B. ALBERS, Über Stabilität von Strömungen in
Böden, Thermodynamisches Seminar, WIAS, Berlin, February 7.
, Linear stability analysis of some flow processes in soils,
Workshop on Methods of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in an Environmental,
Geophysical and Climatological Context, Conference on the Occasion of the
60th birthday of Prof. Kolumban Hutter, Seeheim-Jugenheim,
March 20.
, Mass exchange and diffusion in porous materials, Conference on
Differential Equations and Related Topics, dedicated to the Centenary
Anniversary of Ivan G. Petrovskii, Moscow, Russia, May 26.
, Linear stability analysis of adsorption/diffusion processes in
porous materials, XIth International Conference on Waves and Stability in
Continuous Media (WASCOM), Porto Ercole, Italy, June 8.
, Modellierung von Erdrutschvorgängen, Thermodynamisches Seminar,
WIAS, Berlin, July 18.
, Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, exercises for a course for
PhD students, 6 talks, Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Strutturale e Geotecnica, Torino, Italy,
April 23-27.
G. ALBINUS, Bemerkungen zur Boxmethode bei gemischten
Randwertproblemen für elliptische Gleichungen 2. Ordnung mit
unstetigen Koeffizienten, Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden''
(Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, May 2.
U. BANDELOW, Erzeugung kurzer Pulse mit modegelockten
Lasern, Seminar ``Halbleiterlaser'', WIAS, July 19.
U. BANDELOW, H.-CHR. KAISER, Simulation of multi quantum well
lasers with WIAS-TeSCA, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our
Changing World'', Berlin, September 5.
E. BÄNSCH, Finite element discretization for
``nonstandard'' boundary conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations,
University of Maryland, College Park, USA, January 25.
, Finite-Elemente-Verfahren bei der FZ-Kristallzüchtung, DGKK
Workshop ``Angewandte Simulation in der Kristallzüchtung'', Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung e. V.,
Aufseß, February 15.
, Freie Randwertprobleme für die Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen,
Technische Universität Dresden, February 16.
, An adaptive Uzawa FEM for Stokes: Convergence without the Inf-Sup,
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Universität Aachen,
July 4.
, An adaptive Uzawa FEM for Stokes: Convergence without the Inf-Sup,
Universität Bremen, Zentrum für Technomathematik,
November 1.
M. BARO, Dilatation und Eigenfunktionen von
eindimensionalen dissipativen Schrödinger-Operatoren,
Mathematisch-Physikalisches Kolloquium, Technische Universität
Clausthal, November 21.
, Über das stetige Spektrum verallgemeinerter
Schrödinger-Operatoren, Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden''
(Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, December 12.
J. BORCHARDT, Newton-type decomposition methods in
parallel process simulation, ICheaP-5, the 5th Italian Conference on
Chemical and Process Engineering, Florence, Italy, May 21.
A. BOVIER, Statistical mechanics of disordered
systems, Concentrated Advanced Course of 10 talks, MaPhySto Program,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 23-27.
, Aging in the random energy model, Meeting ``Phase Transitions'',
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, May 2.
, Aging in the random energy model, Universität Göttingen,
May 5.
, Random Gibbs measures and the metastate formalism for disordered
systems, Workshop ``Spin Glasses'', Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
May 16.
, Aging in the random energy model, Università di Bologna,
Italy, June 25.
, Glauber dynamics of the Ising model, Università di Roma 2
``Tor Vergata'', Italy, June 26.
, Aging in the random energy model, Università de L'Aquila,
Italy, June 28.
, Aging in the random energy model. I, Miniworkshop ``Aging and
Glassy Systems'', Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
August 21.
, Aging in the random energy model. III, Miniworkshop ``Aging and
Glassy Systems'', Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
August 23.
, Random walks on sequence space, Workshop ``Stochastic Genetic
Processes'', Greifswald, October 4.
, Le modèle de Hopfield: des reseaux de neurones aux verres de
spins, Journée commune des troisièmes Cycles de la Suisse Romande en
Mathématiques et Statistique, Lausanne, Switzerland,
November 30.
G. BRUCKNER, On the inverse problem of diffractive
optics. Reconstruction of 2-d gratings, University of Kyoto, Japan,
April 23.
, On the inverse problem of diffractive optics. Reconstruction of 2-d
gratings, University of Tokyo, Japan, April 27.
, Reconstruction of a perfectly conducting grating profile, 3rd
International ISAAC Congress, Freie Universität Berlin,
August 29.
