Validation in Statistics and Machine Learning
6-7 October 2010
The slides of the presentations are online.Organizing Committee
- Nicole Krämer
WIAS Berlin - Anne-Laure Boulesteix
LMU Munich
Local Organizing Committee
- Nicole Krämer
WIAS Berlin - Christine Schneider
WIAS Berlin
Call for Posters
We invite poster submissions that fit into the scope and topics of the workshop. For submission, please provide an extended abstract (max. 500 words) in plain text in the registration form.The size of the poster should be A0 (841 x 1189 mm).
Important Dates
- Deadline for poster abstract submissions: 02 September 2010
- Notification of poster submissions: 08 September 2010
- Registration deadline: 22 September 2010
- Workshop: 6-7 October 2010


Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Mohrenstrasse 39
10117 Berlin