GAMM Lecture Notes in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

ISSN 2197-6724

This Lecture Notes series is published jointly by the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM) and by Springer Verlag.

Cover Main editors
Alexander Mielke, WIAS Berlin
Bob Svendsen, RWTH Aachen

Associate editors
Helmut Abels, Uni Regensburg
Marek Behr, RWTH Aachen
Peter Eberhard, Uni Stuttgart
Klaus Hackl, Uni Bochum
Axel Klawonn, Uni Köln
Karsten Urban, Uni Ulm

The Lecture Notes in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics LAMM are intended for an interdisciplinary readership in the fields of applied mathematics and mechanics. This series is published under the auspices of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (IAAMM; German GAMM). Topics of interest include for example focus areas of the IAAMM such as: foundations of mechanics, thermodynamics, material theory and modeling, multibody dynamics, structural mechanics, solid mechanics, biomechanics, damage, fracture, multiscale modeling and homogenization, fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, laminar flows and transition, turbulence and reactive flows, interface flows, acoustics, waves, applied analysis, mathematical modeling, calculus of variations, variational principles, applied operator theory, evolutionary equations, applied stochastics, systems with uncertainty, dynamical systems, control theory, optimization, applied and numerical linear algebra, analysis and numerics of ordinary and partial differential equations. Each contribution to the series is intended to be accessible to researchers in mathematics and mechanics and is written in English. The aim of the series is to provide introductory texts for modern developments in applied mathematics and mechanics contributing to cross-fertilization. The Lecture Notes are aimed at researchers as well as advanced masters and PhD students in both mechanics and mathematics. Contributions to the series are self-contained and focused on a few central themes. The goal of each contribution is the communication of modern ideas and principles rather than on completeness or detailed proofs. Like lecture notes from a course, a well-chosen example is preferable to an abstract framework that cannot be comprehended without deeper involvement. The typical length of each contribution is between 100 and 300 pages. If the lecture notes represent the proceedings of a summer school with several contributors, a unified, consistent presentation and style are required (e.g., common notation). In exceptional cases, doctoral theses may be accepted, if they fulfill the above-mentioned criteria. Potential contributors should contact the appropriate editor with a title, table of contents, and a sample chapter. Full manuscripts accepted by the editors will then be peer-reviewed. more...

Volume 1: Erwin Stein (editor).
The History of Theoretical, Material and Computational Mechanics - Mathematics Meets Mechanics and Engineering, 2014.
With 23 contributions by
A. Bertram, H.Bremer, O.T. Bruhns, T. Döge, W. Ehlers, L. Gaul, N. Gebbeken, M. Gerstner, J.A.T. Gray, D. Gross, E. Krause, E. Lehmann, R. Mahnken, O. Mahrenholtz, A. Patrick, A. Ponter,
V.L. Popov, E. Ramm, W. Schiehlen, P.R. Schmitt, S. Selvadurai, H. Sockel, E. Stein, P. Steinmann, A. Trierenberg, J.F. Wagner, D. Weichert,

Volume 2: Paul Steinmann.
Geometrical Foundations of Continuum Mechanics. (An Application to First- and Second-Order Elasticity and Elasto-Plasticity), 2015.

Volume 3: Adrian Muntean, Jens D. M. Rademacher, Antonios Zagaris (editors).
Macroscopic and Large Scale Phenomena:
Coarse Graining, Mean Field Limits and Ergodicity, 2016
pp 1-148: F. Golse. On the Dynamics of Large Particle Systems in the Mean Field Limit
pp 149-186: L. Scardia. Continuum Limits of Discrete Models via Gamma-Convergence
pp 187-249: A. Mielke. On Evolutionary-Convergence for Gradient Systems
pp 187-249: M. Göll, E. Verbitskiy. Homoclinic Points of Principal Algebraic Actions

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