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- 1
H. BABOVSKY, An inverse model problem in kinetic theory, Inverse
Problems, 11 (1995), pp. 555--570.
- 2
H. BABOVSKY, M. RESCH, Workstation clustering: A powerful
tool for numerical simulation in flight sciences and space research,
Flugwiss. Weltraumforschung, 19 (1995), pp. 253--258.
- 3
H. G. BOTHE, The Hausdorff dimension of certain solenoids,
Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems, 15 (1995), pp. 449--474.
- 4
states of the Hopfield model with extensively many patterns, J. Statist.
Phys., 79 (1995), pp. 395--414.
- 5
, Large deviation
principles for the Hopfield and the Kac-Hopfield model, Probab. Theory
Related Fields, 101 (1995), pp. 511--546.
- 6
A. BOVIER, J.-M. GHEZ, Remarks on the spectral properties
of tight-binding and Kroning-Penney models with substitution sequences,
J. Phys. A, 28 (1995), pp. 2313--2324.
- 7
, Schroedinger
operators generated by substitutions, in Proc. of the 5th International
Conference on Quasicrystals, 22-26 May 1995, Avignon, France,
C. Janot, R. Mosseri, eds., World-Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
- 8
G. BRUCKNER, On the regularization of the ill-posed logarithmic
kernel integral equation of the first kind, Inverse Problems, 11 (1995),
pp. 65--77.
- 9
N. BUBNER, A mathematical model for deformation--driven experiments
on shape memory alloys, in Computational Modelling of Free and Moving
Boundary Problems III, L. Wrobel, B. Sarler,
C. Brebbia, eds., Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Boston,
1995, pp. 109--116.
- 10
, Modellierung
dehnungsgesteuerter Phasenübergänge in Formgedächtnislegierungen,
Berichte aus der Mathematik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1995.
- 11
K. BÜHRING, A quadrature method for the hypersingular integral
equation on an interval, J. Integral Equations Appl., 7 (1995),
pp. 263--301.
- 12
P. COLLI, J. SPREKELS, Global solution to the full
one-dimensional Frémond model for shape memory alloys, Math. Methods
Appl. Sci., 18 (1995), pp. 371--385.
- 13
, On a
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system of relaxed Stefan type, Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata,
CLXIX (1995), pp. 269--289.
- 14
D. DAWSON, K. FLEISCHMANN, Super-Brownian motions in
higher dimensions with absolutely continuous measure states, J. Theoret.
Probab., 8 (1995), pp. 179--206.
- 15
Super-Brownian motions in catalytic media, in Branching processes:
Proc. of the First World Congress, C. Heyde, ed., 1995, pp. 122--134.
vol. 99 of Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer.
- 16
R. DUDUCHAVA, S. PRÖSSDORF, On the approximation of
singular integral equations by equations with smooth kernels, Integral
Equations Operator Theory, 21 (1995), pp. 224--237.
- 17
D. ELLIOTT, S. PRÖSSDORF, An algorithm for the
approximate solution of integral equations of Mellin type, Numer. Math.,
70 (1995), pp. 427--452.
- 18
J. ELSCHNER, I. GRAHAM, An optimal order collocation method
for first kind boundary integral equations on polygons, Numer. Math., 70
(1995), pp. 1--31.
- 19
K. FLEISCHMANN, J.-F. LEGALL, A new approach to the single
point catalytic super-Brownian motion, Probab. Theory Related Fields, 102
(1995), pp. 63--82.
- 20
H. GAJEWSKI, On the uniqueness of solutions to the drift-diffusion
model of semiconductor devices, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 4 (1995), pp. 121
-- 133.
- 21
G. HEBERMEHL, Portabilität und Adaption von Software der
linearen Algebra für Distributed Memory Computer, in Software
Engineering im Scientific Computing, W. Mackens, S. M. Rump, eds.,
Universität Hamburg, 1995, pp. 31--33.