, On the reconstruction of a perfectly reflecting periodic grating
profile, WIAS Workshop ``Inverse Problems in Applications'', Berlin,
September 10.
D. DAVIS, Computational predictability of natural
convection flows in enclosures, First M.I.T. Conference on Computational
Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
June 15.
W. DREYER, Keimbildung in der Phasenfeldtheorie,
Colloquium ``Keimbildungsmechanismen'', Freiberg, March 7.
, Industrial needs versus capabilities of phase field models,
Meeting ``Phase Transitions'', Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
May 5.
, Atomistische Motivationen von Phasenfeldgleichungen und die Rolle
des Gibbs-Thomson-Gesetzes, Thermodynamisches Seminar, WIAS, Berlin,
June 20.
, Phasenübergänge in binären Legierungen und ihre
thermomechanische Beschreibung innerhalb von Phasenfeldtheorien, Technische
Universität Dresden, June 21.
, The continuum limit and micro-macro transitions of microscopic
systems, Colloquium of the DFG Priority Program ``Analysis, Modeling and
Simulation of Multiscale Problems'', Bonn, July 2.
, Phase transition in binary alloys, International Conference on
Continuum Mechanics & Thermodynamics, Potsdam, August 2.
, Towards rigorous micro-macro transitions, WIAS Workshop on
Multiscale Problems and Phase Transitions, Berlin, August 29.
, Atomistic motivations and a numerical study of a nonlocal model for
phase separation, WIAS Workshop on Multiscale Problems and Phase
Transitions, Berlin, August 30.
, An atomistic study of extended Cahn/Hilliard systems, First
SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our Changing World'', Berlin,
September 6.
, Metastabilität, Workshop ``Komposite Forschung in der
Mechanik'', Paderborn, December 4.
F. DUDERSTADT, Kirchhoff versus Karman-Plattentheorie,
Thermodynamisches Seminar, WIAS, Berlin, July 5.
A. EIBECK, Stochastic particle approximation of the
coagulation equation and gelation phenomena, Workshop ``Methodes
Particulaires de Simulation Numérique'', Bourget-du-Lac, France,
May 18.
, Stochastic algorithms for the coagulation equation, Miniworkshop
``Stochastic Models for Coagulation Processes'', Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, August 24.
J. ELSCHNER, Inverse scattering for periodic
structures, GAMM Workshop ``Computational Electromagnetics'', Kiel,
January 27.
, Direkte und inverse Probleme der diffraktiven Optik, BMBF Workshop
``Moderne numerische Methoden zur Lösung der Helmholtzgleichung'',
Stuttgart, March 3.
, From Fredholm operators and stability of projection methods to
inverse diffraction problems, International Conference on Toeplitz Matrices,
Pobershau, April 11.
, Inverse problems for scattering by periodic structures, 3rd
International ISAAC Congress, Freie Universität Berlin,
August 24.
, Inverse problems for diffraction gratings, University of Kyoto,
Japan, November 22.
, On profile reconstruction for diffraction gratings, University of
Tokyo, Japan, November 26.
V. ESSAOULOVA, Large deviations of L1-error of
kernel and histogram density estimators, Centre International de Rencontres
Mathématiques, Marseille, France, December 14.
K. FLEISCHMANN, Cyclically catalytic super-Brownian
motion, Workshop ``Stochastic Analysis: Geometric Aspects and
Applications'', Eindhoven, The Netherlands, January 9.
, Clumping of a super-Brownian reactant with a stable catalyst,
Workshop ``Discrete and Continuous Stochastic Evolutions'', Warwick, UK,
March 20.
, A cyclically catalytic super-Brownian motion, Technion Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa, April 24.
, Strong clumping of a super-Brownian reactant with a stable
catalyst, University of Knoxville, USA, October 30.
J. FUHRMANN, Numerical simulation of coupled heat and
mass transport in the North-East-German basin, Sixth SIAM Conference on
Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Boulder, Colorado,
USA, June 11.
, Numerische Modellierung von Direktmethanolbrennstoffzellen,
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Angewandte
Mathematik, July 19.
, Numerical modelling of direct methanol fuel-cells, MCEB 2001,
Workshop on Modelling and Computation in Chemical Engineering and
Biotechnology, Hohenwart, October 2.
, The FZ-Jülich-WIAS DMFC model: Species transport, WIAS Workshop
``Open Problems of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC)'', Berlin,
November 23.
