingénieur, Carthage,
April 10.
, Sur l'optimisation des structures courbées, Colloque
Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées,
September 2-6, Université de Perpignan,
Laboratoire de Théorie des Systèmes, France, September 2.
, Optimization of curved mechanical structures, International
Conference ``Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems'',
September 10-14, Ovidius University, Department of
Mathematics and Informatics, Constanta, Romania, September 11.
, On the optimization of curved structures, 3.
Südosteuropa-Tagung ``Wissenschaftsdialog in Südeuropa zum Thema Neue
Technologien'', October 18-20, Alexander von
Humboldt-Stiftung, Zagreb, Croatia, October 18.
D. TURAEV, Richness of chaos in area preserving
two-dimensional maps, University of Surrey, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, Guildford, UK, February 11.
, Richness of chaos in area preserving two-dimensional maps,
Workshop ``Hamiltonian Dynamics'', London, UK, February 15.
, Richness of chaos in area preserving two-dimensional maps,
University of Bristol, Department of Engineering Mathematics, UK,
February 26.
, Richness of chaos in area preserving two-dimensional maps,
University of Groningen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The
Netherlands, May 27.
, Richness of chaos in area preserving two-dimensional maps,
EURANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 30.
, On superhomoclinic orbits in Hamiltonian systems, Universitat de
Barcelona, Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada i Anàlisi, Spain,
September 25.
, Richness of chaos in area preserving two-dimensional maps, Ben
Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Mathematics and Computer
Sciences, Beersheba, Israel, October 14.
, Richness of chaos in area preserving two-dimensional maps, The
Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rehovot,
Israel, October 15.
B. WAGNER, Steuerung der
Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion, Universität Trier, Fachbereich
Mathematik, January 24.
, Steuerung der Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion,
Universität-Gesamthochschule Siegen, Fachbereich 6 -- Mathematik,
July 4.
, Steuerung der Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion, Universität
Basel, Fachbereich Mathematik, Switzerland, November 15.
, Steuerung der Rayleigh-Bénard-Konvektion, Universität des
Saarlandes, Fakultät 6 -- Mathematik, Saarbrücken,
November 18.
, Exact solutions of a sharp interface model for eutectic tin/lead
alloy, Workshop ``Interfaces and Singularly Perturbed Interface
Evolutions'', November 29-30, Max-Planck-Institut
für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig,
November 30.
W. WAGNER, Stochastic algorithms for coagulation
equations, 5th ESMTB Tri-annual Conference ``Mathematical Modelling and
Computing in Biology and Medicine'', Minisymposium ``Stochastic Processes in
Biology'', July 2-6, European Society of
Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB), Milano, Italy,
July 3.
, Stochastic models of coagulation, Conference ``Perspectives in
Kinetic Theory'', October 24-26, Italian Research
Project ``Mathematical Problems in Kinetic Theory'', Sestri Levante, Italy,
October 24.
, Stochastic models and Monte Carlo algorithms for Boltzmann type
equations, Fifth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte
Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2002),
November 25-28, Singapore, November 28.
K. WILMANSKI, Zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethoden in
der Geophysik, Teil I, BTU Workshop ``Geophysikalische
Strömungen/Konvektion'', Brandenburgische Technische Universität (BTU)
Cottbus, Internationales Begegnungszentrum, March 18.
, Surface waves on flat interfaces: Poroelastic medium/fluid,
International Conference on Multifield Problems,
April 8-10, Universität Stuttgart,
April 8.
, Waves in poroelastic materials, XXVIIth General Assembly,
April 21-26, European Geophysical Society, Nice,
France, April 24.
, Schallwellen, Oberflächenwellen, zerstörungsfreie
Prüfmethoden für poröse Körper, Colloquium Mechanics of
Materials and Structures, Technische Universität Graz, Institut für
Allgemeine Mechanik, Austria, June 20.
, Modellbildung für granulare Stoffe, 8 talks, Universität
Innsbruck, Institut für Geotechnik und Tunnelbau, Austria,
June 24-28.
, Microworld and macroworld -- Multiscaling problems in modeling of
geophysics, 3rd Euroconference ``Mathematical Foundations of Geomechanics'',
July 1-5, Horton, Greece,
July 3.
, Acoustic waves and nondestructive testing of granular materials,
Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics in Mechanics,
September 29 - October 4, Maiori, Italy,
October 2.
, Thermodynamic modeling of porous materials, Université Paris
VI ``Pierre et Marie Curie'', Laboratoire de Modélisation en
Méchanique, France, November 15.
, Acoustic and surface waves in poroelastic materials -- Theory,
experiments and non-destructive testing, Final Colloquium of Sfb 298,
November 18-19, Technische Universität Darmstadt,
Seeheim, November 18.
, Micro-macro transitions for granular materials. Estimations of
porosity dependence, Workshop ``Thermodynamische Materialtheorien'',
December 15-19, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, December 18.
M. WOLFRUM, Heteroclinic connections and order
structures for scalar parabolic PDE, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon,
Portugal, June 11.
J. ZACHARIAS-LANGHANS, Fourier inversion methods for
Delta-Gamma Approximations, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, January 21.
, Effiziente Methoden zur Bestimmung von Risikomaßen, BMBF
Workshop ,,Energie und Finanzwirtschaft``, Bundesministerium für
Bildung und Forschung, Berlin, March 4.