- 22
G. HEBERMEHL, F.-K. HÜBNER, Basic Linear Algebra
Communication Subprograms (BLACS) for the PowerXplorer, in
PowerXplorer User Report, J. Knop, P. Schreiber, eds.,
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 1995, pp. 258--262.
- 23
F. HERZEL, K.-E. EHWALD, B. HEINEMANN, D. KRÜGER, R. KURPS, W. RÖPKE, H.-P. ZEINDL, Deconvolution of narrow boron SIMS depth profiles in
Si and SiGe, Surface and interface analysis, 23 (1995), pp. 764--770.
- 24
D. HÖMBERG, A mathematical model for the phase transitions in
eutectoid carbon steel, IMA J. Appl. Math., 54 (1995), pp. 31--57.
- 25
D. HORN, Entwicklung eines Solvers für große Systeme von
Differentialgleichungen der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik auf
Parallelrechnern, in Software Engineering im Scientific Computing,
W. Mackens, S. M. Rump, eds., Universität Hamburg, 1995,
pp. 37--38.
- 26
D. IOFFE, Exact large deviation bounds up to
for the Ising
model in two dimensions, Probab. Theory Related Fields, 102 (1995),
pp. 313--330.
- 27
H.-C. KAISER, J. REHBERG, On stationary
Schrödinger--Poisson equations, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 75 (1995),
pp. 467--468.
- 28
KARMESHU, H. SCHURZ, Effects of distributed delays on the
stability of structures under seismic excitation and multiplicative noise,
SADHANA, 20 (1995), pp. 451--474,.
- 29
, Stochastic stability
of structures under active control with distributed time delays, in
Applications of Statistics and Probability, M. Lemaire, J. L.
Favre, A. Mebarki, eds., A.A. Balkema Publishers,
Rotterdam, 1995, pp. 1111--1119.
- 30
preconditioning on the refined interface and optimal boundary solvers for the
Laplace equation, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 4 (1995),
pp. 331--355.
- 31
O. KLEIN, Stability and uniqueness results for a numerical
approximation of the thermomechanical phase transitions in shape memory
alloys, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 5 (1995), pp. 91--116.
- 32
An analysis of crystal dissolution fronts in flows through porous media.
Part 1: Compatible boundary conditions, Adv. Water Resources, 18 (1995),
pp. 171--185.
- 33
D. KRÜGER, J. SCHLOTE, W. RÖPKE, R. KURPS, C. QUICK, Shallow junction formation by
phosphorus diffusion from in situ spike--doped chemical vapor deposited
amorphus silicon, Microelectronic Engineering, 26 (1995), pp. 119--129.
- 34
A. KUNOTH, Multilevel preconditioning -- Appending boundary
conditions by Lagrange multipliers, Adv. Comp. Math., Special Issue
Multiscale Meth., 4 (1995), pp. 145--170.
- 35
O. LEPSKI, V. SPOKOINY, Local adaptivity to inhomogeneous
smoothness. Resolution level, Math. Methods Statistics, 4 (1995), pp. 239
-- 258,.
- 36
G. N. MILSTEIN, Numerical Integration of Stochastic Differential
Equations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1995.
- 37
, The solution of the
first boundary value problem for parabolic equations by integration of
stochastic equations, Theory Probab. Appl., 40 (1995), pp. 657--665.
- 38
, The solving of
boundary value problems by numerical integration of stochastic equations,
Math. Comp. Simulation, 38 (1995), pp. 77--85.
- 39
G. N. MILSTEIN, L. B. RYASHKO, A first approximation of the
quasipotential in problems of the stability of systems with random
non-degenerate perturbations, J. Appl. Math. Mech., 59 (1995), pp. 47--56.
- 40
R. MODEL, R. HÜNLICH, M. ORLT, M. WALZEL, Image reconstruction for random media by diffusion
tomography, Proc. SPIE, 2389 (1995), pp. 400--410.
- 41
Imaging in random media: Simulating light transport by numerical
integration of the diffusion equation, Proc. SPIE, 2326 (1995), pp. 11--22.