H. GAJEWSKI, Über ein nichtlokales
Phasenseparationsmodell, Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden''
(Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, April 11.
, On a nonlocal model of phase separation, WIAS Workshop
``Multiscale Problems and Phase Transitions'', Berlin,
August 30.
, On a nonlocal model of phase separation, First SIAM-EMS Conference
``Applied Mathematics in our Changing World'', Berlin,
September 5.
, On parabolic equations with nonlocal drift term, Conference on the
occasion of an Honorary Doctorate for M.I. Vishik, Freie Universität
Berlin, December 18.
K. GÄRTNER, Sparse factorization with two-level
scheduling in PARDISO, University of California, Berkeley, USA,
March 8.
, The FZ-Jülich-WIAS DMFC model: Reaction kinetics and energy
transport, WIAS Workshop on Open Problems of Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
(DMFC), Berlin, November 23.
B. GENTZ, Stochastic resonance in a double-well
potential, Meeting ``Stochastics in the Sciences'', Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, March 15.
, Stochastic resonance in a double-well potential, Workshop
``Stochastic Models from Statistical Physics'', Blaubeuren,
April 2.
, Singularly perturbed dynamical systems with additive noise,
Meeting on Stochastic Analysis, Berlin, July 2.
, Slowly time-dependent dynamical systems with additive noise:
Synchronization, delay and hysteresis, Second Workshop on Stochastic Climate
Models, Chorin, July 9.
A. GLITZKY, Neue Ergebnisse zur Analysis von
Elektro-Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen (I), Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische
Methoden'' (Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, May 16.
, Neue Ergebnisse zur Analysis von
Elektro-Reaktions-Diffusionsgleichungen (II), Seminar
``Funktionalanalytische Methoden'' (Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin,
May 23.
F. GRUND, Chemical process simulation on parallel
computers, 2001 SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA,
July 13.
, Pivot strategies for direct linear solvers with sparse matrices,
15th Congress, 2001 DMV Annual Meeting, Universität Wien, Austria,
September 21.
, Solution of linear systems with sparse matrices, Workshop
``Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung integrierter Schaltkreise'',
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, November 29.
R. GUCKEL, Über ein freies Randwertproblem in der
Elektrostatik, Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden''
(Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, April 18.
G. HEBERMEHL, On the computation of eigen modes for
open waveguide structures using artificial boundary conditions, 2001 SIAM
Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, July 10.
, Perfectly Matched Layers in microwave transmission lines, ENUMATH
2001, European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications,
Ischia Porto, Italy, July 27.
, Simulation of microwave and optoelectronic devices, First SIAM-EMS
Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our Changing World'', Berlin,
September 4.
R. HENRION, Optimierungsprobleme mit stochastischen
Parametern, Universität Dortmund, April 19.
, Subdifferentielle Charakterisierung der
,,calmness``-Eigenschaft mengenwertiger Abbildungen, Universität
Halle-Wittenberg, May 22.
, Stabilität in nichtlinearen Optimierungsproblemen,
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, July 5.
, Chance constrained programs: Theory and solution methods, 9th
International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin, August 25.
, Structure and stability of probabilistic storage level
constraints, 9th International Conference on Stochastic Programming,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, August 27.
, Steuerung eines kontinuierlichen Destillationsprozesses mit
stochastischer Zuflussrate, Final Colloquium of the DFG Priority Program
``Real-time Optimization of Large Systems'', Berlin, September 14.
, Einführung in Methoden der Stochastischen Optimierung, DECHEMA
continuation course ``Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse'', 3 talks,
Technische Universität Berlin, September 26.
, Optimierungsprobleme mit Wahrscheinlichkeitsrestriktionen und
Bedingungen für Fehlerschranken, Universität Hamburg,
November 27.
M. HERRMANN, Lösungen von kinetischen Gleichungen
mit Relaxationszeiten, Thermodynamisches Seminar, WIAS, Berlin,
January 10.
D. HÖMBERG, Ein mathematisches Modell für das
Widerstandsimpulsschweißen, Universität Bremen,
May 7.
, Induction hardening - modeling, analysis and optimal design,
Auburn University, Alabama, USA, July 6.
, A mathematical model for capacitor resistance welding, 2001 SIAM
Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 9.
, Optimal shape design of inductor coils, Fifth SIAM Conference on
Control and its Applications, San Diego, California, USA,
July 14.
, Modeling and optimal control of the surface hardening of steel,
4 talks, International School on Industrial Mathematics, Siena, Italy,
July 23-28.
R. HÜNLICH, Reaction-diffusion equations for
electrically charged species, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,
Hungary, February 26.
, Simulation of semiconductor devices with WIAS-TeSCA, Eötvös
Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, February 28.
S. JASCHKE, Risk measures, Seminar ``Numerik
stochastischer Modelle'', Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
June 18.
, Über die Approximation von Value at Risk durch
Fourier-Inversion, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
November 15.
H.-CHR. KAISER, About Kohn-Sham systems
arising from nanoelectronics, Workshop ``Wavelets and Electronical Structure
Calculation'', Technische Universität Chemnitz, January 26.
, Macroscopic current induced boundary conditions for
Schroedinger-type operators, 3rd International ISAAC Congress, Freie
Universität Berlin, August 24.
, On an open quantum system driven by a macroscopic flow, Workshop
``Multiscale Problems in Quantum Mechanics and Averaging Techniques'', DFG
Priority Program ``Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale
Problems'', Universität Konstanz, October 26.
O. KLEIN, Modellierung von Unterkühlung mit
Phasenfeldsystemen und Stefanproblemen, Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische
Methoden'' (Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, May 9.
, Modeling and numerical simulation of induction heating of crucibles
for sublimation growth of SiC, International Conference on Continuum
Mechanics & Thermodynamics (ISIMM), Potsdam, July 31.
, Anisotropic phase-field systems of Penrose-Fife type with general
heat flux laws, WIAS Workshop on Multiscale Problems and Phase Transitions,
Berlin, August 31.
TH. KOPRUCKI, Exact ground states for
one-dimensional quantum many-body systems, Max-Planck-Institut für
Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, March 8.
, Exact ground states for one-dimensional quantum many-body systems,
Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden'' (Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS,
Berlin, April 25.
, On eigenvalue problems arising from the modeling of semiconductor
nanostructures, 22. Norddeutsches Kolloquium ``Angewandte Analysis und
Numerische Mathematik'', Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel,
May 18.
, Envelope function approximation for electronic states in
semiconductor nanostructures, 2nd Colloquium of the DFG Priority Program
``Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems'', Andreas Hermes
Akademie Bonn-Röttgen, July 4.
, On eigenvalue problems arising from the modeling of semiconductor
nanostructures, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our
Changing World'', Berlin, September 4.
, Envelope function approximation for electronic states in
semiconductor nanostructures, Workshop ``Multiscale Problems in Quantum
Mechanics and Averaging Techniques'', DFG Priority Program ``Analysis,
Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems'', Universität Konstanz,
October 25.
, What can Wigner formalism based modelling learn from
kp-Schrödinger equations?, Workshop ``Numerical and Asymptotic Methods
for Kinetic Equations'', Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken,
November 29.
C. KÜLSKE, Gibbs or non-Gibbs: Joint measures of
disordered spin systems, Workshop ``Stochastic Models from Statistical
Physics '', Blaubeuren, April 6.
, Gibbs-Maße von ungeordneten Spin-Systemen, Technische
Universität Berlin, October 24.
, Selfaveraging of random diffraction measures, EURANDOM, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands, October 30.
, Ungeordnete Gitterspin-Modelle: Gibbsmaße und
Phasenübergänge, Universität Tübingen, December 17.
P. MATHÉ, Anwendung der
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Hans und Hilde Coppi-Gymnasium, Berlin,
April 1.
, Approximation by Bernstein polynomials: A probabilistic approach,
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, April 25.
, Using ergodic Markov chains for numerical integration, 3rd IMACS
Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Salzburg, Austria, September 10.
, Markov chains for numerical integration, Workshop ``Numerical
Integration and its Complexity'', Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, November 22.
, Stable summation of noisy orthonormal series, Centre International
de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille, France, December 13.
G. MILSTEIN, The simplest random walk for the general
Dirichlet problem, Stochastic Numerics Conference, University of Zurich,
Switzerland, February 19.
, Symplectic integration of Hamiltonian systems with noise, Workshop
``Computational SDE'', The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK,
March 29.
, Transition density estimation for stochastic differential equations
via forward-reverse representations, Seminar of Probability and Statistics,
Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands, October 3.
, Transition density estimation for stochastic differential equations
via forward-reverse representations, Colloquium Probability, Statistics and
Financial Mathematics, Korteweg-de Fries Institute, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8.