- 42
H.-J. MUCHA, Xclust: Clustering in an interactive way, in XploRe:
an Interactive Statistical Computing Environment, W. Härdle,
S. Klinke, B. A. Turlach, eds., Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1995, pp. 141--168, Series Statistics and Computing.
- 43
W. MÜLLER, K. R. SCHNEIDER, Application of center
manifold theory to the feedback stabilization of nonlinear discrete-time
systems, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 75 -- SI (1995), pp. S95 -- S96.
- 44
M. NEUMANN, V. SPOKOINY, On the efficiency of wavelet
estimators under arbitrary error distributions, Math. Methods Statistics, 4
(1995), pp. 137 -- 166.
- 45
M. H. NEUMANN, Discussion to the paper ``Wavelet shrinkage:
Asymptopia?'' by Donoho et. al., J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B, 57
(1995), pp. 346--347.
- 46
M. H. NEUMANN, R. V. SACHS, Wavelet thresholding: Beyond
the Gaussian i.i.d. situation, in Wavelets and Statistics, A. Antoniadis,
ed., Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer, 1995.
- 47
M. NUSSBAUM, Discussion to the paper ``Wavelet shrinkage:
Asymptopia?'' by Donoho et. al., J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B, 57
(1995), pp. 348--349.
- 48
A. RATHSFELD, Nyström's method and iterative solvers for the
solution of the double-layer potential equation over polyhedral boundaries,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 32 (1995), pp. 924--951.
- 49
, A wavelet algorithm
for the solution of the double layer potential equation over polygonal
boundaries, J. Integral Equations Appl., 7 (1995), pp. 47--98.
- 50
L. RECKE, Applications of the implicit function theorem to
quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems with non-smooth data, Comm.
Partial Differential Equations, 20 (1995), pp. 1457 -- 1479.
- 51
J. REHBERG, H.-C. KAISER, About a stationary
Schrödinger--Poisson system modeling quantum structures, in The
Fourth International Seminar on Simulation of Devices and Technologies,
ISSDT'95, Berg--en--Dal, South Africa, 15 -- 17 November 1995, Carl and Emily
Fuchs Institute for Microelectronics (CEFIM) -- University of Pretoria --,
Nov. 1995, pp. 174--177.
- 52
standardisierter numerischer Basis-Software auf Workstations, in
Software Engineering im Scientific Computing, W. Mackens, S. M.
Rump, eds., Universität Hamburg, 1995, pp. 75--77.
- 53
B. SANDSTEDE, A. SCHEEL, Forced symmetry breaking of
homoclinic cycles, Nonlinearity, 8 (1995), pp. 333 -- 365.
- 54
Systematic classification of LPCVD processes, J. Physique II, C5 (1995),
pp. C5--283--C5--290.
- 55
J. SCHMELING, R. WINKLER, Typical dimension of the graph of
certain functions, Monatsh. Math., 119 (1995), pp. 303--320.
- 56
E. THOMÄ, R. TRIBIAHN, Entwicklungen bei
Patentdatenbanken, Nachr. Dokumentation, 46 (1995), pp. 331--340.
- 57
Online-Patentdatenbanken: Vergleich von Inhalt, Struktur und
Recherchemöglichkeiten, in 17. Online-Tagung der DGD : ,,Online und
darüber hinaus... Tendenzen der Informationsvermittlung``, Frankfurt am
Main, 1995, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation, pp. 139--154.
- 58
W. WAGNER, Approximation of the Boltzmann equation by discrete
velocity models, J. Statist. Phys., 78 (1995), pp. 1555--1570.
- 59
, Random discrete
velocity models and particle simulation schemes for the Boltzmann
equation, in Rarefield Gas Dynamics, J. Harvey, G. Lord, eds.,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995, pp. 836--842.
- 60
, Stochastic particle
methods and approximation of the Boltzmann equation, Math. Comp.
Simulation, 38 (1995), pp. 211--216.
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