A. MÖLLER, Robust optimal distillation control with
stochastic inflow rate, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in
our Changing World'', Berlin, September 3.
H.-J. MUCHA, Stabilisierte modellbasierte
Clusteranalyse und deren Anwendung in der Archäologie, Annual Meeting of
Gesellschaft für Klassifikation, München, March 15.
, Kern-Clustering Venezianischer Gläser, Technische
Universität Berlin, September 29.
, Clustering techniques accompanied by matrix recording techniques,
Technische Universität München, Iffeldorf, November 6.
, Data Mining mit Verfahren der Clusteranalyse, Technische
Universität Ilmenau, December 7.
H. NEIDHARDT, On self-adjoint and dissipative
Schrödinger-Poisson systems, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Nuclear Physics Institute, Rez, January 24.
, On dissipative Schrödinger-Poisson systems, XVth Max Born
Symposium ``Schrödinger Operators, (Random) Potentials and Singular
Perturbations'', Wroclaw, Poland, June 29.
, Über das eindimensionale dissipative
Schrödinger-Poisson-System: Vom Spektralparameter unabhängige
Randbedingungen (I), Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden''
(Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, July 4.
, Über das eindimensionale dissipative
Schrödinger-Poisson-System: Vom Spektralparameter abhängige
Randbedingungen (II), Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden''
(Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, July 18.
, Operator inequalities and Trotter-Kato product formula,
International Conference on Functional Analysis, National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine, Kiev, August 22.
, Sturm-Liouville operators: Dilations and currents, Workshop
``Extensions of Symmetric Operators and Indefinite Matrices'', Technische
Universität Berlin, November 16.
M. PETZOLDT, Regularität für
Laplace-Interface-Probleme in 2D und 3D, Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische
Methoden'' (Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, February 7.
, Singularities in Laplace interface problems in 2d and 3d,
PRISM2001, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 22.
, Probleme mit unstetigen Diffusionskoeffizienten: Regularität und
Fehlerschätzer, Institutskolloquium, WIAS, Berlin,
July 7.
P. PHILIP, Zeitabhängige Simulation der Züchtung
von SiC-Einkristallen durch Sublimation, DGKK Workshop ``Angewandte
Simulation in der Kristallzüchtung'', Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung, Aufseß, February 14.
, Stationäre und zeitabhängige Simulation, WE-HERAEUS Summer
Course ``SiC und GaN - Materialien für die Leistungs- und
Optoelektronik'', Cottbus, September 3.
J. POLZEHL, Structural adaption in non-parametric
smoothing, Departamento de Estadistica y Econometria, Universidad Carlos III
de Madrid, Spain, March 2.
, Structural adaption -- A method to estimate the effective
dimension reduction space, Closed Meeting of SFB 373, Wulkow,
May 18.
, Can structural assumptions be used to improve nonparametric
estimates?, University of Minnesota, School of Statistics, Minneapolis, USA,
May 31.
, Structural adaptation in nonparametric regression, WIAS Workshop
on High-Dimensional Nonlinear Statistical Modelling, Wulkow,
September 16.
, Structural adaptive estimation, Bayer AG, Leverkusen,
November 29.
, Angewandte Statistik, Continuation Seminar for Engineers, 8 talks,
Haus der Technik, Essen, November 12-13.
M. RADZIUNAS, Traveling wave model and its
approximations simulating and analysing multisection semiconductor lasers,
Seminar ``Mathematische Modelle der Photonik'', WIAS, Berlin,
July 12.
, Simulation and analysis of dynamics in multi-section semiconductor
DFB laser, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our Changing
World'', Berlin, September 3.
, Travelling wave model and its mode approximations analyzing and
designing semiconductor lasers, WIAS Workshop ``Dynamics of Semiconductor
Lasers'', Berlin, September 14.
, Locking properties of self-pulsations in multi-section
semiconductor lasers, Seminar ``Mathematische Modelle der Photonik'', WIAS,
Berlin, December 6.
A. RATHSFELD, Polynomial collocation for integral
equations with fixed singularities, Università della Basilicata,
Potenza, Italy, January 30.
, Approximative Approximation, ein anderes Konzept zur Näherung
von Funktionen und Operatoren, Technische Universität Chemnitz,
June 21.
J. REHBERG, Existence, uniqueness and regularity of
solutions to Kohn-Sham systems, Workshop ``Wavelets and Electronical
Structure Calculation'', Technische Universität Chemnitz,
January 26.
, Verformung von Würfeln in Kugeln, Berlin Day of Mathematics,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, May 19.
, Spectral theory for non-Hermitian Schrödinger operators arising
from open quantum systems, Workshop ``Ellipticity and Asymptotics in Spaces
with Singularities'', The Mathematical Conference Center, Bedlewo,
Poland, September 4.
O. REISS, Efficient computation of option price
sensitivities using homogeneity and other tricks, Technische Universiteit
Delft, The Netherlands, May 8.
, Risk measures and value at risk, Technische Universiteit Delft,
The Netherlands, May 8.
S. Rlly, Equilibrium states for different classes
of infinite-dimensional Brownian diffusions, Berliner Kolloquium
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, WIAS, Berlin, November 11.
K. SABELFELD, Stochastic Lagrangian model for spatially
inhomogeneous Smoluchowski equation, Fourth St. Petersburg Workshop on
Simulation, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 19.
, Backward and forward stochastic Lagrangian models for transport of
scalars in turbulent flows, Fourth St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation,
St. Petersburg, Russia, June 20.
, Lagrangian stochastic models for turbulence simulation, N.N.
Yanenko Conference on Numerical Simulation in Mechanics of Fluids,
Novosibirsk, Russia, June 25.
, Monte Carlo evaluation of the footprint function over inhomogeneous
forest, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our Changing
World'', Berlin, September 3.
, Stochastic Lagrangian method for solving spatially inhomogeneous
Smoluchowski equation, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in
our Changing World'', Berlin, September 4.
, Stochastic models of coagulation processes governed by a class of
Smoluchowski equations, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in
our Changing World'', Berlin, September 5.
, Valuation of natural resources deposits, First SIAM-EMS Conference
``Applied Mathematics in our Changing World'', Berlin,
September 6.
, A Lagrangian stochastic model for transport in a statistically
homogeneous porous medium, 3rd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods,
Salzburg, Austria, September 14.
, Lagrangian stochastic models for transport of interacting and
diffusing particles, 3rd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Salzburg,
Austria, September 14.
, On a variance reduction technique in the particle simulation
governed by SDEs, 3rd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Salzburg,
Austria, September 14.
, Stochastic Lagrangian footprint calculations over inhomogeneous
surface, 2nd INTAS Footprint Workshop, Schloss Turnau, Turnau,
September 30.
J. SCHEFTER, Berechnung des Umkugelmittelpunktes eines
Tetraeders mittels MATHEMATICA, 2nd Workshop ``Computeralgebra
MATHEMATICA'', WIAS, Berlin, April 26.
I. SCHMELZER, Grid generation and geometry description
with COG, 17th GAMM Seminar Leipzig on Construction of Grid Generation
Algorithms, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften,
Leipzig, February 3.
G. SCHMIDT, Zum optimalen Entwurf optischer
Beugungsgitter, Universität Stuttgart, January 30.
, Asymptotische Entwicklung von Randintegraloperatoren,
Universität Stuttgart, February 6.
, Untersuchungen zur Randpunktmethode, BMBF Workshop ``Moderne
numerische Methoden zur Lösung der Helmholtzgleichung'', Stuttgart,
March 2.
, Optimal design of diffraction gratings, First SIAM-EMS Conference
``Applied Mathematics in our Changing World'', Berlin,
September 6.
, On the optimal design of diffraction gratings, University of
Tokyo, Japan, November 26.
, Zu mathematischen Problemen der diffraktiven Optik, Technische
Universität Chemnitz, December 6.
K.R. SCHNEIDER, Canards und Kalziumoszillationen, WIAS
Colloquium ``Mathematical Modeling of Biochemical Processes'', Berlin,
February 22.
, Vibrational control of singularly perturbed systems, Technische
Universität Ilmenau, May 11.
, Oszillationen und Erregbarkeit von Halbleiterlasern,
Universität Würzburg, June 22.
, A method to determine the dimension of long-time dynamics in
multi-scale systems, First SIAM-EMS Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our
Changing World'', Berlin, September 3.
, Eine Methode zur Abschätzung der Dimension der Langzeitdynamik
in Mehrskalensystemen, GAMM Expert Committee Meeting ``Dynamik und
Regelungstheorie'', Universität Karlsruhe, November 19.
J. SCHOENMAKERS, Term structure dynamics endogenously
induced by multi-asset markets, Conference Risk 2001 Europe, Paris, France,
April 10.
, Correlation structure in LIBOR market models, calibration to caps
and swaptions, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands,
May 8.
V. SCHULZ, Parameterschätzung und Formoptimierung
bei Bingham-Fluiden, Universität Augsburg, March 6.
, Multigrid optimization in applications, FORTWIHR Conference,
Erlangen, March 13.
, Multigrid optimization in applications, University of Tokyo,
Japan, April 21.
, Mehrgittermethoden für Sattelpunktprobleme, Universität
Potsdam, May 4.
, Parameterschätzung und Formoptimierung bei Bingham-Fluiden,
Institutskolloquium, WIAS, May 7.
, Parameter estimation in flow problems, Workshop ``Schnelle
Löser für partielle Differentialgleichungen'', Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, May 30.
, Parameter estimation and shape optimization for Bingham fluids,
Fifth SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications, San Diego, USA,
July 11.
N. SCURTU, Taylor-Couette-System für Newton'sche
Fluide mit asymmetrischen Randbedingungen, Workshop ``Strukturbildung und
Stabilität in rotierenden Systemen'', Brandenburgische Technische
Universität Cottbus, March 12.
J. SIEBER, Dynamik in longitudinalen Modellen von
Halbleiterlasern, Research Seminar ``Algebro-Differentialgleichungen'',
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, January 31.
, Dynamics of semiconductor lasers, Senior Seminar ``Nichtlineare
Dynamik'', WIAS, Berlin, July 12.
, Numerical bifurcation analysis of lasers with short external cavity
using mode approximations, WIAS Workshop ``Dynamics of Semiconductor
Lasers'', Berlin, September 14.
, Bifurcations in lasers with short external cavity, Seminar
``Mathematische Modelle der Photonik'', WIAS, Berlin,
October 25.
, Bifurcation analysis for lasers with delayed feedback, WIAS
Colloquium ``Excitability in lasers'', Berlin, December 14.
V. SPOKOINY, Structure adaptive methods for dimension
reduction, Université Catholique de Louvaine, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium,
February 7.
, Struktur adaptiver Methoden der Bildverarbeitung, Universität
Bremen, March 22.
, Structure adaptive methods in dimension reduction, Institut Henri
Poincaré, Paris, France, May 20.
, Varying coefficient modelling with applications to volatility
estimation, Colloque Dystoch, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France,
June 14.
, Realized volatility and covariance forecasting for stock returns,
WIAS Workshop on High-Dimensional Nonlinear Statistical Modelling, Wulkow,
September 16.
, Varying coefficient modelling by adaptive weights, Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, October 5.
, Structural adaptive estimation, Bayer AG, Leverkusen,
November 29.
, Adaptive methods in nonparametric estimation, 4 talks,
Université Catholique de Louvaine, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium,
February 6-17.
J. SPREKELS, Hysteresis operators in phase-field
systems, University of Warsaw, ICM, Poland, January 5.
, Mathematik -- Schlüsseltechnologie des 21. Jahrhunderts,
URANIA, Berlin, March 16.
, Mathematik -- Schlüsseltechnologie des 21. Jahrhunderts,
Walther-Rathenau-Oberschule, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, April 5.
, Hysteresis operators in phase-field modelling, Workshop
``Phasenübergänge'', Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
May 1.
, Mathematik -- Schlüssel für neue Technologien, Forum
Adlershof e. V., Berlin, May 8.
, Laudatio anlässlich der Verleihung der Ehrenpromotion an Herrn
Prof. Dr. K.-H. Hoffmann durch die Universität Augsburg, Augsburg,
June 18.
, On nonlocal phase transition models for non-conserved order
parameters, Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Matematica, Italy,
September 19.
J. SPREKELS, P. KREJCÍ, Phase-field
systems with multidimensional Prandtl-Ishlinskii operators, The Third
International Symposium on Hysteresis and Micromagnetics Modeling (HMM'01),
The George Washington University, Virginia Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, USA,
May 22.
H. STEPHAN, Wie kann man 4 Liter mit 8-, 5- und
3-Litergefäßen abmessen?, Berlin Day of Mathematics,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, May 19.
, Lyapunov-Funktionen für eine Klasse von
Fokker-Planck-Gleichungen, Seminar ``Funktionalanalytische Methoden''
(Langenbach-Seminar), WIAS, Berlin, May 30.
, Modellierung und Simulation von Bauelementen für Schaltkreise
der Leistungselektronik, DFG Colloquium ``Halbleiterbauelemente hoher
Leistung'', Bremen, September 26.
A. STURM, About convergence to the heat equation with
colored noise, Berliner Kolloquium Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, WIAS, Berlin,
November 21.
D. TIBA, On the optimization of arches, First SIAM-EMS
Conference ``Applied Mathematics in our Changing World'', Berlin,
September 6.
D. TURAEV, Complicated dynamics in the Newhouse
regions, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA, February 6.
, Smooth approximations to scattering billiards, University of
Georgia, Atlanta, USA, May 18.
, Elliptic periodic orbits near homoclinic bifurcations, SIAM
Conference ``Dynamical Systems - VI'', Snowbird, Utah, USA,
May 21.
, On dynamics of laser models, The Israeli Mathematical Union,
Applied Mathematics Meeting, Rehovot, Israel, June 7.
, Dimension estimates and homoclinic bifurcations, The Weizmann
Institute, Rehovot, Israel, June 10.
, On homoclinic and superhomoclinic orbits, Workshop ``Numerical
Methods in Homoclinic Bifurcations'', University of Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 21.
, Elliptic periodic orbits near homoclinic bifurcations, Conference
``Nonlinear Dynamics'', Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 4.
, Dimension estimates and homoclinic bifurcations, ICTP School and
Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Trieste, Italy, August 17.
W. WAGNER, Diffusion, coagulation, and stochastic
numerics, Conference ``Stochastic Numerics 2001'', Zürich, Switzerland,
February 2.
, A new kinetic equation for dense gases, Meeting ``Asymptotic and
Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations'', Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach, April 16.
, The limiting kinetic equation of the Consistent Boltzmann Algorithm
for dense gases, Workshop ``Computational Kinetic Theory: Mesoscale
Applications'', Lyon, France, May 28.
, Gelation phenomena: Conjectures and numerical observations,
Miniworkshop ``Stochastic Models for Coagulation Processes'', Mathematisches
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, August 22.
, Stochastic, analytic and numerical aspects of coagulation
processes, Third IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Salzburg, Austria,
September 13.
, Stochastic algorithms and their limiting kinetic equations,
Yokohama National University, Japan, October 10.
, Stochastic algorithms and their limiting kinetic equations, Kyoto
University, Japan, October 22.
, Stochastic algorithms for coagulation processes, TMR Workshop
``Numerical and Asymptotic Methods for Kinetic Equations'', Saarbrücken,
November 30.
W. WEISS, An upper bound for the critical Mach number
in the calculation of shock waves with the moment theory, International
Conference on Continuum Mechanics & Thermodynamics (ISIMM), Potsdam,
July 30.
K. WILMANSKI, Asymptotic solutions of dynamical
problems for porous and granular materials, 2nd Euroconference
``Mathematical Foundations of Geomechanics'', Innsbruck, Austria,
February 14.
, Interfaces in porous materials, Workshop on Methods of Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics in an Environmental, Geophysical and Climatological
Context, Seeheim-Jugenheim, March 20.
, Modeling of drainage in poroelastic materials, Università di
Milano, Italy, April 20.
, Hyperbolic field equations for porous bodies, Conference on
Differential Equations and Related Topics, dedicated to the Centenary
Anniversary of Ivan G. Petrovskii, Moscow, Russia, May 24.
, Some problems of surface and nonlinear waves in porous materials,
XIth International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media
(WASCOM), Porto Ercole, Italy, July 8.
, Propagation of sound and surface waves in porous materials,
International Symposium on Structured Media, Poznan, Poland,
September 17.
, Rheologische Zustandsgleichungen von Hantellösungen,
Thermodynamisches Seminar, WIAS, Berlin, November 9.
, Thermodynamics of immiscible mixtures, 12 talks, Università di
Torino, Italy, April 24-27.
M. WOLFRUM, A new criterion for heteroclinic
connections in scalar parabolic PDE, EQUADIFF 10, Prague, Czech Republic,
August 31.
, Hopf instabilities of lasers with short external resonator, WIAS
Workshop ``Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers'', Berlin,
September 14.
, Dynamische Effekte in integrierten Halbleiterlaser-Bauelementen,
Institutskolloquium, WIAS, Berlin, October 15.
K. ZACHARIAS, Geometrie für schlechte Zeiten oder
was Napoleon aus Italien mitbrachte, Berlin Day of Mathematics,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, May 19.